Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Transforming Your Daily Routine: The Power of Adaptable Habits

December 10, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 80
Transforming Your Daily Routine: The Power of Adaptable Habits
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Transforming Your Daily Routine: The Power of Adaptable Habits
Dec 10, 2023 Season 5 Episode 80
Jen Parker

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Have you ever wondered how simple changes in your daily routine could impact your life in extraordinary ways?

What are the key foundations for having better days? Learn what they are and how you can set yourself up for success for your mental and physical well-being.

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Have you ever wondered how simple changes in your daily routine could impact your life in extraordinary ways?

What are the key foundations for having better days? Learn what they are and how you can set yourself up for success for your mental and physical well-being.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another podcast episode of the Calm Compass. So in today's podcast, I really want to talk to you about the some of those things that you can do every single day that are really going to support you to have better days to come, so the days that you feel may not be a really good day. This is even more important than ever to do these practices and the outlook like what do we do? And we've got to understand that when we're hearing something new, just to be open, to be curious, when we're hearing new information, even if we may have heard it before, just coming from that really curious perspective. So, when we are creating change, we always sometimes want that golden nugget like what's that? One thing that I can do that's just going to be like transforming.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes, when people who have been doing this work consistently it's not things that we haven't probably heard before, and we have to be ready to action and implement these practices or this outlook, and consistency is definitely such a key thing of how do we maintain those habits, how do we keep going, even in the times that we're like, oh, I don't want to do this right. So one of the things that is really important, even before you wake up, is sleep. You may have heard about it, and sleep is such a key thing in reducing stress and if we don't get enough, that absolutely is such a key factor of contributing to stress and a lot of other chronic health conditions. And what I would invite you to do is, if you find that you're someone who is not been sleeping either, you find that your ruminating and your thoughts are sort of circulating please go and speak to someone. Go and speak to your GP, or go and speak to a counsellor or a medical health professional who can give you some support in regards to if you find that you have quite thoughts that come up, especially at night time, because it's still. We're still with our thoughts and we don't always know how to do that. So that would be one suggestion, and sometimes there's also medical reasons why you're not sleeping. It could be hormonal changes, there could be other health conditions.

Speaker 1:

So it's always worthwhile really looking at the body and the mind as a whole, integral thing, not just waiting for when we start noticing things in our health. We need to get to the core root, and our mind does work very closely with our body, and so what I would suggest is really getting you know, familiar with, maybe a naturopath, an Ayurveda practitioner or your local GP, to start looking at how they can support you if there are other reasons of why you're not sleeping. So that's going to play such a big role even before you actually start the day and when we wake up for the day, if we're not in a state of feeling ready or feeling good and we're already feeling like, oh, I feel stressed, I need like three cups of tea to function, then we're already in a very highly stressed state. We just may not have the awareness or we may be so used to it. So having starting the day on the right foot always helps, and what we can also understand is maybe looking at it from more of a philosophy of how you choose to start the day, what's important, and, for me, having a bit of a moment where I have that stillness, I go in cycles. So for me, I go in cycles of what I do and how I do it and what time of day I do it. And I you know, at the moment what I am doing is I'm being very mindful when I'm drinking my tea in the morning. So I'm being very present and mindful and usually the boys come in and we sometimes read books or we might have a hug in bed or whatever. But I'm very present when I've got my tea, on the present moment, and that really helps to just be here right here, right now, and sometimes, like at the moment, I'm reading like some self-development books, and that really helps. So only a couple of pages right, might be just like three pages realistically, and maybe if I've got time for the rest of the day I'll read some more, but that just helps me. I might do that actually after I've had stillness for a little bit and some other things that are really key blocks for me, key building blocks to help me have better day, and better days is actually that of stillness and breathwork. Breathwork helps me in those moments to really regulate my central nervous system, to support my central nervous system and to do the body mind connection work. So that could be that I might.

Speaker 1:

You know you don't have to do all of your things straight away like all in one sitting. It might be that you do your journaling, you have your stillness and then you go and attend to your kids and you know that they're entertained and you do something else. So I usually do that, possibly before, usually before or after I do yoga, and I do yoga in my like I've got a room that I do my yoga and my meditation in, but you could really do it anywhere and you can. There's so many free apps. You know, sometimes we over complicated and things, but at the moment I actually am part of an amazing membership for yoga and it's really supportive. So those are some of those things that I do every day.

Speaker 1:

And then it's about, for me, some of that rewiring work that I do daily and that's about basically rewiring my brain. Like all of the beliefs that come up, right, we notice what they are. They're usually very negatively biased of what we don't like about ourselves, what's not working. So it's training our mind of what we are gonna start noticing. So you know, you might write a few things of what you want, your perfect, how you wanna feel every day. And I do this with music and really loud and my kids just think you know, they just laugh at me because they think it's great and they know the words of some of the.

Speaker 1:

You know what I say. You know one of the very first things I say is I wake up feeling grounded and deeply connected and feel inspired, and that has become my reality. Even when there's so much going on, especially having a child with additional needs, it still helps to anchor me into that present moment. So, yes, I'm very grateful for that. And then there's, like, everyone's very different, so you know, it's finding those blocks that are really gonna support you. You know what am I? How am I, how am I choosing to speak to myself? When I look at myself in the mirror, like all of these foundational blocks that really build that. You know, how I feel about myself is so important. How I talk to myself is so important, because I'm a mum but my kids model me, so I have to ensure that I feel good about myself and doing that work, even if it's just a little bit each day, that we just remind ourselves of just truly how amazing we are and our subconscious programming is.

Speaker 1:

We don't want to have it too far fetched of things that we don't believe. It might just be looking at what you do and appreciate about yourselves. I really love doing and this is a beautiful thing. I used to do this when I did a lot of circles and it's looking at your parts of your body, of looking at it from a gratitude perspective, but what it has given you. So I'll give you a few examples. So I'm truly grateful for my eyes. They have seen so many beautiful things and they've seen my children. I'm so truly grateful for my feet. They have walked all over the world and they have carried me through good times and bad times and you know, you can put your own spin on it.

Speaker 1:

So those are some of those foundational blocks that I find really supportive for me every day, and you can sort of mix it up. You don't have to do the same thing every day, but just mix it up and understand that just we are like seasons as well, so we might be more doing one particular thing every day for a while and then we might do something else that we're called to do, and that's okay. Let's just celebrate. It's really about doing things that are going to support you so you can cope in those times that might feel a bit more difficult or challenging and you can really celebrate the days that feel amazing as well. So I hope you enjoyed today's podcast episode. I would love you to tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching and share the episode on your socials. Have the most amazing day.

Daily Practices for Better Days
Foundational Blocks and Celebrating Life