Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Boosting Your Journey Around the Sun: Birthday lessons

December 12, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 82
Boosting Your Journey Around the Sun: Birthday lessons
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Boosting Your Journey Around the Sun: Birthday lessons
Dec 12, 2023 Season 5 Episode 82
Jen Parker

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A special birthday episode is coming, filled with wisdom and lessons I've learned in my journey around the sun.

It's my birthday today and a great way to reflect on my lessons this year in 2023.

Birthdays are a great way to reflect on learning about yourself and life.

Don't forget to tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching.

And if you resonate with this episode, leave a generous five-star review. Let's get started on this exploration of self-love and personal growth!

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A special birthday episode is coming, filled with wisdom and lessons I've learned in my journey around the sun.

It's my birthday today and a great way to reflect on my lessons this year in 2023.

Birthdays are a great way to reflect on learning about yourself and life.

Don't forget to tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching.

And if you resonate with this episode, leave a generous five-star review. Let's get started on this exploration of self-love and personal growth!

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Download your FREE GUIDE to support you with stress and overwhelm.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Calm Compass podcast. So, if you haven't already, make sure that you subscribe to the podcast and share on your socials and tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching. We love hearing from you. Well, it's just me, so I love hearing from you and I'm so grateful. So in today's podcast episode very special because it is my birthday and I wanted to do things very differently today on the podcast and really about some of those life lessons of over the last year, of really what sort of landed for myself and what my biggest take away's are and doing things a little bit differently.

Speaker 1:

So sometimes we can have all sorts of emotions when it comes to birthdays. I think I'm going to be honest. Sometimes I feel that I don't always celebrate because it is two weeks before Christmas and sometimes I can leave feeling maybe a little bit disappointed, but I've realized that it's up to me to make myself my number one priority and to enjoy those moments of life and really celebrating the person that I have become every single day. So some of the things that I have learned is really about that radical self-love and acceptance. We can feel like we take our power away when we start thinking someone else needs to believe in ourselves. One of the key things that I have learned and that I would love to bestow upon you is really about learning about. Radical self-love is something that is a journey, but if you really want to deepen your relationship with yourself and you want to have a happier life, it's cultivating radical self-love and that basically means that when you do something, rather than being persecuting yourself for making a good or bad decision, you're looking at it and being curious about what's happening. Why am I so reactive or what's happening here and being kind to ourselves. And it is a journey. So that radical self-love and acceptance has been such a big one this year of just being kind and looking at everything that I have achieved and so much more than we have to look at the journey that the more that I focus on myself, the more that I can show up for my family, the more that I can show up for my clients, the more that I can really make a huge legacy and show up for all the other women who are experiencing a very similar experience. And when we're looking at, we're taking the power away from ourselves by basically asking someone else to believe in ourselves, and sometimes we can do that unconsciously, maybe through relationships, through taking on particular work, projects or jobs, whatever it is that we have to start cultivating that self-trust and self-belief in ourselves that we are worthy, and not looking just at the results of today, but looking at the, what we actually want to leave. And that leads me into looking at sometimes.

Speaker 1:

We live in a world where we're very highly reactive, we're wanting results very quickly and, especially when we're feeling quite overwhelmed and stressed, we're expecting things to work quite quickly and my, my, my behaviour and my, my. If I could give you any suggestions, it would be that this is a journey and for me this has taken time and we just got to come from that perspective. And it's very easy to compare our journey to someone else, but you do not know what they have gone through and I know that is something that comparison is such a joy a thief of joy, it really is. It's so easy to look at someone else and make an assumption about they're doing all these other things, but you really do not know and it just makes you feel crap. So the only person you really should be comparing yourself is to the person that you were yesterday or the day before, or look how far you've come and look at really about what you want to become, and then really getting into that creative juice of actually, when we're looking at what we're wanting for our life, when we can be super passionate and like this is what I want to create and not just looking at the validation of others. But what is the impact? Why do I want to do that? And it really you start feeling about things differently, you start showing up differently and you start getting super excited and this is, it sounds obvious, but having fun.

Speaker 1:

Having fun looking at it from a very playful perspective, and we can get so built down in work, in doing things the right way, especially if we are mothers. We're wanting to raise our children. We really want them to be the best people we can be. They can be, but sometimes we are so in that of everything being perfect. But there's no such thing. You're going to just completely time is going to go by and you won't be being mindful and present in that moment and just letting yourself go sometimes and having fun and seeing the playful side of things. You know, letting that inner child come out and you know just having fun, enjoying yourself, however that might look and feel to you and this is really obvious, but sometimes we are, so we use words like, oh you know, if I, you know, pass away or whatever. We all know that we are here on earth for a period of time. We don't know how long we are here and it's coming to well.

Speaker 1:

It has been an anniversary of my father's passing. He passed away last year and it's made me really look at life is short, and how do you want to live your life? How do you want to enjoy your life? You know, sometimes we can look at when, yeah, but when. And just going out and making it happen now. Time waits for no one. So what that means is we're waiting for these opportune times to start doing that thing and there is no perfect time. We have to just make time and it will all fall into place. How are we going to make that happen? And my vision is so big and I'm getting more excited. I have never felt more aligned about what I am doing, of looking at the body-mind connections and supporting women of brown stress and overwhelm and anxiety, and giving people such holistic and practical tools.

Speaker 1:

That, gosh, I wish I had. I wish I had was taught this. I wish this was part of the curriculum when I went to university, and this has just revolutionised my life so much and that's why I'm so interested. The other life lesson, I think, is just being going back to that reticle self-love I am. You know, sometimes I can go oh golly, you know, oh, you know, oh, oh, and I can notice myself going back into that feeling, you know, quite overwhelmed, very anxious, and at times it's really tricky being a carer. It's really challenging, it's it is. I don't know what the future holds for us. I don't know what the future holds for my son, and that is why I'm doing everything in my power for him.

Speaker 1:

But also, something that is really important is myself. I am a person and before I even became a mother and caregiver, I was a human being and it's important to cultivate that relationship that I have and love the person I am, or I'm going to start resenting, you know, that part and I can. Sometimes, when I start seeing it, I have to practice all of those other things, the things that we feel that we do not have time for. That is when I increase it even more and I'm like, well, this is so powerful and that's really what it's about. You know, life is short and sometimes it's cliche, it sounds corny, but it's just having fun and enjoying the moments and just going with it and having fun along the way and not being too hard on ourselves. So there's some life lessons and I would love to hear Share on your own Tag us at RealVisionLifeCoaching what some of your lessons that you've learned about yourself this year and the end of the year is such a beautiful way of like doing a bit of a stock of what you've learnt.

Speaker 1:

You know being kind to yourself, what you've done really well. You know all of those things, but you know what? Doing something like this every year of like what have been the lessons that I've learned about myself, what have I really taken that has really sunk in, and sometimes things that we've heard so many times, but it's really about this is really. This was the biggest lesson that I learned to myself and life in general. So I hope you enjoyed today's podcast episode. If you enjoyed the podcast, I would love you to give us five star review on Apple or Spotify and share us your review on socials, instagram or Facebook and tag us. I'll put all the details in the show notes. Bye.

Radical Self-Love and Life Fulfillment
Life Lessons and Self-Reflection