Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Conquering Your To-Do List Without Stress Overwhelm

December 16, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 86
Conquering Your To-Do List Without Stress Overwhelm
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Conquering Your To-Do List Without Stress Overwhelm
Dec 16, 2023 Season 5 Episode 86
Jen Parker

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Do you ever feel like your never-ending to-do list is taking over your life?

OMG (guilty) I love a to do list.

 In the latest episode of the Calm Compass podcast, we reveal a game-changing strategy to manage stress and help you prioritise tasks in a way that won't send you into a tailspin of overwhelm.

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Do you ever feel like your never-ending to-do list is taking over your life?

OMG (guilty) I love a to do list.

 In the latest episode of the Calm Compass podcast, we reveal a game-changing strategy to manage stress and help you prioritise tasks in a way that won't send you into a tailspin of overwhelm.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Calm Compass podcast. So in today's podcast episode, we can feel quite overwhelmed when we have many different tasks. I don't know about you, but I do like it to do list. And so, without feeling quite overwhelmed with prioritising our tasks, how do we actually start doing that In the way that it's not going to cause us more stress and overwhelm? By looking at it and going, oh, my God, oh, and you can feel it in your body, right, so prioritising tasks is, and when we can learn this in a really powerful way, it can really support us. And then you do it instinctually, right, and so that means that you know that works for you. And right, this is what I'm going to do, ok, so this, what I invite you to do, ok, is, this is something that, in this podcast, I would suggest getting a pen and paper, so you've got all of the steps handy and then you can go back and go right, how am I going to prioritise my tasks for the day? Ok, now, I have developed this over years.

Speaker 1:

Now, your mind, your ego, is always going to be challenging when you're learning something new, right, and so we always tell people be open, be curious, are learning a different tasks. You might be a complete whiz when it comes to, you know, being overachiever, but I just want you to hear something that also might be supportive, so you don't have that experience of overwhelm. Ok, so the very first thing that you need to write down is brain dump. Ok, so sometimes we have a hundred things in our head of all the things that we want to get done, so sometimes that can be. What can be even more beneficial is just grabbing a pen and paper right, opening a blank document or on your paper. So sorry, I'm not even making sense. You can use a pen and paper or you can open your computer, but I think there is something even more powerful about writing it down. Or subconscious mind works even more powerfully. So I want you to write down everything that comes to mind about your daily tasks. Now, we're not going to just let it go, let it just completely go. Ok, so let your mind just freely dump all all the things that are coming up, big, small, from things like practicing yoga, maybe, to booking an appointment. Ok, don't worry about organizing them just yet. You just, you're just getting it out right.

Speaker 1:

Brain dump first, get it all out. The second thing is review and reflect. So what I want you to do is I want you to look at that list of your brain dump. Ok, read each talk, read each tasks and reflect on its importance, urgency and potential impact.

Speaker 1:

Ok, so, looking at all of this and it might be like, oh, it's all important, right? Ok, looking at deadlines, priorities, and you're also looking at the desired outcome associated with the task. So it may be that you write down a particular project, but in that particular project there's 50 things. So it's been super specific actually what you actually want to get, what needs to be achieved today or overall. Ok, now your brain is just going to be going. Stay with me, stay with me. Choose two focus tasks.

Speaker 1:

Ok, so, from your brain dump list, select two tasks you want to focus on today. Ok, one task can be specific project and the other can be like a standalone project. Ok, and we always want to make sure that what we're doing, with things that we want to do each day, they always align with our values and what's important to us. Ok, right, and you're going oh, but I've got 100 things. I can tell you sometimes, especially when I'm in business, there's 100 things for each thing a lot of the time and we underestimate all of that.

Speaker 1:

The next thing I want you to write is envisage the tasks completed. Ok, so, those things that you've written down, those two tasks. I want you to envisage them already completed and this is where visualization helps you, finishing the result and I want you to sort of immerse yourself in the emotions. Completed with the whole thing. Right, you're really going into that gratitude. Okay, Stick with me. Okay, because when we can look at what that is actually giving you, rather than going oh, yes, I've got to do that again, instead going, oh, I'm so grateful, I've got it done. Yes, getting that feeling, we want to get into that, training our body, but our mind as well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is about cultivating the gratitude and shifting your perspective. Okay, so this is going to be something that you have to start training your brain. You don't do it once. You have to start committing to it. So it's going. How can I do this? How's this going to support myself? And when people go, oh, that didn't work, if you do something once or twice, how can you expect that's going to help you? It's sticking with something, it's being consistent, okay. So this is a really powerful thing that can really support you to thrive when it comes to reducing that experience with overwhelm. Okay, if you found this podcast helpful, please leave us a five star review on Spotify or Apple and share on socials and tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching and have the most amazing day.