Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Part 2: Creating powerful intentions for 2024

December 19, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 89
Part 2: Creating powerful intentions for 2024
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Part 2: Creating powerful intentions for 2024
Dec 19, 2023 Season 5 Episode 89
Jen Parker

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Ready to transform your approach to setting intentions for the new year? 

We will guide you through a powerful process that aligns your goals with what truly brings you joy and fulfilment. Listen to Episode 88 Part 1 (Release and Let go.)

Now, let’s talk about manifesting dreams and the art of letting go. 

Walk into the new year with intentions aligned to your values and that feel good.

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Ready to transform your approach to setting intentions for the new year? 

We will guide you through a powerful process that aligns your goals with what truly brings you joy and fulfilment. Listen to Episode 88 Part 1 (Release and Let go.)

Now, let’s talk about manifesting dreams and the art of letting go. 

Walk into the new year with intentions aligned to your values and that feel good.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Carm Compass podcast. So in this podcast episode sort of following on from our review and reflect and our ability to start creating very powerful intentions for the year that is coming we want to start looking at doing it from a place that makes us feel good. What I mean by that is, if you create intentions of everything that you don't feel fully whole yourself or you're not feeling like this is aligned to my values, you can have that little part of yourself that feels resentful I've got to do this, and so it becomes more of a chore rather than something you're excited to actually do in your life. So the reason that we always do we always look at doing a bit of review and reflect before we even create intentions. We need to actually give ourselves some recognition of what we've actually achieved. But it's also looking at the year that you actually did that so far. Maybe there were a lot of challenges, maybe that it was a really difficult year for you, but there are always glimmers of what you did enjoy and what it did bring you, possibly what you learned about yourself. So it's always looking at, even when the most challenging things are presented to us. It's learning to train our brain essentially of what we can start noticing.

Speaker 1:

And so in this podcast episode it's really about doing part two. It's starting to really look at okay, I've done the review, I've done the review of my previous year, I've looked at what I'm actually willing to let go of so I can step into the year. But, quite honestly, you can do this at any particular point in time. You do not have to do it at the beginning of the year. It's just people always have a different sense of energy, so that's why a lot of the time, people start something new, but obviously we always have to make sure it's aligned to our values. So what we might do is obviously it's important for you to get your journal out and start sort of writing some of these prompts down, to really start thinking about it, and so from part one, you can sort of have a look at that episode. I'll put it in the show notes so you can really make sure that you do that first before stepping in. It's very interesting.

Speaker 1:

Our brain always wants to do what we perceive as like the nice parts. But before we actually start thinking about what's aligned and really creating those powerful intentions, I want you to look at what do you always prioritise on? Okay, so when we're looking at relationships or the relationships you have with your family, friends, all of those relationships you have in your life, do you make time for them and look at, what is so important about those relationships is getting you to understand what am I actually prioritising and some of the time, it's giving us some evidence or indication. Hey, giving us a nudge back. Oh, we focus so much of our time, for example, in our career, that we just need a little redirection and we always need to do that, constantly, right? So it's just looking at the relationships that we have within our life and looking at how do we always make time for them and really being honest with yourself and really looking at sometimes we're doing something with. Our focus is on one part of our life and we're doing it really super well, and it's thinking of like, when you're cooking, your focus is on one stove top. Maybe you're cooking the rice, and so if we're focusing so much on there, yep, it's doing really well, but then we might forget about it and maybe it boils over. So we've always got to just bring our attention back and we've always just got to do that.

Speaker 1:

So then the question is like, looking at, you know what's important to you in relationships not just intimate relationships, but relationships you have with your family how you want to be treated in your relationships and what's important. So it's always good to look at you, know what's your love language and how you actually like to give in your love language and how you like to receive, and currently, what do you currently love to spend your time and energy on in this part of your life? So it's really getting you to sort of start understanding how you spend your time. Maybe you want to spend more time with your family, maybe you want to spend more time on yourself or in your career. So it's just getting you an understanding of yes, that's super important to me. Maybe I need to have a little bit more redirection in this area.

Speaker 1:

So when we're starting to think about what we actually want to add, the desire that we want for ourselves, we want to start thinking about one. Is it aligned to where we want to go within our life? So bring us happiness and joy, and a lot of the time when we're creating intentions, if it's from a place of feeling good about it, we're going to see those outcomes. So really about looking at what is the outcome you actually want from, maybe, this intention. So maybe thinking of, like, going backwards, of what is the outcome, what's the result that this is going to give me? That, I think right. So really thinking about the outcome that you want from this.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes it's like, oh well, I think that I've got to go to the gym because I want to lose weight. Well, what outcome is this going to do? Oh well, I can feel good about myself. And then really being going deeper, like what will that give me? And sometimes we think it's that, but it's maybe just we want to have more of a balance and we want to just feel good about ourselves and we want to have, just be doing more movement activities, right, the more we move, the more we feel good about ourselves.

Speaker 1:

And what is the outcome that your intention is going to provide you, right? So looking at from that value, aligned action, this outcome we know what it's. We've just done the first question, like what you want, what it's going to give you, right, and what's it going to actually provide you with? And this is you can pause, come back to this, obviously but something that is really important when we are creating the life we want and trying to shift and change how we think and feel. It's looking at the desired feeling, right, that it's going to give you. So not going, oh, I'm going to be happy when I do this, right, it's looking at what, going deeper than that, being honest, what is the feeling this desire is going to give you? What's that emotion? I'm going to feel so abundant, I'm going to feel so grateful, I'm going to feel just contentment, really going into that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, always, we want to ensure that we are looking at that feeling, right, and then we look. We're wanting them to know okay, this is the feeling that I want to feel from this outcome, of this intention, and we want to start doing that now. Not right, we want to start basically tricking our body to go hey, you already feel like this, so then we can start attracting it right from the vibrational point of view, but also we can start believing it. So then our head is in alignment with our body. So then I want you to start thinking about okay, this is the feeling I want, but what sort of things does this? What sort of activities or things? Things can also bring this about for me. So, for example, you may want to feel more calm, grounded and relaxed, and activities or things that may make you feel this could be going for a walk on your own. It could be that you do a yoga, even if it's five minutes, even if it's three minutes, you still have that little bit of feeling that you're going to feel a little bit more grounded and calm. It could be that, if you do, you know been at the beach, but it may be like I'm not at the beach, so it's just looking at what sort of things evoke this feeling, so you can start doing that in your life right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now Something that we've always got to really sort of start asking ourselves when we're creating behaviours as well, we're looking at what we want to start doing, but essentially also what we want to stop doing. Maybe we want to stop being so hard on ourselves, maybe we want to stop, you know, always thinking about what's happening externally from us. So it might be just like what we're wanting to start doing and what we're wanting to stop doing. So we're working backwards to help you really become more creative about that. We've looked at, ideally, you know, what the intention you want to create for yourself this year.

Speaker 1:

But really going into now, getting into that juice of creativity, okay, is really start writing it down, letting your subconscious mind go, letting your higher self take over, right, and really going into like, what do you dream for yourself this year? Like if anything and everything was possible, okay, and sometimes we're like, oh you know, is that too big or whatever. It is like just writing it down what you want for this year for yourself. You might want to have a certain feeling that you want, right, so really getting into that juice and really maybe sitting with that already, and because you're in that mood of like, being creative and and doing it from a place of love, right, and it's going, what do I want to happen specifically? So, with intentions, in summary, we want it to come from a place of love. It's got and it and that creativity. So creativity doesn't mean you have to be like a world-class artist. It means that when you're thinking about it, it excites you, it's, you're passionate about it.

Speaker 1:

What can happen is we go into the fear straight away. So often when we start looking at is it aligned to where we want to go in our life? Is it something we want, not just what our family wants, it's what we want, then we can start working out. As long as I'm working towards that, I'm making the steps and actions towards getting that done, that I'm doing everything. And they talk about aligned action and inspired action, right, so it means that a lot of the time we think that it's got to be perfect, we've got to have everything worked out, but essentially what you have to do is, as long as you are moving towards your intention and your goal that you set for yourself, either this year, this month or whatever it is right you're making, you're committing to doing that, then you are going to, you know, have that be created in your life.

Speaker 1:

And it may be that you've really got to be clear about what action do I have to take? And sometimes we, sometimes in you know, people talk about manifesting your dream life, right, and so you're thinking I'm just going to put it out there and it's going to happen. You still have to take aligned action consistently. So as long as you are taking action towards that and it's really been clear about, okay, this is what I intend to do. This is coming up from a place of love. I've understood what possibly other things that might be the obstacles that could be getting in my way and really been clear how can I problem solve and navigate out of that? Right, and when we know that, what's the what am I? Because what we've got to understand is there is no perfect time to start the time. You have to commit yourself right. If you want to do it, you will always make a way and sometimes things don't happen.

Speaker 1:

In a year, it's collectively over a decade that you make huge, big changes and it's really been giving yourself some gratitude of actually how far you've come. So it's looking at what am I willing to do from an action point of view, consistently and we think consistency is, you know, every single day, but it might be consistency is that you're going to do that twice a day or you're going to do that three times a week and you've already got a plan in place that you know. These are the things that could get in my way. How am I going to navigate? I'm going to. I want to go to the gym more, okay, well, what could get in my way? Let's be honest, kids, and there's always going to be something else that keeps you there, okay, well, I'm going to have something in place. So I know that I book it in, I'm paying for it. That's my accountability, okay.

Speaker 1:

So as long as we are moving towards those intentions, they will happen for you and we have to believe.

Speaker 1:

And then we know that we've done the action, we've done all of that, but it's also letting the other things is. As long as we're moving towards it is, we have to be prepared to also just let it go of that, and that sounds very counter-intuitive, especially if you're someone who likes to have control. You're like I like to have control as long as you're making action, but you are prepared to just let it be, things will happen. They may not happen on the timeline that you are prepared for, but they will happen. So when we are creating these big dreams for the next year, it's a collection of really looking back and going what worked, doing more of that, giving ourselves some recognition and then starting to map out our year of how we would like it to go and creating one powerful intention for that year. So if you have enjoyed this podcast episode, please give us a five star review we love that and share on your socials and tag us at Real Vision Life Coaching. Have the most beautiful day.

Creating Powerful Intentions for the Year
Manifesting Dreams and Letting Go