Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

Lessons from 30 Days of Podcasting

December 20, 2023 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 90
Lessons from 30 Days of Podcasting
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
Lessons from 30 Days of Podcasting
Dec 20, 2023 Season 5 Episode 90
Jen Parker

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In this episode, I share what I learned from 30 days of podcasting.
If you want to start a new habit but feel many obstacles are in the way.

Listen to this episode to learn how I navigated and my advice for implementing a new habit.

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Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode, I share what I learned from 30 days of podcasting.
If you want to start a new habit but feel many obstacles are in the way.

Listen to this episode to learn how I navigated and my advice for implementing a new habit.

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Download your FREE GUIDE to support you with stress and overwhelm.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Calm Compass podcast. So in today's podcast episode is really about a summary of my 30 days of podcasting, because this was to support you, but it was also about my goal to myself. I am really good at starting things and I am very vatter in terms of my doucher. So I get very creative, but when I'm out of balance I become a little bit flurry of emotions, my thoughts can become quite anxious, and so sometimes consistency can feel quite difficult at times with certain things. So me doing this 30 days of podcasting was really about my own inner goal of doing it in a time where it didn't feel the best time because we were coming into school holidays and I sort of do work of a night time predominantly, but today I'm sort of working during the day. So I wanted to sort of share some of those.

Speaker 1:

When we are learning something new, of coming into a new habit, we can have our ego say, oh, we're so busy, don't have time for this. I'll just wait for the most perfect time to start, and there isn't a perfect time. In fact, when it's not a perfect time, that is actually probably the best time to start, because our brain will always go to. There's never enough time, right, we're always going into this busy. You know, some people thrive off saying they're busy and they make. They make themselves busy because it's easier. Right, and I'm consistency for me. I'm quite good, very, very ambitious, determined person and I can get quite distracted when I'm out of balance, from a beta sort of perspective. And so when I did such a big goal of 30 days, it first it can feel like, oh, how am I going to do that? Imperfect action, inspired in perfect action of getting it done. Right, sometimes we sort of go, oh, it's got a sort of habit all worked out, and it can feel like, because we can make sure that we're somewhere in a limitless time and I've done this and I know that I can do more seasons with more episodes. We probably will do that in the next season of the Carm Compass podcast, and to me it's.

Speaker 1:

We sometimes are waiting for this time where the clouds part and someone's going to tell us it's the perfect time. But with all things new, we have to be the ones who say it's the perfect time to start, right, and the more that we do something, the better we will become. So if you're wanting to create a new habit. You're wanting to become the best version of yourselves. The best time to start is right here, right now.

Speaker 1:

Heard that saying tomorrow never comes because our ego will always go oh, so I don't want to get up early. Right, I don't want to get up early, I'll do it tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes and you'll say the same thing. So it's always when you're looking at creating any change. How can I make a small change today?

Speaker 1:

And sometimes we're sort of thinking that it's just going to be like this picture perfect. Right, it could be, and I'm going to be honest. Sometimes my picture perfect is doing yoga for 10 minutes. I hear the family coming in, and then I've, you know, doing other bits and bobs. So it's looking at what your perfect is.

Speaker 1:

10 minutes, 5 minutes, I can do this, and the more that we can consistently show up for ourselves, the more that we're going to be a better person, a better mum, and we're going to be able to cope and manage so much more effectively when stress emerges.

Speaker 1:

And let's be honest, stress happens to everyone and it's about our emotional responses, of how we respond, and there are certain stimuli that, no matter what they do, trigger us, and that is why we need to do all of the mind body in a work and about basically priming the mind and the body so in those times of overwhelming stress, we aren't going into a complete state of fight or flight. We are able to learn how to calm our central nervous system down so much more quicker and more effectively. So I have learned a lot about myself. This year has definitely been about believing in myself, being more aligned to my values and knowing that I'm moving in the direction of where I want to go and leaving a legacy behind and creating the most amazing business and service for women. So if you have enjoyed this podcast episode, please leave us a five star review and share on socials. I love to end or even come and send me a DM and tell me that you have watched one of the podcast episodes. Love to support you. Have the most beautiful day, bye.