Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.

How do you change and shift a stressed mindset?

January 30, 2024 Jen Parker Season 5 Episode 91
How do you change and shift a stressed mindset?
Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
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Calm Compass: Navigating Anxious and Busy minds.
How do you change and shift a stressed mindset?
Jan 30, 2024 Season 5 Episode 91
Jen Parker

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In this episode, we unravel the art of shifting your mindset when faced with stress and overwhelm. Active and anxious minds often find themselves caught in the cycle of rumination, but what if we could rewire our subconscious to break free from this pattern?

Our exploration delves into the transformative impact of acknowledging and navigating subconscious patterns amidst life's chaos. We illuminate the potential for profound personal evolution by embracing strategies to reprogram deeply ingrained habits. 

Follow me on Instagram and tag me at @realvionlifecoaching

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In this episode, we unravel the art of shifting your mindset when faced with stress and overwhelm. Active and anxious minds often find themselves caught in the cycle of rumination, but what if we could rewire our subconscious to break free from this pattern?

Our exploration delves into the transformative impact of acknowledging and navigating subconscious patterns amidst life's chaos. We illuminate the potential for profound personal evolution by embracing strategies to reprogram deeply ingrained habits. 

Follow me on Instagram and tag me at @realvionlifecoaching

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Calm Compass podcast. So I'm so excited to have you back here for another year and I want to talk about you know, sometimes when we start a new year, we're feeling really excited, we're feeling really motivated. And how do we do that? How do we start doing this deep subconscious work when we are feeling quite stressed, we are feeling maybe we have a tendency to be worryers. And how do we start? You know, shifting our perspective. So, first of all, when we are learning how to create a new habit, starting to shift the way that we think and feel about certain things that we're doing in our life I think we have this especially in today's society. You think, or you may believe, that if you're not getting instantaneous results, that it's not working. And sometimes, when we're really busy or stressed, we actually stop doing the very things that are actually supporting us to change for the better. And so what happens is, when we are feeling stressed, we go to our default programming, maybe our fear based of, you know, maybe you are someone who tries to be as positive as you possibly can, but you're really down on yourself and you get really quite overwhelmed when new circumstances happen, right. And so how do we actually start learning how to do this work, even when it's you're going through really stressful times? First of all, I think it's just about creating a bit of kind compassion, some radical self love, and it's a journey. It's not something where you're like, okay, I'm going to listen to this podcast, I'm going to write it all down and I'm going to be like fully embody this self radical love so I can start feeling I can be thriving rather than feeling like stress overwhelms me. So, first of all, we've got to, when we're doing any change and I've said this in a few podcast episodes is we have to have the awareness about what's happening. Okay, we have to understand what's happening so we can start changing it.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes what often happens is we, our subconscious mind is operating, so those behaviors, the way we think, the way we feel, the way we do certain things, has been operating and we don't have awareness of that yet. And so, if we don't have that awareness piece yet, we don't really know and I'll give you a bit of an example of sometimes people see things before we do. Okay, you may have a friend who may have a tendency to be in maybe toxic relationships with very unemotionally available people. Right, and while they have awareness that they're going for people who are maybe emotionally unavailable, maybe they're already in a relationship. I'm just giving you a bit of an example. The real thing that maybe you see that your friend maybe doesn't is maybe they don't see their worth, that they are worthy of a good relationship with someone who actually values them. They don't see that, but you maybe do. It's the same, like your subconscious mind.

Speaker 1:

We don't always want let's I'll put that we don't always want to see the reality of what's happening. So what we have to start training our mind to start doing is just start noticing what's happening. The best way to do this is when things that are out of our control happen and be kind to yourself, because things do happen and it never happens at a time that you're like you know you're going yes, this is all good, it's usually. Sometimes what happens is it accumulates. So stress often accumulates and then our reaction and a response to actually handling that is even more heightened. So it's just starting to explore some of our interactions, of how we've responded to certain things and just coming from that non-judgment perspective, looking at it from you know, learning how to externalize. So, you know, having that awareness piece but having start really looking at, okay, when I noticed that if I was looking at it from the other person's perspective the other person's perspective, without putting judgment just of what you've noticed start getting a bit of an idea about what the other person may notice without judgment, and then you start looking at it from maybe a third person's perspective. What would they notice? And it's helping you to start uncovering what, how you may be handling things. Okay, and the way that if you really want to change, you will go. Okay, look, I've got this certain behavior that I do.

Speaker 1:

When I'm really triggered, I have a tendency to just run away and get really flustered with that person or people. Sometimes it's not one person, it's that anything around certain things that you don't like, you just walk away or whatever your default, and that is a protective mechanism, right, it's fleeing, right. A lot of people, just if they feel under threat, they walk away and they might put their heckles up. They get, we get defensive or whatever it is. We start having that awareness piece of what's happening. So when we can start teaching our mind of what's happening, start looking and noticing from not just your perspective, because you're looking at it from the lens of emotion and your own narratives. Okay, when we can start noticing of just what you hear, what you see from the other person's perspective, what may you notice, that's gonna give you some data and some information of some of those behaviors and those programming that may be happening.

Speaker 1:

When we start uncovering that we can say, okay, well, first change can feel a little bit unfamiliar. So when we are trying to I won't say trying when we are, when we are creating a new way of doing something, habits can take up to 30 days. A permanent lifestyle can take 90, but sometimes it can take much longer, depending on how consistent you are at doing that, especially of when we are learning how to retrain our mind. We've got to be pretty aware that that programming if just say you're 30, that's been operating for 30 years. So when we are looking at what we want to do instead, we've got to. When we have that awareness piece of what's happening, we have to keep training our brain of some behaviour or a habit that we want to replace it with. That is more enticing. And when you start noticing and wearing, have that awareness piece and you start directing to a new habit. It will create a more stronger, powerful neural pathway.

Speaker 1:

But we've got to understand that when we're learning to do this subconscious work, it does take time.

Speaker 1:

It's not like wave my magic wand and you're miraculously healed.

Speaker 1:

We've got to consistently do that work and sometimes we don't always want to hear that we've got to do that work consistently, but that is.

Speaker 1:

I think we sometimes look at people who are super successful or have had super success in certain parts of their life. Maybe they've had their manifesting the life that they desire and they're doing all these amazing things. But they had to start exactly where they were and they had to start taking small steps. And it's just taking where you are right now and slowly by slowly, piece by piece, uncovering that day by day. And so when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, you can do this of just starting to notice that. And what happens is when we are feeling quite anxious, we become attached to that, we become quite emotive to that and what I might do is in the show notes I've got a free guide to actually help you to learn how in those situations, to learn how to externalize from those anxious thoughts so stressful situations to make it more easier for you. So I will put that in the show notes for you, and I hope you've enjoyed today's episode.

Starting Subconscious Work During Stressful Times
Consistent Work for Manifestation and Relief