Doing Divorce Right By Chief PeaceKeeper™ Scott Levin

Harnessing the Power of Resilience During Divorce: Stephanie's Journey

Scott Levin Divorce Mediation Attorney

When we think of the end of relationships, we often see negativity, bitterness, and resentment. But what if there’s another way? Today, we're absolutely thrilled to walk you through an enlightening conversation with our remarkable guest, Stephanie Orlina owner of Power In Joy for which she serves as a transformative life coach. Her unique approach to coaching focuses on finding strength and power within, even in the face of challenging life transitions. Drawing from her own journey and unique style, Stephanie shares her empowering techniques that aren't just theories, but tested reality, to navigate your own divorce with grace and love.

Bringing a refreshing perspective to the often-dreaded topics of divorce and life changes, Stephanie's courageous tale is an inspiring testament to the power of resilience. By sharing her wisdom and capabilities, she invites you to reach out, connect, and understand that you're not alone in your struggles. So, whether you're going through a similar experience or you know someone who is, Stephanie's insights will undoubtedly resonate. Let's embrace the possibility of turning even the most challenging life transitions into opportunities for resilience and joy.

Thanks for listening and I hope you'll continue to learn more about how you can peacefully divorce.

As a divorce mediation attorney in California, Scott Levin helps couples figure out the settlement terms and draft enforceable settlement agreements so they can divorce fairly without needing to go to court. Obtain closure peacefully through an amicable divorce. process that protects families and kids.

Visit San Diego Divorce Mediation for more information and to learn more about our mission to help divorcing couples make informed decisions and fair agreements through mediation or book a free virtual consultation.

Scott Levin, attorney, mediator, CDFA®
Chief PeaceKeeper
San Diego Divorce Mediation & Family Law

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, this is Scott Levin, chief Peacekeeper, and I am here with Stephanie, or Lena. How are you, stephanie?

Speaker 2:

I'm good. How are you Scott?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing great. So Stephanie is a transformational life coach. She has a company called Power in Joy and I just wanted to kind of take a few minutes to introduce people to Stephanie if you don't already know her and have her kind of talk about herself and tell her story a bit and just see where the conversation goes. So, stephanie, how did you get into coaching? How long have you been doing it? Tell us a little bit about your practice.

Speaker 2:

So I was in my mid-20s and started seeing a therapist and then started reading self-health books. So I've been doing this for several decades, because I'm now 59. And so I didn't know that I could use all that knowledge and wisdom that I was gaining from all those books I was reading and using it in my own life. And then, about I'd say, 15 years ago, I heard about life coaching and I'm like what's that? It was still no one hardly knew about it and found out what it was, and I'm like, oh my God, that's my jam.

Speaker 2:

And so I started working with a coach. And then I am self-educated and then just started helping people here and there. And it's been 11 years now and I have a style of coaching that's very unique and I utilize all of the wisdom and the tools and the techniques that I've learned over the years that I know work. And then the past few years I'd say about five years ago I was given this technique that really helped me access this innate power that I believe we all have, and then I started sharing it with my clients and seeing the transformation within them, and so it's been pretty miraculous. I'm very thankful for it.

Speaker 1:

And in what ways are people finding you and what? Is there? Some common sort of thing that results in them reaching out, or is it just kind of stuckness or other? When and where are people kind of finding you and needing you?

Speaker 2:

I have worked with several women who didn't originally come to me. One of them came to me because she wanted to grow her business and then, a couple of months in with us working together, she told me that she didn't want to be in her marriage anymore, and so we didn't focus on that specifically, but I was teaching her all of these tools and techniques and then she, after, I think, about eight months, she made the decision to ask her husband for a divorce and she was able to go through that process. And then her friend saw the shift and change in her and then she came to me and said hey, I don't think you can help me, but I saw what you did for my friend and same thing. She had been married for a very long time. They hadn't been living together for 20 years, but they were still married and in the time that we were working together she was able to begin the divorce process.

Speaker 2:

And I wish I had known you then, because you and I met a few years ago when I myself made the decision to leave my marriage and wanted to do mediation, and we found you. We both had agreed to work with you and you are absolutely the chief peacemaker Scott, one of the things I loved about working with you is you were always very calm in our meetings and that made a big difference for us. I know it did for me personally.

Speaker 1:

Well, I appreciate that. You know I try my best to help people get through this process and not stuck, and thank you for those kind words. They mean a lot. How are you would you say that in your work that you're empowering people? Are you helping them find what that fire inside that might have been kind of dimmed? Are you helping them spark that? Or in what ways would you say that you can best kind of reach people?

Speaker 2:

What I do is I'm able to. You know you may be too young for this, but there was a toy long ago. It was called the Weevils. The commercial is Weevils wobble, but they don't fall down. I like to use that analogy because what I do in my work is I'm able to help people access that inner power. We strengthen that foundation that's within each and everyone. So I would say Weevils wobble, but they don't fall down.

Speaker 2:

Life's going to happen and sometimes it knocks us to our knees and we may be out for years or for a very long time. What I tell them is, after we're working together, no matter what may happen in your life divorce, death, loss of a job, whatever it may be that you may fall to your knees, but you will get up, you will dust yourself off and you will get through it. And like I was saying to you, you know, when we spoke a week ago, is that I was able to show up in my divorce in a way that, because of the work that I do and I share with others, I was able to be, first and foremost, loving to myself and then also loving to my soon-to-be ex, because I believe that we all come together because we love each other.

Speaker 2:

I married him because I loved him and I feel like when the relationship ends, that we can end it with love as well.

Speaker 1:

I think that is so empowering and beautiful to hear and obviously you know I see a lot of that love. People are surprised to hear that, stephanie, when I tell them. You know, of course I see you know the other side of things and tough conversations and you know difficult personalities and difficult issues, but you know, more often than not I'm seeing a lot of care and love and respect and people that you know. Yes, they're ending their marriage but they're respecting and honoring their past and I think it's a really important message to deliver to the world because you know, hollywood and the Internet teaches us that you know the alternative is the right way to go and it's just.

Speaker 1:

It's really wonderful for, you know, the people that are watching this to hear that it's possible and that you've been empowered to transition. And you know, I guess if this is too personal we can even cut it out. But you say that, following the end of the legal process, are there things that you did personally to kind of project forward and get yourself, build momentum and kind of put yourself in position to succeed? You know, following that end, oh, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I specifically set a little bit of money aside, spent a week aside and, you know, did a spa retreat to acknowledge all that I had gone through and the way I showed up, you know, and in the process, and it was a big deal. Like none of us want to go through divorce, it's the last thing we want to do, but, you know, when we realize that we need to, it's important to honor what we need and want, and so I absolutely did. And it's because you know I left a lot. You know my home and where I'd been for a couple of decades, and so the first few months of that transitioning were I wasn't myself, but it was actually a year, last month in November, and several months ago I was like, yeah, I'm back.

Speaker 2:

This is, you know, my feet are steady, I'm grounded and I think having support is really important. That's why, you know, as a coach and you as a mediator, it's really important to surround ourselves with people who can support family and friends. I only shared it with those people that I knew that would support me. A lot of people have a lot of opinions about ending marriages or whatever it may be. Whatever we're doing, that's challenging. So it's important to you know, keep it too close to our vest and to it's hard enough to go through it. I don't need to deal with someone else's emotions and beliefs around it.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, bringing their whole past or their experiences into your experience. It's exactly. Well, stephanie, tell people how they can find you, but before you do, I just want to you know, congratulate you on the person that you are today and the way that you can build that process and you know, that resilience and that the rebirth and all those things that you've demonstrated is, just you know, really remarkable.

Speaker 1:

And I encourage people to reach out to Stephanie. She's a special person that has specialized capabilities, whether you're someone that's in my field, looking for support for divorce or other transitioning times, so how could someone reach out to you?

Speaker 2:

So my website is power, enjoy and the word I-N-J-O-Ycom. I'm also on Facebook, power and Joy, and also on Instagram at Power and Joy. Well, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

And we thank you Scott.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you inviting me.

Speaker 1:

Of course, I hope to talk to you soon.

Speaker 2:


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