The Beauty Biz Pro Podcast
Welcome to The Beauty Biz Pro Podcast—your ultimate destination for all things beauty industry marketing! Join your host, Jake Randolph, a renowned beauty industry marketing expert, as he takes you on a journey through the world of beauty business growth and success.
Are you a beauty professional looking to elevate your brand, expand your client base, and increase your revenue? Jake Randolph has got you covered. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the beauty industry, Jake is here to share insider secrets, expert advice, and game-changing marketing strategies tailored specifically for beauty professionals like you.
In each episode, Jake sits down with industry leaders, successful salon owners, makeup artists, estheticians, and other beauty industry experts. Together, they dive deep into the latest trends, innovative marketing techniques, and proven business strategies that can transform your beauty business from a dream into a thriving reality.
Whether you're a seasoned beauty entrepreneur or just starting your journey in the industry, The Beauty Biz Pro Podcast offers valuable insights and actionable tips to help you navigate the competitive beauty landscape with confidence and finesse. From social media marketing to branding, customer retention to pricing strategies, this podcast covers it all.
Tune in and get ready to unlock the secrets of success in the beauty business. If you're passionate about beauty and eager to take your beauty business to the next level, then this podcast is a must-listen. Subscribe now and let Jake Randolph guide you on your path to becoming a true Beauty Biz Pro!
The Beauty Biz Pro Podcast
Make 2024 Your Year: Part 1 Mindset | Ep 4
Welcome to the Beauty Biz Pro Podcast!
In our first 2024 episode, hosts Jake Randolph and Tony Cruz launch a three-part series to make it your year, covering personal growth and business mindset. Whether you're a PMU artist, medspa owner, esthetician, or salon owner, this episode is packed with insights on letting go, focusing on what matters, and the impact of misinformation in the beauty industry. Subscribe for the keys to crush 2024!
Learn more at: start.beautybizpro.com🎙️
Hey, welcome to the beauty biz pro podcast. This is your host, Jake ran off and Tony Cruz. And so this is our first episode of 2024 We're very excited, this is actually going to be a three part series on how to just totally crush 2024. And the reason we broke it up into three parts is because we know there's different aspects there's, you know, the aspect of your personal life, which we're gonna be talking about on this episode. And then in the next episode, we're gonna talk about, you know, actual marketing tactics to get more clients. And then episode three, we want to talk about scaling beyond, you know, just 2024 Like, how do you set yourself up for long term success? So Tony, when it comes to, you know, your personal life, you know, you look back on 2023, like a lot of us do and at the New Year, and you're like, Okay, what are some things I want to stop doing? And what are some things I want to start doing? What are those for you? Or what's one of those for you, Tony,
I mean, a big one for me is letting go letting go of the things I can't control, I spent so much my 2023 focusing on things that were just simply out of my control. And towards the end of 2023, I started to practice and train myself to let those things go and be quite honest with you. That's what really helped me propel at the end of 2023, was just not focusing on what I can't control and start tripling down on what I can control.
Yeah, and that's, that's especially important for like, last year, when the economy was a little bit tougher than we're used to are a little bit slower. And so instead of sitting there and stressing out of like, okay, I'm not making this much money, or I'm not, you know, able to do this, you're focused on what you can control, which is how much effort Am I putting in? You know, what actions Am I taking? How many people am I helping and then, you know, just as you were starting to find out, when you focus on those things, not only are you less stressed, because you're not stressing about things that are not in your control. But you know, you're just more, you know, I don't like the word motivated, but it's, it just feels better, because you're actually can, you know, control things. So, you know, depression, Tony Robbins talks about is, you know, not being in not feeling like you're in control, feeling hopeless. And so focusing on those things you can control, you know, like, the things we already mentioned, is very important. So I totally agree with that one. Yeah,
and, you know, working with the clients, I work with the main role in our, in our companies, I'm the business coach, I'm the consultant, I'm the I'm the guy that talks to 95% of the clients and help them battle over overcome all certain issues in their business. And one thing that one common theme that saw 2023, even in myself was people focus on things that are out of their control. And they all honestly don't know how to take control of their business and how to actually go out and take their business. Far too often, I saw 2023 People just relying on, you know, relying on the leads that they had coming in, relying on that social media post that they posted, hope to go viral, relying on referrals, and just relying on things that are outside of their control. But when you start identifying, okay, what can I control? That's when the real magic happened. For a lot of our clients, as they started focusing on we really help them focus on things that they can control their business that made a massive impact, and really helped them propel into 24.
Yeah, to me, something I can control. And if you're watching the YouTube version of the show, and if you're if you're listening to podcasts, we do have this on YouTube as well. It's under Jake Randolph marketing. So just search on Google, and you should be able to find it the beauty Business Pro podcast. Anyways, behind me are a lot of books. And that's one thing I've always been in control is, how much am I learning? How much am I growing? Because to me, like growth is one of my main driving factors. There's six human needs that we all need. And you know, everybody's different. But for me, it's growth. And so if I'm not, if I don't feel like I'm growing and learning, I feel like I'm dying, essentially. And so if you're like me, and you'd like to learn and grow, you know, grow and learn new things, I highly recommend checking out this book Growing Your beauty business, it just came out. It actually technically hasn't come out on Amazon yet. This is an early release copy. But we are sending it to our listeners and viewers. And so if you want a copy completely for free, just handle this, or just pay for the shipping and handling, we will send that to you. And Tony, you actually sent out like 50 books today, didn't you?
Yeah, I did. I did. And the cool part about that book and not trying to sit here, promote the book and promote the book. But it's the no fluff guide to growing your beauty business. You really break down and we do a really great job with just cutting through the fluff and giving you actionable tasks. Like if you just picked up that book and read one chapter. There's no reason why you can't grow and scale your business. But from so many of us, we don't know what the next step is. We don't know how to overcome, you know, a slow time in our business. And we have we get paralysis and we just we freeze we don't know. You know, that old saying is let me wait and see. Let me wait and see. That was such a common theme in 2023. I can't tell you how many individuals I talked to that were trying to grow their business or their business was really slow or to a slow time and when it came Come down to okay, we identified the problem. We identified the solution. But then when it came to actually take actions like Well, let me wait and see. Let me wait till next month, let me wait till this let me wait till that. And I would always have the same question. And I asked you, if you're one of those individuals, it's like, let me wait and see Something's gotta change, something's got to what are you waiting for? Because the only change that's going to happen is if you actually force that change, waiting and seeing and hoping, and in wishing, is it going to change your business? And quite honestly, in any business, in any industry, there are only a few ways to grow your business. But the number one way to grow your business is marketing yourself in the proper way. Because without the attention, you have nobody coming through your door. And without no one going through your door. Your business is slow. You know, I actually had a conversation with an individual earlier today. And she was telling me she's like, Yeah, my my last coach was telling me to go door to door and hand out flyers. And I was kind of stunned because it's like, are we 1990? Like, that's not, that's not very common right now. And when I told her, I said, No disrespect to it, because it used to work back in the 90s. That worked. But at the end of the day, there are a lot easier ways to get in front of hundreds of people in split seconds, versus just getting in front of one person handing them a flyer. And that's scary to me about also Jake, the misinformation that is in our industry of how to grow a business. Yeah.
Not to go off topic, but like, you know, if somebody like anytime someone comes to my door besides like the mailman and stuff, I'm always very, you know, I don't I'm not I'm not paranoid. I'm just careful, because I've seen so many videos where people try to like, pretend like you're delivering a package, and then they bust in the door and rob you. And so anytime someone's at my door, I've got my gun behind my back. So yeah, maybe door to door stuff is not the safest way to do it. It's much easier to reach 1000s of people on social media. Yeah,
I was I was just truly blown away. But that brings me to another topic, Jake, you know, mindset. What did what did you see in 2023? Jake, when it came to mindset, and the mindset of the individuals, because we saw as a company, there was a massive shift. And for those of you listening, if you felt that shift in the beauty industry, there was a massive shift in the beauty industry. And you actually said that the other JJ, you said 2024 is going to going to be the great divide. And explain to our listeners like What do you mean by that great divide?
Yeah, so I think right now we're at a critical time, and not only the economy, but definitely the beauty industry where there's been a large influx of people who were like, Oh, I can, I can join the beauty industry and make easy money. And then it got a little bit saturated in the economy got a little bit worse. And then what happens now, it's not as easy to get clients, there's still plenty of abundance out there. I'm not trying to scare anybody, like, if you put in the work and take Smart Actions, you can still be very successful right now. And I put my money where my mouth is I actually just opened up a salon a couple months ago in Chicago. And so I do think there's still plenty of abundance out there. But like, let's, let's be honest, it's tougher right now. Which means that if you're stuck in your ways, and you're not always figuring out, okay, what's the next thing? What how can I adapt? How can I grow? How can I change? Like, we talked to so many people are like, well, you know, I've been doing it this way for years. Well, okay, you're, you're broke, right now you're struggling right now, maybe you should do something different. And so, you know, just not getting stuck in your ways. And being adaptable. Like, even with our own company, we're like, Okay, we've helped 1000s of beauty business owners, you know, we are, you know, for a long time, we've been the number one marketing company and the permanent makeup industry, but we can't rest on our laurels laurels, we have to continue to change, continue to adapt, and always find the best and newest tools for our clients. For example, we just released an AI booking bot that, you know, we had so many clients who didn't have the time or energy to sit there and stare at their phone all day waiting for leads or, you know, responding to potential clients. And so now we actually developed a tool that will sit there and book the, you know, book the appointments for them. And so that's really awesome. If you want more info on that, feel free to DM us. But yeah, just don't get stuck in your ways. Now. I want to shift gears here and you're probably wondering, like, okay, Jake, this is a business and marketing podcast. Why are you talking about certain personal mindset stuff? Well, to me, I've found and I think you can agree with this, Tony, if not, let me know. But if your mind's not right, if your personal energy level is not right, it doesn't matter how many good tactics you have, or how many amazing books you have, you know, you're not going to put in the work and the effort because you're you're just don't have the energy and so one thing that's made a big difference for me, is health. And so, and I know that sounds obvious, but it's so easy to forget and so easy to get into bad habits. And so I've found that if I just, you know, reduce going out to eat, reduce the amount of processed foods I'm eating, and just have some kind of physical activity, whether it's going to the gym or doing push ups at my house or whatever, you know, going for a walk, it just, I feel so much better. And I'm so more, you know, clear minded because it helps me, you know, release the endorphins, get rid of some of the cortisol and the stress. And it just makes my business, you know, decisions, my business energy way better. And so if you're finding yourself low on energy, always stressed out feeling really negative, maybe take a look at what you're eating, and then how much you're actually moving. Yeah,
and that's, I'll be the first one to talk about energy and movement exercise, because even for myself, you know, I'm, you know, the, the DadBod figure kind of died. And, you know, for me, I started working out the end of 2023. In my energy levels, my thought process my thinking, it was, so everything's elevated and out. And I want to, say this bold statement here. For most of us, we tell ourselves, we're too busy. We don't have the time. Okay. But I want to ask you, what is consuming your time? Is it your family and your children? Is it your work? Is it you know, out other things, your spouse, what have you, okay, there is a we all have the same 24 hours in the day, each one of us has the same 24 hours in the day. But each one of us divides our time up differently. And really, we sit back and think, Okay, how does Jake have all these amazing companies? And does all this stuff, right? But I don't, and I don't even have the time that day to run my own business. Well, it's because it's discipline. It's consistency. It's
it's, it's multitasking. Like Tony today, for example, like two hours ago, we were on the phone having a business discussion and stuff. And you heard some what noises Did you hear in the background? I
heard clanking
I heard like, yeah, I was at the gym. I was at the gym talking to Tony. And so I was doing business and working out at the same time. Same thing with like, if you're like, Oh, well, I have a family. Well, I do too. Like last night, literally, I was doing push ups on the floor while my son Atlas was sitting on my back. And so now my chest is sore, because that's a good workout, having somebody sit on your back and do push ups. And so you can multitask and still spend time with your family still run successful businesses and have a well, you know, I don't like the term work life balance, but you can do it.
Yeah, it's it's all about your will your want your desire for something, if you don't have something in your life. And you can say, Man, I wish I had that or man, I wish my business was six figure, man, if you don't have that, it's a decision in your mind, make the decision to go out and achieve that at regardless of the cost. Because I can tell you like I've been to Tony Robbins three times in person. Okay. And 99% of people's success and failure is the decisions they make in their life. Are they deciding to wake up at 5am? Because and go to the gym? Because they know they have to get their kids ready for school at 7am 7am and then go about their day? Is it you know, I just I want to grow to a six figure business. But I don't know how, okay, great, we'll find the people that have already been there and ask that, okay, or I don't know how to market my business, go out and find the best marketer. That's, and that's literally, that is literally why me and Jake became together because I told my wife in our studio, I said, you know, you want to be successful by the best marketer. That was my only advice I gave away. I said find the best marketer. Yeah. And that's what stemmed our relationship. Jake.
Yep. And last but not least, so you know, we've talked about mindset, we've talked about health. And, you know, we've talked about, you know, business and stuff. But the last pillar for me of success is spirituality. Now, this is a topic I haven't talked that much about, because, you know, the whole cancel culture, and I don't want to offend people and all that stuff, but I'm gonna be more open about my own personal beliefs. And I'm not pushing this on anyone. It's just what I believe. So whether you're into meditating, praying, go into church, whatever, I recommend having some kind of spiritual life because the thing is, you know, my grandma just died a month ago. And this life, we're only going to be on this earth for a little bit like our bodies are, you know, naturally decaying. As we get older, you know, breaking down our mind, you know, with her, I saw dimension stuff, like our mind is not guaranteed. And so what do you have to look forward to, not only after you die, but like, even now just keep like, for me, it's all about perspective. Like if I can realize that, okay, I've been blessed. There's no reason to sit here and stress like, Oh, am I going to be able to feed my family today? Like, I know that if I can put in the hard work, if I can do my part, then God will take care of the rest. And that's just my personal beliefs. What, what are your thoughts on that, Tony?
Yeah, I truly believe you know what, regardless of your spiritual beliefs, you have to and I think what you're trying to get out is, take time for yourself. Take the time to look at inner self. Take time to meditate for yourself. Okay, take time to sit in a dark room in your own thoughts. and really muster through what's going on in your head. And whatever your beliefs are, I'm gonna have the same belief with you jig, as long as I put in the effort, if I could leave it all on the line, and I know that at the end of the day, I did everything I could that day to be successful, God's gonna take care of everything. And, you know, to that point to is the Life is short, you know, you lost your grandmother last month, I lost my brother in law last month at age of 35 to addiction. And, you know, he was a close brother in law to me, but, you know, his his thought process was, I just, I don't want to drink, you know, and it's sad when people don't have an outlet other than drugs or alcohol, or being angry all the time. Like, that's another thing being angry all the time for. For some people, that's the only way they know how to decompress is to be angry, and hateful and pointing the finger instead of internally looking at yourself and say, Am I doing everything I can do to be the best version of me. Because we are we have all by the way, for those of you are listening, we've all already won. We've already all won this game of life we are here we are healthy, we are able, with our own two hands to work, provide beautiful brows, aesthetics services to our industry. And that's a massive one in itself. Yeah,
and what you just described that there's gratitude. And so instead of looking at what you don't have, or your struggles and focusing on that, you know, every morning I challenge you just wake up and sit, you know, for five minutes, whether it's whether your morning coffee, or water or whatever. And just close your eyes and think about like a few different moments. Like think about a great moment in your life where, you know, things worked out for you and you've maybe achieved something you didn't even thought was possible. You know, think about the things that you have, whether it's just fresh, clean water, which a lot of people around the world don't have or you have food readily available. Just think of all the things and it sounds cheesy, but it's so true. If you can be grateful for what you have in front of you, you're less likely to be stressed out and, you know, get yourself in a tizzy about things that don't necessarily matter as much, or things you can't control. For sure, for sure. Sweet. So that that concludes our episode, or our first episode of the three part series of crushing 2024. We talked a lot about personal things today because I believe that it all starts with us as business owners and entrepreneurs. And then on the next episode, we're gonna talk more about social media tactics, marketing tactics, how to get more clients. And so if you're not already, make sure you're subscribed, whether that's here on YouTube, whether that's here on the podcast, and if you don't mind, leave us a review. And last but not least, if you do want this book, just shoot us a message at PMU marketer on Instagram or you can look me or Tony up on Facebook, shoot us a message and we will get you that book delivered straight to you. So thanks for watching or listening. And we'll see you in the next one.