The Beauty Biz Pro Podcast

Make 2024 Your Year: Part 2 Marketing | Ep 5

Jake Randolph

Welcome to Part 2 of 'Make 2024 Your Year' on the Beauty Biz Pro Podcast! In this episode, Jake Randolph and Tony Cruz delve into essential marketing tactics for your beauty business. Discover the power of attention, effective paid ads on platforms like Facebook, and a game-changing DM strategy to connect with potential clients. Stay tuned for the final episode on how to make 2024 your year.

Get your copy of 'The No Fluff Guide to Growing Your Beauty Business' for actionable insights.

Hey, welcome to the beauty biz pro podcast with Jake Randolph and Toni Kroos. So this is actually part two of a three part series called make 2020 for your year, because, you know, we know 2023 might have been tough for some of you, or many of you in the beauty industry. And so we want to show you all the ways that you can actually, you know, grow going into this year. And so if you haven't already listened to part one, that was the previous episode. You don't have to listen to it in order necessarily, but this this episode is going to be focused on marketing tactics. And so last episode, we focused on more like personal things, mindset, health, wealth, all that stuff. But now we want to focus on the business side of things like what changes have been happening in social media, like, how can we really grow? So Tony, if you had to pick one thing to really focus on in 2024? When it comes to marketing, a beauty business? What would you focus on
attention? What I mean, by attention, I want to I would focus on how do I get in front of the most amount of people in my area in the quickest amount of time. That is my number one goal. And that should be the number one goal of any business owner is obtaining the most attention in my area, because without attention, you have nothing. In I'll be the first one to tell you. In any in any market. There's artists that charge almost $1,000 For brows, there's artists that charge $200 For grouse, there's people that charge $200. For cryo services, there's people that charge 1000s of dollars for Pro Services, there's people that charge 1000s for pro cell, and there's people that charge pennies per cell, right? In any market, there's always somebody who's higher and lower, the difference between the two is the person who's charging higher understands that they need to be in front of more people to where they seem like the industry leader, and the other one who's focused on pricing being the cheapest, doesn't quite yet understand how to really, really explain to their audience, what they are, who they are, what they do, and really explain their services and bring value. So it's all about the most amount of tension, in my opinion in 2024, who owns it?
And I mean, why do you think the top companies in the world pay millions and millions of dollars for a minute, ad or a 32nd ad at the Superbowl? Because they know that attention on their businesses, everything like attention is the ultimate asset. And that's one thing they don't teach in business school, or I don't know if they teach it nowadays, but it's just it's become so apparent that, you know, when you first start a business, you're like, Okay, I gotta have inventory, I gotta have equipment, I gotta have, you know, all these things. But what we don't realize is you got to have attention, because you can have. And, Tony, I like your analogy that you gave last year on stage, when you were speaking at a conference, you're talking about, like, you know, what was the analogy with the desert? You can go ahead and give that. Yeah,
so my analogy is you could have the best you could have, it's the Louis Vuitton, the middle the desert, you could have the best designer shoes, the best designer handbags, best designer, everything, okay? But if you don't have attention, if you don't have marketing, okay, to get people to your studio, you're nothing. Like I can't tell you how many times I talked to med spas, obese beauty studios, and they told me on the best of this, I'm the best at that. Well, if you're the best, I understand that you you expect that your work to speak for itself. But if you have no one looking at your work, you could be the best, but no one knows you're there. Yeah, that's like being at literally like being a luxury designer store in the middle of the desert. To
me, the most destructive mindset goes along with that. It's like, if you ever seen the movie, I forget what it's called. Now it's got like the baseball team. And they're like, if you build it, they will come like if you build the stadium, people will come to many people have that mindset, it's like, if you build the business, everybody's gonna come to you. Or if you have the most certificates, or the most trainings, everybody's going to come to you. And that's just not the case, is how much attention you can get, and how well you can resonate with people when they see your content. Speaking of that, if you if you want to have lots of content ideas written out for you, if you want to know exactly, you know how to do certain types of advertising and marketing, I highly recommend checking out our new book, The no fluff guide to growing your beauty business. Now, you'll notice if you're watching this on YouTube, this book is only probably like, a half an inch thick. And why is that? Because I have all these books behind me. And guess what? I found that most of those are at least 50% fluff. And as business owners, you know, we're too busy to sit there and read all day and listen to studies after studies. We just want to know the info. And so that's why and that's probably why you're listening as podcasts. We're having no fluff podcast, but get the book, we'll send it to you completely free, you just pay shipping. And if you want that just send us a message or an email Tony at PMU That's t o n y at p m you And we'll shoot you that book over completely free delivered to your doorstep. So that was the plug for the book. I think everybody should have it. And so I'm going to spend 30 seconds on that but going back To 2024 and marketing to me like I agree, real quick
before before you for it, I want to say this one thing, and I want this to be a mindset shift for everybody listening this podcast. And also in every every section of the US, you have your massage IVs your hand and stones, your European wax studios, you're laughs lounges, these bigger conglomerate beauty studios, right? That's come in to these areas. And next thing, you know, they're like booked out like crazy, right? And you're sitting here thinking as the mom and pop beauty studio, why am I not being booked out? They those companies, their secret weapon is before they even open doors, their marketing campaigns are going off like crazy, okay, they are pre marketing themselves in whatever area, they're going to be breaking into. That way they are assured business when they open doors. Far too often I see people just starting out, they're like, Yeah, I need to get this training, I need to get this chair, I need to get this device before I open doors. And before I can start marketing, well, guess what? You could have that. But if you have no one readily available to take your services, it's worthless. So and that's that's a big mistake. You know, me and my wife made an open our studios not having marketing in place prior to even launching, you know, if you're, if you're listening this right now, and you're trying to decide, do I want to buy this machine or that machine? Why don't you just simply run an ad on Facebook and see how much interest you have in that for that service? Before you even spend any money buying that machine? Better yet? Why don't you challenge yourself to book five people for that service next month? That way, you've already made money on it before you even start that service. That's how the big box retailers do it. And there's no reason why you can't do it listening. Yeah,
and even with like my business partner in the salon in Chicago, like last month, she was like, you know, let's do the boutique thing. And I want to start selling clothes. And I was like, Stop, you're getting distracted. Let's put our money into advertising. Let's get in front of people, let's get our services booked. And then we can worry about the cutesy crap later.
Yeah, it's all about getting, it's all about that attention. So yep,
the next point, or the next thing I think that everybody should be focusing on in 2024. And this might trigger some people, because I know a lot of you are either uneducated about it, or you don't know much about it. And you make a lot of assumptions. But that's using AI, artificial intelligence, AI. And so you're probably thinking like, Oh, Jake, nobody could ever replace me. I'm not talking about replacing you necessarily. Excuse me, I'm talking about using tools that are like technology to help you. It's just like the people who are like, Oh, I would never use a car, I'm going to use a horse and buggy. I'm just gonna ride a horse for the rest of my life. No, you want to you want to go with the technology, and AI is the new thing. And so whether that's helping you come up with content ideas, whether that's helping you, for example, we just created an AI booking bot that will actually book clients and respond to people for you and sound just like you. And so it's amazing what it can do. That's just one of the many tools. Another thing like for example, our software, beauty biz AI, it can actually host for you, it can come up with content for you. What are some other things it can do, Tony, and we're not trying to sell this, but I'm just giving you the idea of what's out there.
It My biggest thing is the content ideas us as business owners, we know the we all know it's important to post right? But what the heck do you post, I don't have time to post this thing. We'll even schedule all your posts for you. So it's kind of using AI as an aid as a sistent. Okay, not as a replacement, use it as an assistant, because for a lot of us, we can't afford to hire somebody in house to actually do all these tasks. So AI is that lending hand to get help you overcome all of the all the day to day minutia and stuff you shouldn't be doing on social media? Yeah,
think about it, would you rather either A, you have three choices, you can either a sit there and spend hours and hours and hours on your phone, answering potential clients, you know, waiting for messages, because we all know response time is very important. Or B you can hire an assistant to do that. But then you know, you're talking about labor laws, you're talking about 1000s of dollars a month, you're talking about, you know, only working 40 hours a week. So a lot of times when your potential clients like in the evenings and stuff message you your assistants not even on and so it's like what's the point, or number three, you can use like an AI booking bot, which is available 24/7 only cost really a few 100 bucks a month with our special pricing. And then you know, it sounds just like you it saves you hours every day and it saves you 1000s For not having to hire an assistant to do that for you. And so obviously option three is the best I just I think a lot of people don't realize it's out there. And that's why you know, I'm not afraid to promote a little bit. Yep,
yep, for sure. Sweet. So
we talked about, you know, getting more attention to your Is this and I want to go back to that. Because, you know, a lot of people think that if they just make a post every now and then they're gonna get tons of attention. Well, social media does not work like that anymore. You know, the algorithms are competitive, you got people posting stuff all the time, you're competing with puppy videos, you're competing with all these very entertaining things. And everybody has tick tock brain, we're just like scroll, scroll, scroll, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, they can't even keep a, like, if you're watching this, and you've already been watching it for whatever, five to 10 minutes, then your brain is more advanced than most people in the world. Most people can't watch more than 10 seconds of a video without scrolling. And so congrats, if you're able to actually like listen to educational content like this, but, you know, that's, you know, making one post is not going to help you, you have to stay consistent. And you also have to have advertising like, you know, if you've probably seen, like, if you're a business owner that's been around for more than a couple years, you've seen that back in the day, you know, you can make a post and maybe 1000s of people see it. Now, if you make a post, you're lucky of 1020 30 100 people see it. And so how do you get in front of 1000s people advertising? Tony, do you have any tidbits without covering too much? Do you have any tidbits on advertising like tips? Yeah.
So you have two ways you can advertise, you have an aggressive way and a passive way. And there's nothing wrong with either way. But my favorite way is passive. Because I'm lazy. Like a lot of people, I'm lazy. And my favorite passive way to advertise is running ads. Fact of the matter is, if you run a killer ad on Facebook, and not just pressing boost, that is not a killer ad, in my opinion, but actually running an ad a highly targeted ad. And for those of you don't know highly targeted ad, it's literally 73 decisions you have to make in order to launch a highly targeted ad. So if you are struggling to launch ads, you're struggling with Facebook, advertising, shoot me an email Tony at PME. Marketer, I'd love to talk to you more about that. But okay, when you're running ads on Facebook, you can literally get in front of 1000s of people daily for what 10 bucks a day, on average, you could have a slew of inquiries coming in on your business. Now all for a lot of you listening to this, you're like, Yeah, I've ran ads and I've gotten a lot of inquiries, but everybody's price shopping. And and I want to change that frame by like quick about price shopping. Because let's face it, you walk into a car dealership, what's the first thing you look at? This, the sticker on the car, you walk into Whole Foods was the first thing you look at our bread, the price, whatever you do, you're always going to look at the price, you are human, you can't expect somebody else not to do something that you're already doing yourself every single day. Every day. Jake, you're gonna say something?
No, I was just gonna show that, you know, we actually give away our shell script in this book. And so if you haven't got this no fluff guide for free, definitely check it out.
Yeah, so in the scripts that we teach you that guy? You know, it's it's how do you overcome that price? Objection? That was my wife's biggest issues. How do you overcome that? In the first bring them right? Overcoming it is getting the right mindset, right. It's all about that right? mindset. We talked about that in the previous episode we're gonna talk about now really briefly, because my first question when someone says, Hey, the this lead isn't working, or it's these leads suck? It's okay. Did you ask them if they're interested in the service? Well, no, they just ask for price. Well, da, anybody's gonna ask for price if they don't know what your service is about. They just want to know how much it is. Right? Instead of asking the right question, which the right question is, thank you so much for acquiring, have you been looking into blank service? HydraFacial, Procell, Microblading, kryo, whatever. Have you been looking at service? When they say yes, you now know, they're either gonna book with you, or they're gonna book with somebody else? Because let's face it, we've all looked into services before we purchased it, we've never just sought out add on why for a service, and they just went right ahead and purchased it. So now it's up to you to build a proper or poor with that clients. In order to convert that, if you struggle with building report plans depth, definitely get the book, it's free plus shipping, email me, Tony at PMU And I will send you out that book because we literally break down the scripts in that book for you. So to me, my favorite way when it comes to marketing is ads paid ads, just because you can actually get in front of 1000s people again, remember the name of the game, the beginning of this, it's all about attention. How do we get in front of the most amount of people in the quickest amount of time running ads? That is, that is the name of the game,
and just how they teach multiple streams of income. I think he shouted multiple streams of leads. And so excuse me, I got a little cough today. So with multiple streams of leads, instead of I mean, yes, you want to have advertising, you wanna have attention, you want to be posting content. You know, if you want to go door to door like we mentioned in last episode, you're welcome to do that. But how can you else can you get leads? Well, I recommend using Facebook, Instagram, you know, Facebook groups, LinkedIn, whatever platforms you want to use it do outreach. And so what Tony, can you describe a little bit about what outreach is and how they can do that?
Yeah, so this may be a little controversial, which I don't mind being a little controversial, I'm just going to call out is if it's up to me paying my bills, or you paying your bills, I'm going to pay my bills every day of the week, and I'm just gonna say that rock flat out that businesses business, okay, and whenever I open a business, I go to my competitions, Instagram, and I will literally sit there and look at their Instagram page. They'll say, Okay, I noticed so and so browse has 500 followers, guess what? He's also charging 500 ollars. More than me, she's charging $1,000 For brows. So guess what I also noticed, like she's a viral brow artist in my area. So she has, you know, 20,000 followers, guess what? All 20 1000s People follow her and probably already know her price point. And they would love to transact with their or love to get this service done. But they already have a preconceived notion that it's $1,000 for brows. But guess what, what I do is I will DM that follower and say, Hey, my name is so and so from so and so browse. I saw that you're interested in permanent makeup. Have you had it done yet? Question mark. That's it. Did I bring up hey, I knows you're falling back competitor? No. Did I badmouth badmouth anybody? No, I just did an outreach and said, Hey, I noticed you had interest in permanent makeup. Have you had it done before? Now, what would that look like? If you DM Jake 50 to 100 people a day saying that? Do you think you'd Book One client a day? Oh, yeah. And guess what? It's free. And guess what, just like in our last episode, we want to focus on what we can control. That is absolutely something you can control. It's up to you to make the message happen. So you can absolutely control it. So if you're struggling right now financially, can't afford to hire marketing can't afford to run Facebook ads. It's going down in the DM. Yeah. So get there, get on Instagram, find out where those people are hanging out that your ideal client is in DM people. Same thing with med spas and beauty facilities that are just starting up. You know, Botox. There's a million companies that have Botox Instagrams in your area, code their followers, there's people following them, DM them. Secondly, DM your own followers. For many of you, this is like the biggest, this is the biggest, biggest missed opportunity ever, but DMing your own followers, they're already following you they already know like and trust you. I would venture to ask anybody who's listening to this. Have you personally DM to every one of your followers, the answer is probably going to be no. But guess what, if you just DM them and said, Hey, thank you so much for following me. Have you had permanent makeup done before? Have you had Botox done before? Have you had dye sport or laser? Just thank them for following to ask them started question. They're gonna feel honored. They're gonna feel honored. And it's all about 1.4 is all about owning and controlling the relationship.
Tony just gave you a strategy that has literally made us over six figures the past six months. Well, not the past six months, but has literally made us over seven figures probably the past year. So if you have tic tock brain and you weren't paying attention, go back a minute and listen to what Tony said again and take notes.
I literally literally, like I can't tell you how invaluable that strategy is like, there's zero, I literally just gave you no excuse to not be successful in 2024. Like think about that I literally gave you the opportunity to can take control of your own destiny. And it's something that I used to do in other industries. And when I first show Jake Jake was like, oh, no, no. We'll see how that works. And it's, it's we have some past six months now. Have we made millions with it? No. But we have overtime. So yeah,
and this is not just coming from a marketing agency. Like we've literally taught this to some of our premium students. And they've made like, you know, 1000s and 1000s of dollars from this strategy for completely free. And so we you have no excuse not to grow your business this year now. So what I want you to do is if you're watching YouTube, screenshot this, if you're listening to the podcast, screenshot this, and then I want you to tag me on a story at PMU marketer on Instagram. And I want to see that the hash tag, you can tag me on it, and then put hashtag no excuse 2024
Love it. Love it. And here's the cool part. Once you get really good at that, if you're just if you want to start there, and then you start running ads. That's when that wow factor comes in. Because when you start DMing people, they say yeah, I see your ads all the time. Thank you so much for reaching out, then it's that relatability factor. So it's all a process. And you know, for those of you who don't have How'd you do all that? That's where paid ads come in. Because if you don't have time to DM people, I would assume you have the money to run ads. It just you can't be one of those people. They're like, I don't have time to get I don't have money. It doesn't make sense to me. So alright,
so you are listening to the make 2020 for your year series. It's a three part series this this episode, as you saw was more about marketing tactics. Next episode in the final episode is going to be about business strategy. So how do you go beyond 2024? what systems do you need to scale and to set yourself up for not just short term success this year, but long term success over the next decade? And so do not miss that episode. And then like we said, if you haven't got your copy of the no fluff guide to growing your business, shoot us a message we'll send that to you completely free. So stick around for the next episode and we'll see you there. Alrighty.