Hebrew Bible Insights
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Hebrew Bible Insights
76. Making Sense of Ezekiel: Interview with Dr. Donna Petter (Gospel Coalition Commentary)
How do we make sense of Ezekiel? Our guest, Dr. Donna Petter, answers a number of questions about this important book. How do we make sense of graphic and violent sections in the book? What is the big picture structure of the book? Donna gives great insights into the intentionality of the design of the book between its two halves as well as a progression of restoration. You can find a link to her new commentary (which has been made completely free and online) below.
Dr. Donna Petter is Associate Professor of Old Testament and Director of the Hebrew Language Program at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. She has a PhD from the University of Toronto in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations where she wrote her dissertation on the relationship between Sumerian City Laments and the Book of Ezekiel. She has written publications on Ezra-Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Ruth and more. To learn more about the range of her publications and research, check out the link in the description below. Today we are discussing the book of Ezekiel, a conversation that was spurred on by her commentary on the book of Ezekiel which is available online for free through the Gospel Coalition.
00:26-01:53 Intro
01:54-03:33 Donna’s Story with Ezekiel
03:34-05:35 Elevator Pitch for Ezekiel
05:36-10:53 Ezekiel Vision of God
10:54-16:19 Sin and Why is Ezekiel “R” Rated?
16:20-21:26 Levels and Progression of Restoration in Ezekiel
21:27-26:34 Restoration that isn’t from “Works”
26:35-33:19 Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of Dry Bones
33:20-43:32 The New Temple and Distribution of the Land
43:33-52:41 Sumerian City Laments and Ezekiel
52:42-57:10 Pitfalls When Interpreting Ezekiel
57:11-01:01:59 The Church Needs Ezekiel
Donna Petter’s Ezekiel Commentary (Free and available online): https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/commentary/ezekiel/
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