Hebrew Bible Insights

80. Making Sense of David, Uriah, and Bathsheba - Academic Paper by Dr. Nathan French with Discussion

Matthew Delaney Episode 80

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How do we make sense of not only the story of David and Bathsheba, but also the number of scenes that ensue after involving a number a difficult passages relating to David? Dr. Nathan French (PhD Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East) presents his original academic research on Divine Retribution in the Throne Succession Narrative (2 Samuel 9-20 and 1 Kings 1-2). The hermeneutical principle of divine retribution sheds light on how the authors of Scripture and their neighbors crafted narratives and what they were trying to emphasize. Nathan shares a number of other insights into the ancient Near Eastern context such as: how does the concept of levirate marriage apply to Bathsheba and how does the designation of Uriah as a resident alien impact the story? The presentation is followed by a discussion between Nathan and Matthew Delaney (MA Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages).

 00:26-03:39 Intro
 03:40-05:46 Overview of Research
 05:47-14:51 David’s Crimes Against a Resident Alien
 14:52-20:59 Divine Retribution in the Throne Succession Narrative
 21:00-26:09 David’s Son, Absalom
 26:10-27:51 David’s Son, Adonijah
 27:52-36:03 Concluding Thoughts
 36:04-44:54 Curses and Promises
 44:55-48:40 Tensions of Covenants and Unfaithfulness
 48:41-56:31 David and the Hebrew Bible Hope Figure
 56:32-01:00:28 Needed Nuance with Hermeneutical Principle of Divine Retribution

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