The Biblical Roots Podcast

The Certainty of God’s Promise: Hebrews 6:9–20 (Part 9)

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In part 9, we look at a more positive and encouraging passage. We’re in the big middle section where the author is teaching the superiority of Christ over the entire Mosaic system of worship given under the Old Covenant law with its priesthood, temple, rituals, and sacrifices. He’s encouraging his readers to hold fast to their faith by pointing out the superiority of Jesus over everything else they might be tempted to put their faith in. In chapter 5, he began a discussion about Jesus as our high priest. But near the end of that chapter, he paused his priestly discussion to issue that stern warning against apostasy that we looked at last time. He scolded his readers for their lack of spiritual maturity and warned them of the dire consequences of turning their back on Jesus by turning to a works-based righteousness. And now he’s going to follow up that warning with reassurance and confidence and offer a profound lesson from the Old Testament, examining God's promise to Abraham and his covenant oath that accompanied his promise. 

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00:00 Introduction - A hopeful passage
01:38 Passage: Hebrews 6:9–20
14:55 The certainty of God's promise (Heb. 6:13–12)

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