Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio
Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio
Listen to Bill Interview Engineering VP at VB Engineering Roger Messenger About The Solar Industry
Hear Bill's interview with Roger Messenger, Professor Emeritus FAU, Vice President of Engineering VB Engineering, Inc.
Roger is a longtime friend, and a brilliant engineer. His decades of experience, and his contribution to forwarding the use of renewable energy in Florida was recognized and acknowledged by his peers resulting in his induction into the Florida Solar Energy Industry Association, (FlaSEIA), Solar Hall of Fame. While the world continues to spin at a furious pace, Roger's calm, collected mannerism is a welcome respite. He thinks through problems and comes up with practical solutions that leave you thinking..."I wish I had thought of that"! Along with his many other duties, Roger is on the Advisory Board for the Florida Solar Energy Center in Cocoa Beach.
Thank you Roger, for your friendship through the years... and for spending some time with us On Air to share valuable information about the importance of solar power and solar storage when it comes to America's energy independence and our homeland security.