Solar-Fit Renewable Energy Radio

Listen to Bill Talk with Joe G and Gloria About Their Solar Experience and Our Sales Academy

Bill Gallagher

Hear Bill G. having a fun discussion with two of Solar-Fit's rockstar team members, Gloria Eidson, VP of Sales, and Joe Giordano, our in-house tech guru and designer of the Solar-Fit Sales Academy training guide. Gloria is celebrating her 30th year with Solar-Fit helping our friends and neighbors "Plug Into the Sun"... and Joe has just surpassed his 12th year with our team. Imagine, if you will, over 42 years' experience between these two stellar solar advocates... and they are gearing up for another outstanding year guiding our customers on their journey to energy independence. We have to admit, this edition had a lot of playful chat, but you will find some great information embedded in the interview as well. Joe goes into detail about the opportunities for honest, dedicated individuals to join our team, while sharing some details about our Sales Academy and the training our new awesome recruits will receive. Gloria talks about having over 100 Solar-Fit just one development! Wow...that is beyond impressive! (Gloria actually has thousands of customers that love her energy and enthusiasm. We hope that a few hundred Solar-Fit customers are listening in today so they can send along a thumbs up! Renewable energy is our future, for sure. Solar power plays an important role in our nation's energy supply... and we can help you harvest the sun's free energy today, if you wish to become energy independent. Join us in our mission to help American homeowners and business owners become self-reliant and keep their hard-earned dollars... in their personal piggy banks. Thanks Gloria and Joe for the fun Sun Trip! 

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