The Love Fruit Podcast - A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians
This podcast is for raw vegans and fruitarians around the world!We will strive to interview the most interesting and inspiring raw vegans from all over the world as well as bring to you the knowledge from the best teachers.Subscribe to this podcast to learn about getting the best health possible with a raw vegan diet.
The Love Fruit Podcast - A Podcast For Raw Vegan Fruitarians
136. Howard Gibbs-Hobgood - Searching For Raw Community
Ronnie Smith - The Love Fruit Podcast
Episode 136
Howard Gibbs-Hobgood started adding more raw vegan food to his diet over 22 years ago and has been a raw foods enthusiast ever since. Howard experienced the magic of the raw vegan community at the Woodstock Fruit Festival. After attending recently for the 2nd time he decided he wanted to be around the raw community more and has organised the Woodstock Fruit Festival whatsapp group.
Learn more about a raw vegan lifestyle at UK Fruitfest, one of the world's best event for the raw vegan community: http://fruitfest.co.uk
Subscribe to the Love Fruit Newsletter and receive the 21 Days Of Raw Inspiration email series: https://mailchi.mp/fruitfest/newsletter