Social Security Disability Law Podcast

Talking Medicare with Cal Hero

Jonathan Ginsberg Season 4 Episode 1

When you are approved for Social Security disability benefits, you also become eligible for Medicare.  But you don't get Medicare coverage right away - instead, you don't become eligible for Medicare until 24 months after you first become eligible for SSDI payments.

Why this delay?  I can find no good answer other than that the goverment wants to save money.

When you finally get notice that you are eligible for Medicare insurance coverage you will be asked to either accept the default basic Medicare coverage (Medicare Parts A and B), or you can choose an insurance option (Medicare Part C) and you can also choose a prescription drug benefit (Medicare Part D). 

You also may see advertisements for Medicare supplement insurance that you would pay for in addition to Medicare premiums automatically deduced from your SSDI benefit.

If this seems confusing, it is and you run the very real risk of choosing an option with less coverage than you need at a higher cost than you should be paying.

My guest today is Medicare expert Cal  Hero.  In our discussion Cal explains how the Medicare system works and how you can educate yourself to make a better decision about Medicare coverage.

Cal's website is and if you'd like to speak with Cal, you can reach him at 877-413-1556.

=============== FREE SURVIVAL KIT ================
Don't know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at
============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =============
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at
=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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