Best Night Ever!

Harnessing The Power Of Light and Circadian Biology With Roudy Nassif From Vivarays - Part 1

Dr Jay Khorsandi Season 1 Episode 74

Roudy Nassif

Co-founder and Head of R&D at VivaRays

Now more than ever, we are exposing ourselves to artificial light from our phones, devices, TVs and LED lighting. This exposure is taking its toll on our bodies. We are sleeping poorly, waking up tired and sluggish, with a lack of energy and an inability to stay focussed. 

For most of his life, Roudy Nassif spent nights staying up late, waking up feeling exhausted, unmotivated and unfocused. About 5years ago, Roudy's depression and anguish became unbearable and he left his job to embark on a worldwide journey of learning about himself, nature, quantum physics and biology. Roudy's travels transformed his health and his research into light, health and circadian rhythm disorders have led to the birth of VivaRays.

Roudy is a health entrepreneur and the Co-Founder of VivaRays. He has an engineering background and a solid understanding of the quantum physics of light. Roudy has been educating more than 150 functional medicine doctors about maximizing the power of light for patient health and wellbeing. He passionately believes that we all can manage the artificial light we are exposed to and he wants to educate us and provide us with the knowledge and tools to improve our overall health, sleeping patterns, energy and focus.

3:50 Why is our light nutrition important? What is light nutrition? And why is it important?

5:49 How Albert Einstein and his law of relativity, E = mc squared is related to your health

“Every sunrise, when the light hits the cornea, it slows down”

7:46 Pituitary Gland - master gland 

10:15 Roudy’s story and how he came to study light 

15:12 Why Roudy created Viva Rays

16:45 What's happening, both in the color temperature, the spectrum, the intensity of the UV rays, infrared rays from morning till night

19:54 UVB and Vitamin D

21:31 For beginners, the best time to add light exposure to your day

23:00 Get your morning right and your evening will become great

25:00 Optimizing sleep and wakefulness 

26:20 Fascinating facts about plants positioning themselves in the sun

28:38 The symphony of light and our body 

32:00 Blackout curtains and the sun naturally waking you

32:30 Endogenous? Or Supplement?

35:40 How windows affect the light we see...hint, convertible car.

37:45 UVA UVB & Sunglasses Code: Jay10

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