The Whole Rabbit

Raelism: Human Cloning and Sex Cult of the Elohim

Luke Madrid / Mari Sama / Malachor 5 / Heka Astra / Tim Hacker Season 25 Episode 11
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00:00 | 55:46

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In this week’s episode we explore the mysterious UFO sex-cult, Raelism! In the first half of the show we focus on Raelism’s belief in a race of humanoid creator beings they call the Elohim and what the revelation of their kind holds for ourselves as individuals and the destiny of all mankind with humanity now a critical juncture between open contact or total annihilation. We explore Raelism's strange sexual practices, its problematic logo and some of the specific commandments given by the Elohim. In the extended episode we delve into Rael's personal history, his failed music career, and the events leading up to his alleged encounter with the Elohim. We discuss the controversies surrounding Raelism, including accusations of plagiarism, pedophilia, and the scientific evidence or lackthereof to support the claims that Raelism’s sister project CLONEAID successfully cloned the first human. Thank you and enjoy the show!

check out the extended show

In this week’s episode we discuss:
Aliens, cloning, and a very unusual "religion"—dive into the wild world of Raelism.
The Raelian symbol and Kanye West?
The Truth of the Elohim.
"Sensual Meditation" and "cosmic orgasms…"
An all-female "Order of Angels" and a quest to become alien consorts—the even weirder side of Rael's desires.
YHVH, Jesus, Buddha and Mohamed?
A government of geniuses?
Accusations, lawsuits, and a desperate flight to Canada—the dark side of Rael's "love" movement.
2035: the year the aliens are supposed to land. Will Raelism's embassy be ready in time?

In the extended show available at we discuss:
From failed musician to race car driver to alien prophet—the bizarre origin story of Rael.
Claims of Plagiarism
Rael’s First Wife…
The Early Days of the Cult
Raelian Bishop Brigitte Boisselier
Human cloning, secret labs, and a missing baby—did Raelism actually clone a human?
Kid Buu: cloned rapper or marketing mastermind? Unravel this strange
Raelian connection.

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