Talking Architecture & Design
Now celebrating its 8th year (Season 9), Talking Architecture & Design is Australia’s first B2B architecture podcast that regularly talks about a range of issues that affect Australia’s architects, building designers and built environment professionals. Run by Australia’s most popular architecture magazine, Architecture & Design, the Talking Architecture & Design podcast gives a regular bite-sized dose of what is important and sometimes what is just plain old interesting to anyone and everyone in the business of building design.
Talking Architecture & Design
Episode 217: Anna Fox & Stuart Turk from STH on new ways to manage noise control in health care design
Anna Fox is an Associate Principal and architect at STH and Stuart Turk is a Clinical Health Planner with STH.
The both work predominately within healthcare architecture, including acute hospitals, rehabilitation, mental health and aged care, and are inspired by a desire to create spaces to better support healing and enhance human experiences.
In this interview, they talk about new ways to manage noise control within health care design.
This Podcast was brought to you by Siniat, proud sponsors of our 2024 Aged & Healthcare series.