Talking Architecture & Design
Now celebrating its 8th year (Season 9), Talking Architecture & Design is Australia’s first B2B architecture podcast that regularly talks about a range of issues that affect Australia’s architects, building designers and built environment professionals. Run by Australia’s most popular architecture magazine, Architecture & Design, the Talking Architecture & Design podcast gives a regular bite-sized dose of what is important and sometimes what is just plain old interesting to anyone and everyone in the business of building design.
Talking Architecture & Design
Episode 238: NSW Minister Rose Jackson and her plans to help our most vulnerable citizens with housing affordability
Rose Jackson is a Labor Member of the NSW Legislative Council and NSW Minister for Mental Health, Housing, Homelessness, Youth, Water, and the North Coast. Rose was elected to the Legislative Council in May 2019 and has been fighting for real action on climate change and tackling homelessness and housing affordability.
Jackson has held a variety of roles within the labour and union movements including Assistant Secretary of NSW Labor and as an official for United Voice (formerly LHMU.)
She recently took time out of her busy schedule to talk with us about what are the state government's upcoming plans for building new housing for some of our most vulnerable citizens.