Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
Join Mark, Delaila, and Jason on a monthly bookclub spoilercast for in-depth discussions on the narrative, atmosphere, gameplay, and more on some of the best and biggest video games out there. From new releases to modern classics, let's go reap the spoils!
Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
HBO's The Last of Us Season 1 (2023)
Dead Cell Media
When you're lost in the darkness...look for this episode of Reap the Spoils! This time we try something new - instead of talking about a video game, we talk about a show based on a video game. Join us as we discuss the simple gameplay of navigating a streaming service, changes made from source material, and what is probably the best video game adaptation in a group where the bar is set admittedly pretty low.
Note: The music track at the start of the episode is “The Path (A New Beginning)”, composed by Gustavo Santaolalla for the The Last of Us Original Soundtrack. We in no way have or claim ownership of this music.
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