Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024)
Our Final Fantasy VII marathon has finally come to a close with the release of Rebirth! Did it live up to our expectations? Join us as we discuss a puzzling ending, mixed thoughts on side content, and just how good Tifa looked in that one bikini.
Note: The music track at the start of the episode is “With Heavy Heart - Road to Corel”, composed by Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Shotaro Shima for the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Original Soundtrack. We in no way have or claim ownership of this music.
u/Recklessavatar's Extended Explanation Chart: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFVIIRemake/comments/1bn0wzs/an_extended_chart_describing_the_events_in_the/
u/Calculusshitteru's comment on Red XIII's voice: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1bosgzp/about_red_xiiis_voice/
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