Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
Join Mark, Delaila, and Jason on a monthly bookclub spoilercast for in-depth discussions on the narrative, atmosphere, gameplay, and more on some of the best and biggest video games out there. From new releases to modern classics, let's go reap the spoils!
Reap the Spoils - A Video Game Spoilercast
Stellar Blade (2024)
Dead Cell Media
The "Nier Automata we have at home" has arrived! Did it live up to its biggest influence? Join us as we discuss awesome combat, poor writing, our favorite exosuits, and an incredibly stupid petition.
Note: The music track at the start of the episode is “The Song of the Sirens”, composed by Mothervibes for the Stellar Blade Original Soundtrack. We in no way have or claim ownership of this music.
Email us at: dcellmedia@gmail.com