Coffee Sketch Podcast

169 - Remember Thanksgiving

Kurt Neiswender/Jamie Crawley Season 7 Episode 169

Remember Thanksgiving: Parade Memories and Coffee Controversies

In this holiday episode, Jamie and Kurt reminisce about the Thanksgiving season, recalling moments from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and the joy of the Detroit Lions' victory. They touch on the importance of holiday traditions, from favorite places in New York City like Times Square to unique Thanksgiving meals. The hosts humorously debate their coffee preferences, with lighthearted discussions about flavored coffees and proper turkey preparations. Tune in for a heartwarming and entertaining look back at Thanksgiving.

00:00 Introduction and Thanksgiving Episode Context
01:28 Weather Talk and Podcast Editing
02:30 Podcast Tech and Listener Feedback
05:20 Coffee Talk: Preferences and Anecdotes
15:55 Sketch Time and Wrapping Up
16:20 Thanksgiving Reflections and Parade Memories
18:25 Times Square and New York City Vibes
19:19 Architectural Marvels: The Times Square Ticket Booth
27:10 Thanksgiving Traditions and Culinary Adventures
30:59 Holiday Mishaps and Safety Warnings
34:47 Wrapping Up: Holiday Recap and Future Plans

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Restream recording Jan 10, 2025 • 12:14:43 AM:

Hey, Jamie. How's it going? Hey, Kurt. Yeah. So this is that, yeah, this is that that time where we get to acknowledge that we almost skipped an episode. Right. And so just to keep it brief, catch everybody up. What you're about to hear was recorded around Thanksgiving time. And so we would like to claim that this was a tryptophan induced dream. So just, just go back in time to remember the Turkey day, you know, Thanksgiving which, you know, for us, Michiganders as Lions fans was a positive experience because They won and they continue to win since we're now in the future. But anyway, you know, I don't want, Oh yeah, don't get, don't get, go into it. You know, cause you know, it's a little, yeah, don't give away the plot. So so folks, this is an episode that we're affectionately titling, remember Thanksgiving. So basically essentially disregard any references to episode number and you know, then just go back in time a little bit and reminisce of your, your long weekend on the couch.

Kurt Neiswender:

We did it. Hey Jamie, how's it going? We did it. All the things we


did it, all the things, all the buttons, all the buttons today.

Kurt Neiswender:

Oh, sorry. The the weather we were in the green room talking a little bit about the weather, but


this is the show show. So we're going to leave that in the green room. We're not jinxing any, we're not jinxing any southern states weather, cause I didn't, I didn't chime in. Yeah,

Kurt Neiswender:

cause you never know how long it'll take for me to edit the podcast. It might come out in, in spring? Summer? You know? Winter? The, the temps, who knows? So, who knows? It would, it would definitely be disruptive to the the natural order of things.


Who knows what episode this really is? Like, I mean, I think I got the number, right? I don't even see a number. So, like, there might be other folks who could see a number. I might not see it. Really? Yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

It's up here in the left. Yeah. You don't have that. We


need to talk to Karen about that.

Kurt Neiswender:

Oh, for the, for the, for the, for the last time. I do not believe the, the restream contact is. So I'm


just saying, so for those who we care of us, yeah. I mean, we, we do have some podcast friends who occasionally will ask us tech questions about kind of the software where you sort of get in the weeds on how this all goes down. Some of our interview folk who've enjoyed it, you know, who've joined us and been very generous with their time, you know, we kind of share some of that stuff they see behind the curtain, kind of the green room stuff, but yeah. You know, for those who've listened to the show before, sometimes we play some of our streamers, like generic channel content for music, many, many episodes ago, we lamented that we use that as a warmup. And there weren't enough musical selections. There was like about like, like I could count them on like a hand. Well,

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, yeah,


yep, yep, yep. Yeah. And so we shouted them out and we're like, Hey, you know, we kind of liked that you have this feature, but it would be really awesome if you tried a little harder. Yeah.

Kurt Neiswender:

We were, we were pretty blunt. We were blunt. And then the next week we got 20 channels.


Yeah. No doubt. I mean, they were totally like listening

Kurt Neiswender:

about responsive. Yeah. Pretty cool. And then, and then, uh, some seasonal holiday music came up too, but they, that hasn't come back yet.


And don't forget when we asked them about looping, like, you know, we're like, Hey, be kind of fun if we could add our own music and then, but not just add it, but then loop it.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. Cause well, it was a two step process. You could add your own music, but you couldn't loop it. And then we, the squeaky wheel chimed in and asked for the loop and the loop was delivered


the very next week. I'm telling you, there is, there is somebody, there is somebody, there is somebody at our streaming service that like has made one of those like, you know, when you go to a meeting and like they didn't have you on the RSVP. And so you have to make your own name placard thing and like fold the fold the eight and a half by 11 and stuff. So somebody in their office, I'm just imagining this. I'm, I'm like, it's just, it's because it'd be awesome if they did this, they'd be like, I've heard you guys. I made my own little placard. It's Karen. You know, the person's real name might be Bob, you know, but you know, it's, it's okay. We, we, we appreciate you.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, actually, you know, in the music selection,


Oh, yeah, pretty good today. Pretty good. Pretty good today. Yep. Yep. Have to definitely

Kurt Neiswender:

agree. So that was yeah, that, that was, that was our excuse to not talk about the weather, but yes. So yes. Coffee.


It's almost like my run, run the jewels kind of like, I almost do the kind of thing right there. Right. Well, that'd be good.

Kurt Neiswender:

If there's a, yeah. We we should that'd be a good AI generation image. Or if it's Jamie, can we call it J I


well, so what's in the cup?

Kurt Neiswender:

I have, Oh, well, speaking of fortune that, you know, having a fortunate event, I went to rootless or, well, Penny's cafe in the farm farmer's market, who, you know, sells only rootless coffee. And Becky, not Penny. The cafe is named after her, her pet chicken. Penny, yeah. Anyway, Becky gave me a little gift bag of the rootless, damn fine cup of coffee. Very nice. I, you know, nothing tastes better than gift coffee.


That is very true. But sometimes you have to give yourself a gift, you know, a small gift, once a day, every day.

Kurt Neiswender:

That sounds like a good commercial. I, you know, those Folgers never picked up on that.


Or an episode of Twin Peaks.

Kurt Neiswender:

Oh yeah, that's where, that's right. That's where it's from. So what about you? What, what do you


I brought props. So props. I brought the, brought the demonstration day. So I went with the, oh, community coffee. This is, this is Jamie hitting the easy button. I do like the community coffee because there's a nice consistency about sort of, you know, but this was one of those impulse buys because if you can see it there, it says pecan praline.

Kurt Neiswender:




Kurt Neiswender:

Mm hmm. Isn't it pronounced praline?


What? Praline. No, there's pecan and pecan.

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, it's pronounced pecan, praline.


Or pecan, pecan or praline. Pecan. Pecan. Either one, right?

Kurt Neiswender:

I don't think


it's either or. And then there's, you're saying, you're saying, how are you saying this word now? Are you just, are you trolling me?

Kurt Neiswender:

No. Gaslighting. Mild gaslighting. Are you? Anywho. No, no, no. That's how, that's how I've heard it pronounced, but you know. Anywho. Pecan, pecan, potato, potatoe. So, pecan, pecan, So does the flavor come through?


Yes. I mean, admittedly it's artificially flavored. So you know, it's one of those, but that's why I say easy button, you know, but I'm, but I'm, I'm, I still like it. Yeah. I'm a fan.

Kurt Neiswender:

The community.


I think it's also the smell though. Cause it's like, you know, that's the one thing I like about their, you know, kind of flavored blends is that because sometimes the flavored blends only comes through either, or Right. You get like a really bitter coffee, but you get the smell and you're like, you're tricked into thinking it's going to be great, but you know, you know, that's brewing and you're like, Oh, that's, that's exactly what I wanted. And then you taste, you're like, eh, kind of disappointed. This is like, there's a nice consistency to it. It's not, you know, it's still not the best coffee, but I like the consistency of it. So.

Kurt Neiswender:

So there's you know, if, if, if, no,


no question from the audience, oh, it's, it's the coffee. I like the coffee. It's black.

Kurt Neiswender:

Ah, ah, ah. Good. It's black. Good one. Well, we'll put, we'll, let's pop this up just, just to have easy on the eyes. Right. As you said, coffee by itself, sugar in my opinion, those who like coffee are strange


I see you're telling me I'm strange, but I appreciate it. I appreciate the question. Good coffee. Yeah. Thanks. Yeah. I still appreciate the coffee. No, I mean, certainly like the fact that folks, you know, take it the way they take it. I'm totally fine with that. I'm just telling you how I particularly enjoy it.

Kurt Neiswender:

We could have a really long tangential episode about, about this. Uh, this is interesting. Mr. Mr. 28 says You know, if you have sugar in your coffee, it's not, I


think, I think a little sugar is fine. Yeah. Some people, some people like, you know, when they say a little sugar, I like, I like how you just said it. Cause like, you got that sort of high pitch right at the end where like, yeah, like, you know, like you're like, baby, I'm talking about me, you know?

Kurt Neiswender:

And I'm not sure


if that's true or not. Cause I've seen Kurt with his coffee and it's usually black, but you know, when people say, Oh, I just like a little bit of sugar. Like, and then they get that, that sort of, you know, Like canister of sugar that, you know, the diner sugar with the diner sugar with the little flap or the thing at the top, the little nozzle. Right. And they, and they go and they pour and you're like, Ooh, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. You know,

Kurt Neiswender:

the well our friends over at Arky speak Cormac in particular, I, I can attest. To a splash of coffee and a gallon of cream in his, in his cup.


Oh, you know, we're not going to talk about,

Kurt Neiswender:



but the, the elder statesman in the, in the groups. So, you know, just,

Kurt Neiswender:

but the so, so back to the flavoring, right. With praline, you


just said it the way I said it. Well, I'm

Kurt Neiswender:

trying to help you out, you know, trying to follow, follow suit. But the so. When it comes to flavored coffee, if I don't like somebody, then I would be delivering them. So in Michigan, right? Michigan is known for their cherries, Traverse city. They grow a lot of cherries. And so they may use in the map using our map area over there. There's a lot of cherries growing, cherry tree farms. So then companies will make Traverse City, Michigan or Traverse City, cherry coffee, which I think tastes like Robitussin, which Robitussin doesn't taste like cherries. No, even though it says it's supposed to taste like cherry. No, no, it's like, it's like That's why I said, if, if, if, if we're not, if we're not too friendly, you're getting a gift bag of Traverse City cherry coffee. Ooooo, ooooo, ooooo.



Kurt Neiswender:




Kurt Neiswender:

to It's just


like, ultimate shade. Wow. I think it tastes

Kurt Neiswender:

terrible, but But, but If my fellow faculty member, Taka, is listening or watching, there was, in the faculty office, there was a box of Keurig cups for Traverse City Cherry coffee and some regular black coffee. And I stood there with another faculty, I said, who in their right mind would buy this and bring it to the office? And Taka comes out of his office. And he's like, what, you don't like cherry coffee? And I said, that's fine. If you like it, man, I don't, I, I hate it. Obviously I didn't have to drink it. It's not, it wasn't. No, no, no, no, no. It was, it's a community. It was a good laugh. You know, Taka has a good sense of humor. He didn't, he didn't take it the wrong way. We had a good time. That's good. But if you've never had it, I, you know, I don't know if you're, if you, if you can handle the taste of Robitussin, then, you know, go ahead, give it a try. But


I'm not sure I'm brewing Robitussin, you know, for the enjoyment, you know, I mean, and I mean, and, and on your scale of scale of Kurt's travels on the mitten, like, Is it, are we talking, there's, there's gas station coffee, which is different than Bucky's coffee. Bucky's is better than gas station coffee. Cause Bucky's is a whole different thing. Right, right, right. So we're not talking about them. So exclude them. So are we talking like service station coffee versus diner? And then where, where in that, where in that there's, there's a room in between. There's room below for your. So if I had,

Kurt Neiswender:

so if I had Michigan cherry coffee and I had gas station coffee that was starting to cool off and then I spilled it and then I put it back in the cup off the pavement, I would still drink that before Michigan cherry coffee. All right. This is strong, strong words. Strong, strong. Anyway, yeah I, okay, so maybe I'll put it this way because I probably wouldn't drink coffee that has hit the pavement and I thought you were going to


say like floorboards, but that's okay.

Kurt Neiswender:

But the so I like to, I don't waste my coffee or I drink it all Michigan cherry coffee. If I had it, I would drink about as much as I could handle and then I'm usually thrown away. So anyway, now that everybody knows my preferences,


I don't know, folks, that was like, that was like a hard one for me to listen to go through. Cause like Kurt, you know, You know, if you have listened, he's not going to, he's not going to attack,

Kurt Neiswender:

but normally yeah, I'm a gentle giant.


Yes. Yes. Very kind.

Kurt Neiswender:

So, yeah. So yeah, you got me on a team. I had, I just had to go there. I had to go there.


All right. Well, you know, maybe we should skip to a sketch. Like,

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, right. Right. Let's, let's let's give the people what they're looking for. What they came for. Except I have too many tabs open. So now oh.



Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, gotta get with the Oh, Jamie's sketched many cups of coffee, by the way, so why can't Oh, I'm on the wrong There we go. Got it. Got it. Got it. Okay, so here we are. So, zoom From the From the high level view, Jamie you know, we did, well, we were going to say, you know, the recording of this episode, nobody really knows yet. The publication, nobody really knows, but We did just pass the Thanksgiving holiday, and so on the left, we have a Spider Man, who's clearly being held up as a, as a float balloon in probably the Macy's Day Parade, Tea Day Day, Tea Day Parade, Turkey Day, Thanksgiving Day Parade. And on the right hand side, you got a couple of vignettes of Times Square, which probably coincide with Did you go to the parade? Maybe not this year, but is this when the sketch was made?


I have never been to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. No. But this was watching this year's on TV. I will say that, like, I am one of those people that, you know, like, I'm sentimental. You know, definitely on the sentimental side. But yeah, no, but also sort of, you know, creature habit on some things too. And so like for some of these holidays, like, you know, you've got your traditions and things. And so one of the things that I like to do, you know, for, for Thanksgiving day is, you know, I like to watch a little bit of the parade. Everyone loves a good parade. And so, you know, New York, you know, at this time of year is, is, you know, pretty and, you know, even no matter what the weather is love New York. And so, yeah, this was me watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on the TV and I saw the old Spider Man pop up on the parade route and was pretty fascinated by it as sort of a visual and as an image and decided that was going to be a sketch for, for that morning. So that's super fun. But yeah, the other, the other is also sort of staying in the next day, sort of staying in that sort of New York vibe. And, and sort of thinking about spaces and places and, you know, trip from many, many, many years ago. Cause that's, that's M there, you know, as a, as a little one. That was her first trip to, to New York.

Kurt Neiswender:

But, so what year was that? Do you, or how many years ago? So that would be,


12, 13 years.

Kurt Neiswender:

Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah, for those that are not familiar with New York, you got behind M here is the, the Times Square, the landmark sort of focal point, I guess, the part of the square, the space, the open space, you know, where they are, the ball



Kurt Neiswender:

where the ball drops. Yeah. Yeah. And then down below is the ticket tickets booth which is this sort of kind of landmark to buy Broadway tickets, right? But then this, this version of it is the the, the, The remodeled version, it's kind of bit old now, but yeah, it was kind of a cool design when it 1st, when it 1st was presented because it's this sort of glass staircase and it's bright red glowing glass you know, backlit all that stuff to sort of be like this beacon. Right? So that the ticket booth. You know, the, the, the very famous sort of ticket booth, which was a lot more subtle beforehand you know, you know, was now sort of a beaming beacon and then also this sort of grandstand staircase and viewing platform you know, sort of designed into the roof line of, of the booth. I always thought, I thought it was neat, you know, as a, someone from the East coast, I, I always You know, familiar with the area and you know, seeing the booth. So,


yeah, it's a, it's a Perkins Eastman project. But but it's, you know, again, like, like you just described it really, really, really, really well is, you know, simply put, you're inhabiting the roof of this building and, and the, the building plays on the idea of section and sort of, you know, perceptions of space and how you can design things. And I just love that. I just love that concept, and it's a very small project but a very impactful one sort of at the center of the universe in New York City. And, you know, so, yeah, I mean, when you're going there and you're arriving in Times Square, this is, this is the spot that you gravitate towards, and then below it, you know, sort of below those bleachers seating, you know, in bright red luminescent is what Kurt's sort of sketching on the screen, you know, that location is the beacon, right? And you move towards it and you kind of ascend this, ascend the steps and you sort of sit and perch and look and take your photo and you know, hang out for a little while and people watch. But if you're also wanting to go to a show. You know, it's, you know, there's the discount tickets right below it. And so there's multiple ticket booths and a daily activity there in New York city to see, you know a variety of Broadway shows and, and super fun. I mean, just, you know, part of the whole experience and we were able to do that. And you know, and that, I think that, you know, what was interesting was, this was an instance where taking my daughter when she was young to New York city for the first time. We had actually flown into DC to visit friends. And spent the night with them, and we were coming back to spend more time with them, but flew into D. C., took the train to New York and so, you know, kind of took the train in arrived in New York City and this was the first place we, you know, this is the first place you go, is you, you go past Macy's and, and, and towards Times Square and, and kind of experience it, you know, this, this, you're right in the middle of the city. So it's just iconic and sort of, you know, kind of as I was thinking about the parade the day before, you know, this was sort of, you know, top of mind and, and like you said, sort of did a series of vignettes in this case. Of, you know, both from a photograph you know, my daughter, they're kind of, you know, with Times Square in the background, as Kurt described it, and then sort of a kind of almost an architectural concept sketch of a series of sketches to, to illustrate, you know, how this piece, the small piece kind of works as a feature and a folly in, in Times Square, and it's just a super fun project.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, I know it's, it's just, yeah, it's really interesting because it's also quite small in scale. I think you might have mentioned that, but you know, for, for what people, if people are. Familiar with the concept of Manhattan. This is a very small building. But a very important building, as you said, because of the tickets, I think that's probably why I like it the most is, is that it, it, it does the job, but it, it didn't need to be this massive. Over structured thing to to to accomplish it. And I think, you know, your, your various elevation section perspective sketches that are sort of analyzing it, like you said, or, or. You sort of get at, like, some of the basic elements of it that. That bring it into the tie it into the place and so. So yeah, it's a, yeah, it's always a fun one to think about. Although, yeah, I'm not going to be too, too grumpy, but growing up in Connecticut, I would usually not try to avoid walking through time square. Cause it's usually just clogged full of. Tourists and if they're, you know, there's lots of people in New York, but there's always even more people kind of like jammed up in Times Square. So, oh, for sure. But you gotta, you gotta move around. But, you know, as


you were, as you were sort of talking about the, and sort of emphasizing the scale of, you know, the Times Square intervention, you know, the, the nice thing too, is, and I think this is maybe, maybe even conscious on my, excuse me, conscious on my part, but You know, the, the other one, the first sketch is again, sort of the scale exercise where you're kind of playing this game of. You know, it's a street scene, you know, and we do, we talk about perspective and forced perspective, you know, with our sketches and in this case, sort of the, the, the perspectival aspect of the street is sort of more backdrop to everything. And you know the, this, the, The real game with this sketch is this idea of scale and playing with this, you know, artificial piece in a sense where it's, it's the float, you know, it's the, it's the, you know, Spider Man sort of floating above at a gigantic scale, you know, and, you know, And then you sort of get the sense like, Oh, with these sort of lines that are kind of coming down to the scale of the people in the street and you realize, Oh, okay, this isn't just, you know yeah, sort of foreshortened, like him kind of coming at you or something like that. No, in fact, this is the Macy's Thanksgiving day float. And and there are these kinds of people in, you know, in the foreground and the background and. And kind of a fun way to play with it on the page.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, yeah, that's a good segue from, from the other sketches. The idea of scale, excuse me, the yeah, you know, I saw, I first saw it. I was like, oh, it's spider man. You know, yeah, totally looks like. A comic book, you know, main character flying through the air in front of the buildings. And then you see the people holding the ropes for the float. And obviously we are, we just passed the holiday. And I did get to watch the parade myself, at least a chunk of it. Before the Lions game turned on, you know, we were putting together all the food for, for Thanksgiving, but I got a chance to watch a little bit of it in the morning.


Well, cause that's the thing, right? Is like, you know, that's the thing about the parade is you got to have the parade to kind of get yourself like, you know, like, okay, what's, what am I doing today? You know? And cause then the football's coming on. Right. And we've got to do the football. And, and then. You know, and there's the food, you know, and there's the prep related to that. Speaking of which, was it a turkey? Because you know how I feel about the turkey. Like, like the turkey and the holidays, like that's good stuff.

Kurt Neiswender:

Right, right. Well, I'm, well, for us this year, we hosted a small contingent of the family. We, we actually I guess you would call it a roast, a roasted brisket. So beef, beef brisket, I guess is brisket's probably only beef, right? I I, I've never actually cooked one, so, you know, roll the dice, fingers crossed. Follow the New York Times recipe. Ooh. And you won't go wrong. Mm. And okay. Mm-hmm Oh, I mean, I didn't, I didn't, didn't, I'm, I'm,


no, no, I'm, you know,

Kurt Neiswender:

it, it, it, it was a multi-step. I actually cooked, I basically cooked it the day before and, and then. So was that a cookie


before, just in case, like it's a dumpster fire and then you're like, well, I've got maybe a shot to get to the grocery store and maybe get that turkey after all.

Kurt Neiswender:

Well, but, well, if you can find a thawed turkey. Well, that's true. This is true. This is true. No, we although that I don't, you know, now I'm starting to second guess. Cause Daniel probably, she cooked a chicken as well. So, so, so what you're saying is there might've been


like a little bit of skepticism at your skills and then you, and then you, you know, all the doubters, all the haters, not saying the haters, all the doubters be damned because that brisket was good.

Kurt Neiswender:

It came out, came out very good. Yes. Excellent. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, it was different. Yeah. We, we would also normally do Turkey. So you know, something Turkey, but. But we had the, we had the brisket and from a local farm. And so we decided to, to go for that. And now I'm sad because it's all gone now. Well, yeah, I


mean, you know, I mean, that's the thing that that's, I think that's the other thing I like too, is that, you know, there's a, there's a level of like, you know, I'm not a big leftovers guy just to begin with, you know, and maybe it's just because it just needs to be straightforward for me on, on that, on the leftovers. I don't want to like mix it up. And, you know, turkey, like, leftovers are incredible, right? And I can imagine what you just cooked and described also incredible as leftovers. Oh, it really was, yeah. So, yeah, I'm right there with you.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, you know, turkey, leftovers, dunked in mayo. What? We say, we do this every year.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Cold turkey, mayo,

Kurt Neiswender:

it's like, that's the,



Kurt Neiswender:

the kids say, fire, that's the fire snack. No, that snack is fire. I don't know. Cranberry sauce. Well, cranberry sauce, yes, but also, but.


No, no, there's no, there's no,

Kurt Neiswender:

there's no also. All turkey with a little dab of mayo.


No. Where are you from? No.

Kurt Neiswender:

Connecticut, man. Yeah. I learned it from my pa, my pa. So, so what, so you had a turkey. Oh yeah, yeah, whole Turkey, parts of Turkey, deep fry it because you're in Texas.


No, no, I'm not going to harm family members, set the house on fire, the garage, the neighborhood. No, no. Have you seen, I mean, have you watched, like you talked about YouTube in the, in the lead up in the green room and your fascination with some meteorology channel that sounds totally fake to me. But I'm just, I mean, we'll put the link in the show notes so you can decide for yourselves. But, you know, I mean, you know, people talk about, you know, dumpster fires and, you know, and the sort of the, the need to like, or, you know, the fascination with the abomination and sort of the like, you gotta watch the train wreck. You know, it's a slow moving, you know, car wreck or whatever. And, and, and.

Kurt Neiswender:

Can't not see it. Yeah.


And I will say that, you know, I have watched a few of those sort of highlight videos of people. Just, you kind of wonder what they were thinking.

Kurt Neiswender:

Dropping the frozen Turkey into the hot pot of oil. In


the big, big old pot of boiling water, boiling

Kurt Neiswender:

oil. Excuse me. I feel like they, they bombarded us this year with those safety ads. I feel, I saw a lot of those reels. Oh yeah. Yeah. And it was just explosion after explosion. I mean, turkey fireball.


Yeah. Just not, did you

Kurt Neiswender:

see the one where they pull it out and it's like. Blackened. It's all charred. Oh, if they're able to,


right. Somehow it

Kurt Neiswender:

came out and it didn't set everything on fire.



Kurt Neiswender:

no, just,


you know, it's like, it's like the same thing, you know, like I equate that with the people who go and try and relight the firework, you know, like they've got the Roman candle, you know, and they light them all up and then they back away and they're like, Oh man, that one didn't go off. Let me go pick it

Kurt Neiswender:



Let me be the guy who goes up to

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, this guy.


Yeah, right. Yeah, that guy. Right. Yeah,

Kurt Neiswender:

I should do this. It's


like the map is not, it's missing, it's missing some landmass. Right?

Kurt Neiswender:

I picked up the firework.


Yeah, I, I was that guy. I also fry my, deep fry my turkey.

Kurt Neiswender:

You know, I fried, I, I fried a turkey once, years ago.


Not to say that a deep fried turkey doesn't taste delicious. Because it does. I mean, yeah, it absolutely does. Again, if you follow the instructions,

Kurt Neiswender:



I'm not gonna take my life on my hands for that deliciousness of that deep fried turkey.

Kurt Neiswender:

My brother, I believe used his smoker. And smoked. Does he have an egg? No, he has I think he has like a Traeger. I don't know what that is. It's, it's, I think it has like a little computer that runs the



Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah, it's And he has like the, the, the little chamber that you throw the little wood chips in Charlie's high tech, you know, he gets like a little spray bottle and he's like, you know, like making sure it doesn't flame up and yeah, he's into it. Also Traeger in the show notes,


future sponsor of this episode.

Kurt Neiswender:

I can't wait for the either the sketch of the turkey in the deep fryer or. The turkey in the Traeger


cuz you know like that stuff, you know me too well

Kurt Neiswender:

Like I'm gonna go do that


myself, you know, that crazy shit goes in my brain and like, you know And like three or four days later It's like the only thing I can think of is to get it out of here is get it on the page so

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah as as as Eric Has taught us, right? Everything happens in October, right? So that's, that's true. This is true. Deadline is next October. Yeah. Well, this has been fun. A nice little holiday recap. There's a, you know, the latest episode is the one with Eric recapping Arc Inktober. For those that are watching and are not familiar with Arc Inktober go check out the last episode. Well, the last two really. So we have the pre. October and then the post October. Our King Tober conversation.


31 sketches.

Kurt Neiswender:

Yeah. Well, some of us got 31. Some of us got like 25, 23 and a half. You round up, you round up. It's I got, I got close, but it was a lot of fun. And Oh yeah. And then we have a few more in the hopper as they say, so including this one. So, so stay tuned. So, Oh, buy me some time, Jamie. I got to, Oh, yeah. So is the


hopper like a Traeger hopper? Is there, is like that, would that be me using the term properly? Or is it like the ceramic egg? The green, you know what I'm talking about? The green egg things, right? Yeah. Those, I mean, those, I don't know, are pretty pricey. I'm sure the thing with the AI bot, you know, eating, eating the wood chips, you know, talking to, talking to Charlie. No, no, Charlie, you know, he,

Kurt Neiswender:

yeah, he's a, he doesn't, he's no. Cheapskate, you know, I don't know about the egg thing. I mean, I know what it is. I just don't know what the big draw is. We should have to ask Charlie about that.


Yeah. He can get on, tell us, you know, break it all down.

Kurt Neiswender:

We need, we need your expertise on this next one. So, all right. Good. Thanks


buddy. This was fun.

Kurt Neiswender:


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