The Geeky Gentleman | Men's Fashion | Geeky News
The Geeky Gentleman | Men's Fashion | Geeky News
Marvel's Avengers Gameplay & 2 Must-Have Grooming Products
Marvel's Avengers RPG is coming out on PS4 and Xbox One in May 2020 and I was one of the first people to play the game at an epic Marvel event in London hosted by Virgin Media. Join me as I tell you all about your favorite Avenger's fighting-style and everything that you can expect from this new game by Marvel. I even got some nice little hints of what we can expect in the future from the game director himself!
In the gentleman's portion of the podcast, I'm gushing over two of my newest favorite grooming products that you will want to add into your skincare routine.
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The Geeky Gentleman:
Welcome to The Geeky Gentleman, the podcast where stylish geeks & pop culture enthusiasts can listen to everything that is happening within this nerdy world of ours such as Marvel and DC film/TV updates, pop culture, video games, comic books, etc. and be inspired to achieve your own level of gentleman status with my own personal tips on men's grooming and style!