The Geeky Gentleman | Men's Fashion | Geeky News
The Geeky Gentleman | Men's Fashion | Geeky News
Marvel Writer Terry Blas Talks Reptil Solo Series & Manscaping w/ Manscaped
Jump into this podcast episode where I interview Terry Blas, the writer for the upcoming Marvel solo series Reptil - your new soon-to-be favorite Mexican-American superhero who can transform into dinosaurs! We talk superheroes, diversity in Marvel, and what we can expect from this upcoming series starring Humberto Lopez aka Reptil!
In the gentleman's portion of the podcast, we're traveling below the belt to discuss why Manscaped is the king of all things male grooming when it comes to below the waist!
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The Geeky Gentleman:
Welcome to The Geeky Gentleman, the podcast where stylish geeks and pop culture enthusiasts can listen to everything that is happening within this nerdy world of ours such as Marvel and DC film/TV updates, pop culture, video games, comic books, etc. and be inspired to achieve your own level of gentleman status with my own personal tips on men's grooming and style!