PhD Advice from postgraduate administrators Karen and Mairead
In this episode Liz Gaberdiel interviews Karen Woodcock and Mairead Rae, the Postgraduate Programme Administrators of ICB, IQB3 and IEB, IIIR, IMPS, respectively, in the School of Biological Science at the University of Edinburgh. They share their experiences working with postgraduate students, what insights they accumulated from that work and share top tips on a successful PhD. They also introduce a wide range of support they can provide and share useful resources for a successful PhD.
Visit and bookmark Institue of Academic Development website https://www.ed.ac.uk/institute-academic-development
Get in touch by email with Karen karen.woodcock@ed.ac.uk or Mairead mairead.rae@ed.ac.uk.
Also, you can now drop by their office at Mary Brück Building from Monday-Thursday and alternate Fridays (at the time of the recording, restrictions on in person meetings were in place).