Explore the edges of known biology and meet the people - a podcast direct from the PhD students at the heart of university research. BioPOD is the official podcast from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Edinburgh.
Unstable fungal resistance
BioPod Edinburgh
Season 5
Episode 2
In a world where the human population is predicted to reach 10 billion by 2050, we urgently need to find ways to increase crop production. However, it is made more difficult by some species of crop-pathogenic fungi, which can decimate crop yields, and also develop mutations that make them resistant to antifungal compounds. Dr Robin Allshire's group is trying to understand a not-so-well-known form of this resistance which could help farmers and governments tackle the current global food production challenge.
Recorded & produced by Anna Motýľová.
Edited by Haomiao Cheng.
Cover art by Manushri.
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