The Science Pawdcast
The Science Pawdcast breaks down the latest science happening in the human world AND the pet world.
Each episode will also bring you a guest to enthral you with their area of knowledge.
You'll learn, be captivated, and laugh along with host Jason Zackowski.
Pets and Science, it's the pawfect mix.
You'll also get episodes of PetChat which are the live shows from social audio.
PetChat is a live community gathering updates about the animals in our life, but also the animals in the wonderful community that supports us!
Heart and Hope.
Science and Shenanigans.
The Science Pawdcast
Pet Chat November 2nd: Mountain Adventures
Pet Chat is a recording of our live show which brings together our community from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!
Have you ever shared a spontaneous adventure with your furry friends that left you with memories to treasure forever? Join us as we recount a joy-filled day in the mountains with our beloved dogs, Bunsen, Beaker, and Bernoulli. We met up with Holly- Sasha the Bernadoodle's mom, and her husband Colin for a delightful dog-friendly lunch in Canmore, where laughter was abundant—especially when Bernoulli tried to munch on a pair of sunglasses! Our spontaneous decision to explore the breathtaking Troll Falls made the day even more memorable, with Beaker and Bernoulli taking to the water like pros while Bunsen preferred to keep his paws dry.
As we drift down memory lane, we find ourselves chuckling over classic "The Simpsons" moments, particularly the hilarious Treehouse of Horrors episodes. The clever writing of Conan O'Brien always brings a smile, and we draw parallels between these nostalgic moments and the snowy escapades of our dogs, Ginger and Bernoulli. Excitement bubbles as we unveil our latest project, "Text from Bunsen 3," and celebrate the restock of our popular Bunsen and Beaker calendar, thanks to the unwavering support of our vibrant community.
We also explore the enigma of fireworks anxiety in dogs and how to alleviate it with effective strategies. Our dear friend Tracy joins us from Twitter to share her cozy evening tales with her cats and to reminisce about the quirky charm of Clippy, sparking a conversation about early AI. Our Pet Updates and Friendship Chat segment brims with charming tales of Ginger the cat's snowy adventures and updates from our community, making it a heartwarming gathering of pet lovers. With gratitude, we invite you to engage and share in our regular Pet Chat sessions every Saturday evening, further fostering our shared love for our four-legged companions.
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Hello pet enthusiasts, welcome to Pet Chat. My name is Jason Zuchowski. I'm the dog dad and cat dad of Bunsen, beaker, bernoulli and Ginger the science animals of social media. My co-host with the mostest is Hi there, I'm Chris Zuchowski.
Speaker 2:I am the dog mom to Bunsen and Beaker and Bernoulli and the cat mom to Ginger and the cat mom to Ginger and Ginger's in this room with me today and Jason has Bernoulli.
Speaker 1:I do. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts with Bernoulli.
Speaker 2:It's going to last the whole time. You can't get rid of him.
Speaker 1:Chris, do you want to start with the story?
Speaker 2:The story of today.
Speaker 1:Sure. Today was a great day, busy day, but good day.
Speaker 2:Today was a great day. Every day is a great day, but today was especially great because you and I had this in the works. We had been planning with Polly Sasha, the Bernadoodles mom. They were coming to Alberta, the Calgary area, and we met them in Canmore for lunch today and it was really great. We got up early and initially you and I talked and I called around to Canmore restaurants that are dog friendly.
Speaker 2:The first restaurant I called they're like no, our patio is closed. And then the first restaurant I called they're like no, our patio is closed. And then the second restaurant I called, they're like yeah, you can come on the patio, but it's like not, like it's not heated or whatever, and I'm like that'll be okay. I'm glad it was. I'm glad the weather held for today it wasn't too terrible, because I was like let's bring Bernoulli. And then at the last minute we said no, let's bring all of our dogs. And we did. We brought Bunsen, Beaker and Bernoulli and we met Holly and her husband Colin for lunch and it went really well.
Speaker 2:We left Beaker and Bunsen in the car because they are adult dogs and they can not chew everything. But it was very smart of us to take Bernoulli with his little doggy bag and blanket for him to sit on the patio with us. Because in all the kerfuffle of getting everything in the car, I tell you two dogs was a lot. Three dogs just adds way more to the equation, that's for sure. And I had my sunglasses on the console and then I forgot about them. And then I heard this crunching and I'm like that's weird. And then I checked and Bernoulli wasn't chewing anything. But when we got to Canmore to let them out to go to the bathroom, he had destroyed my sunglasses.
Speaker 2:They are destroyed.
Speaker 1:And very sad it's terrible.
Speaker 2:I'm not super happy, it's my own fault because I had them on the console. But you know what Bunsen and Beaker don't do? That they don't chew anything. So I guess I'm out of practice. Actually they never chewed anything Like our dogs are so good. But the fun thing was then we went and had lunch on the patio and then we were sitting there and I'm like, oh no, the cheesies, because we had cheesies and some chips, some ketchup chips.
Speaker 1:Very Canadian, by the way. We didn't get any Halloween candy really this year and I was craving Hawking's cheesies, because normally we get little containers of it from the kids at Halloween. Nothing and go ahead, Chris Sorry.
Speaker 2:No, that's okay. And then we had stopped for gas and Jason's like hey, let's get some snackies. I'm like, okay, that sounds good. So we've got these chips. Yeah. Not the healthiest, not the healthiest nutritious and delicious because they have cheese in them and ketchup, yes, very healthy.
Speaker 5:Ketchup comes from tomatoes Chris.
Speaker 2:So then I'm sitting at the table, I'm like, oh no, our cheesies and chips because we didn't finish the bag are in the car. And Jason said, would you like me to go get them? I'm like, oh, they'll be gone if they're gone. And then we had a wonderful lunch, and then only with Bernoulli at the restaurant. And then we did a meet and greet with Colin and Holly beside the vehicle where they got to interact with Bunsen and Beaker and I. When I opened the door, I'm like, Jason, the chips and the cheesies are not eaten at all, and the Cheezys are not eaten at all.
Speaker 1:The most important part, the most important thing was the Cheezys survived. That is the most important thing by far.
Speaker 2:No, not really, but funny, because if Bernoulli was in the car they would not have survived, they would have been eaten and in his ballet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he would have destroyed those Cheezys. They would have been eaten, for sure he would he would have destroyed those cheesies.
Speaker 2:They would have been eaten for sure he would have eaten parts of the van. I'm sure he ate my sunglasses Like they are destroyed, like the whole arm is like.
Speaker 1:They are so far beyond saving. It was unbelievable. He destroyed them. That bad yes.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then after the nice lunch we went for a pretty long hike and we were like, oh, we could come home and then pet chat would be at the normal part. But we're like, we're in the mountains, we drove all this way, let's go for a hike. And you suggested troll falls, which is a moderate, like easy to moderate hike, and they they've updated the, I guess the path to the upper falls about two like four or five years ago, because the path to the upper falls was pretty treacherous and awful, like pretty sketchy, and now they went all the way around. So it's a bit of a hoof to get up there, like it's pretty steep, but the vistas and the falls were beautiful. And then the Beaker and Bernoulli were all into the water.
Speaker 1:Bunsen wanted nothing to do with getting wet by the waterfalls. You actually went under one part of it, which was really cool with Beaker because she really wanted to go. She was curious and I was a little sketched out taking Bernoulli because it was icy, so I stayed back with the burners. But Bunsen was all. He was not even interested in going under the waterfall, even though you weren't really going to get wet. You maybe get sprayed a bit.
Speaker 2:So yeah, that's that but bernoulli, he was crying because he wanted to come yeah, he wanted to go with you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's like wait a second, absolutely.
Speaker 2:They're going to have an adventure and I'm not part of it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's the big story from today. We and we rushed home and we, here we are. We're on Pet Chat. Other news of the week, if people are interested, beaker got her stitches out. I took her to the vet Friday. I raced home from school and then she got stitches out of her, stitches out of her eye on Friday and aside from still shaved fur and little still healing to do or scabbing, I think her eye looks really good and I think it's itchy for her. She was trying to scratch her eye after her cone came off so we got to watch that for the next two days. We can't have her unsupervised without her cone on because she might try to scratch her eye where the stitches were. But I think she looks great she looks great yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 1:And aside from that, this week was a blur. It was a marathon race for chris and I at our day job from from Monday to Friday. I don't know who decides to have Halloween on a Thursday. If you're a teacher and Halloween is on a Thursday, what the hell is wrong with the calendar? People Like I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to whoever decided to have Halloween on a Thursday, so that teachers have to deal with all the kids on a Friday after they've been out all night eating candy up to shenanigans. And they were like hey guys, now we're going to learn science and chemistry and you had to teach math. Like, oh my God, you had to teach math after Halloween, Chris.
Speaker 1:I gave them a quiz. You gave them that was a trick. That was a trick. That was a trick. That was not a treat at all. Luckily for the most part, high school kids are just so tired. Halloween they're a little bonkers, Even high school kids. I can't imagine. I can't imagine what our elementary school colleagues had to deal with today it would have been, or Friday. It would have been a nightmare, Like all those kids hopped up on Coffee Crisp and Kit Kats and Smarties and oh, those sorry, those are Canadian chocolate bars. What do the Americans have, Mr Biggs?
Speaker 2:Probably Mars Mars bar, but I was part of that I, on halloween, I handed out candy to the high schoolers. I'm like trick or treat and then so I had you do that I don't know I give.
Speaker 2:I have the peanut allergy, peanut free, nestle arrow and smarties and coffee crisp, kit kat in there. And then I had the cadbury chocolate for kids who, if they're they don't have a peanut allergy. And then this was my joke. I'm like okay, I said, oh, our math. Okay, I have to preface this. Our math department dressed up as m&ms, so so I was a red M&M.
Speaker 2:And then I said to the kids, I said I know I'm an M&M, but I don't want to see any rappers on the floor. Guess who's back? Yeah, back again. Shady's back, yeah, and okay, so I may or may not have, but definitely did tell that joke four times to each of my classes because even though I told it four times, they had only heard it once, unless they talked to their peers and are like oh cringe, teacher is back again with my joke.
Speaker 1:So we had some comments coming in from the live. Diane says Milky Way equals Mars. Is that not a bar? The Americans have the Mars bar. Is it called the Milky Way? Ironically, mars is in the Milky Way. There we go. That makes sense.
Speaker 1:Yeah, linda says 35 years of teaching kids after Halloween, either bouncing off the walls or zombies. My, I had zombies. The kids were tired. They were very tired. Amy says middle school was crazy also yeah, amy, if you teach middle school, you are a hero. You are a hero amongst heroes having to deal with middle school kids on halloween and after halloween. Halloween should just be on a friday. Actually, halloween should be on a Saturday. What am I talking about? And then Kit Kats, mr Good Bar, smarties we got some other candies coming in from people watching on the live, so appreciate that. Everybody helping us out there. So that was that. And I didn't hand out candy, I blew up pumpkins. That was my treat. Zero calorie treat to kids was blowing up pumpkins and having some fun with some really wacky dry ice science on Halloween. So a little spooky vapor and exploding pumpkins. Kelly asks aren't zombies easier? They are. They're not throwing desks and jumping over garbage cans, but when you have to teach them advanced chemistry.
Speaker 2:I'm pretty sure some kids learn nothing that day anyways no, zombies, they're eating brains, so obviously they're filling their brain with brain okay all right, I love learning. I'm a zombie, I was eating, learning.
Speaker 1:I love. There's two jokes on the Simpsons which killed me when I was growing up. They're like they're early on in the Simpsons. One is everybody gets turned into zombies and Bart and Lisa are running back home and they're trying to tell their dad like we need to leave town because everybody's a zombie, and then Flanders bursts into the home brains and then Homer just pulls a shotgun out of the couch and just blows Flanders away and the kids are like, oh my God, dad, you just killed zombie Flanders. And then Homer says he was a zombie and that's sick, it's just so awful. Right, it's on their Treehouse of Horrors episode. And then another one I think it's the same episode.
Speaker 2:How did they get away with that, Jason? How did they get away with that?
Speaker 1:This was early on in the Simpsons, when they got away with way more stuff.
Speaker 2:Okay, where were the censors?
Speaker 1:They missed that joke. That was like cold-blooded possible murder. But anyways, another joke was, I think they got trapped and the zombies were like brains, brains and Homer resign himself to being eaten alive. And they come up to him and they look at him and they tap him on the head brains, and they go on to somebody else and then he felt offended because he didn't have enough brains to get eaten. Yeah, good writing. Pretty sure that was Conan O'Brien. He worked for the Simpsons early on. So good job, conan O'Brien. Pretty sure that was conan o'brien. He worked for the simpsons early on.
Speaker 2:So good job, conan o'brien I think it's better to be brains learning. That'll be my next joke a learning zombie okay yeah, I'll work on it. It'll be funny when I tell it four times to four different classes, because they've only heard it once and I've told it four times. Yeah, just different classes, cause they've only heard it once and I've told it four times. Yeah, just replay the jokes, it's fine. It's fine. You're better telling them by the end of the day.
Speaker 1:Do you have any other stories or can we just talk about a quick couple of quick news items before we go to community sharing? I don't remember, honestly, what happened from Monday to Thursday, like we were working crazy hours, yeah.
Speaker 2:It was like a typical week.
Speaker 1:Good Ginger's fine.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the dogs are good.
Speaker 1:Ginger's fine Bernoulli went to Waggles it snowed, it snowed, it snowed a little bit every day. It's been cute to see Bernoulli in the snow, and we took the dogs for a walk right.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:It had just snowed a bit so we missed the snow and the snow was on all of the all the foil foliage and Bernoulli was rushing through it and he came through the tall grass and the weeds and he was covered in snow and he was so happy and my heart just got so big for him because he has no idea what's coming a little bit of snow like that and he's so happy like he's gonna lose his mind when the big snow comes in a month or so or maybe tomorrow. Yeah, so that was cool and you'll see footage of that on the pup date which comes out on monday.
Speaker 2:Right, the video that I cut together yeah, so I was a little worried about all the ice chunks on the walk today, because the last time we had gone to waggles for wagon play, bernoulli was just running around with ice chunks, and so there were ice chunks like along parts of the waterfall. I thought, oh man, I thought he's gonna just chomp on that ice, but he didn't.
Speaker 1:No, he was curious and then he was worried that you were going with beaker under the waterfall. So yeah, anyways, all right that you were going with Beaker under the waterfall. So yeah, anyways, all right. A couple of news items. So the first one is text from Bunsen 3, the print book came in late Thursday so we've been unable to start shipping yet. So that's the plan for later tonight. We might organize some stuff later tonight and then tomorrow. So our goal is to ship out everybody's pre-sales by next week, right? So hopefully we'll get them all out to you and for everybody who supported us with the pre-sale of text from Bunsen.
Speaker 1:The books look amazing. We're so happy and proud, like when we, when you get those and it's something you created, like a book you created. It was really emotional seeing that thing that we made and we can hold it in our hands and we're going to be sending it to people and it's going to bring people joy. So that's fun. And the print book actually has joke, bonus jokes, like 12 or 15 of them that the ebook doesn't have. So, folks that got the ebook, you're in for a treat in the print book. And then there's also some people got the bundle and there's like extra fun stuff that goes in there like a Bernoulli paw print. So that's the information there.
Speaker 1:And because folks wanted us missed out on the calendar the Bunsen and Beaker calendar we worked hard and we got another order in and it arrived and, just so you know, we were 50% sold out of the restock, like it's we restocked. When did I say it was in the store? Wednesday, I think we got the calendars in the store Wednesday, something like that. Yeah, and we're 50% sold out. We only have there's not they could sell out. Thank you for everybody who missed the calendar and supporting us getting one that they missed. That's in our store and it'll go when it goes. So it's pretty cool that people got the calendar and we were worried we'd get all these calendars and we'd sell two of them. So it was a bit of a risk, but we're happy. People got the calendar and they're all on their way to you, except for people who got their stuff today because we were in the mountains. So that's the information items there, okay, uh, that's it. We can probably move to community sharing and yeah, I'm a little. I'm a little discombobulated. So let's move to community sharing.
Speaker 1:If you want to ask a question, tell a story, hop up on audio to speak. Now's the time. We do peruse and we do check out comments and accounts to make sure, um, you're not a troll. So if you're on twitter audio and you want to come up to tell a story, ask a question, go ahead. And if you want to ask a question or tell a story by typing on live, go ahead, chris, and I'll read that out and put it up on the jumbotron. Madison said about the pumpkins wish I saw the pumpkins explode. And kelly said loved this week's text from bunsen. They were pretty good. This week I was proud of the joke writing okay, come on up if you'd like to ask a question and if you're watching live, go ahead. Type in your question. We'll get to it as we, as best we can, and if nobody wants to talk, that's okay too. But we can peer pressure people in. We can. Should we peer pressure, or is that rude?
Speaker 2:I don't know how you would peer pressure I don't know, please talk. Yeah, we could just ask we sure would love, we sure would love someone to come up and talk but that's okay too.
Speaker 1:It's okay too. Yeah, meg mego the waffle ego on instagram, because I got instagram working while you were talking, chris, I fixed it.
Speaker 2:Wow, good for you. That's amazing, I know, I know, so I've been watching. Welcome to jason's tech talk welcome to the tech talk.
Speaker 1:Mego the waffle ego says I just love all your posts. Thank, Thank you. Oh, I love that. And then Mago the waffle Ego says how old are Ginger and Bernoulli? So, Chris, you can answer that, and then we'll go to some of the speakers on audio.
Speaker 2:We know for sure that Bernoulli is six months, just over six months old, but we don't know how old Ginger is, because we rescued her and they just give an arbitrary day. They say, like any little kitten is about one years old. So she might've been two. Because it's harder to age cats with dogs they age them through their teeth, but cats is not quite the same. So we've had her three years, two years, two years, two years. So she's probably three.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:On the calendar, we have her gotcha day.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah. So if you did get the Bunsen and Beaker calendar, you'll know when we got her. That's not necessarily her birthday, because we don't know.
Speaker 2:No, but it's her gotcha day, yeah, and we just love having her. She's a good girl, she's a neat no, she's a neat cat, but sometimes we call her our good ghoul because she ghouls around by the door to escape. And she actually escaped on jason today and yesterday.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she's fast ghoul.
Speaker 2:She is so fast. We should have dressed her up as a ghoul, not that's the other thing we could have talked about, jason. If people don't come up to chat, we'll just talk about their halloween costumes oh, there's a question actually coming about the halloween costumes. Okay, but jen's up to speak yeah, we've got hi jen.
Speaker 3:We've got three speakers oh, jen came first yeah, jen's first oh hi, I remember the costume. Remember the costume. I think ginger wore was a year or two ago a little red cape for the vampire costume.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the vampire cape yes.
Speaker 3:Oh, it was just adorable. Anyway, I'm surprised that cats can't be aged by teeth. That's unusual. But I wanted to say I'm sorry you've already had snow. Wow, I would love to see a video of Ginger trying to escape after the first big snow oh yeah, she does, and she regrets her life jen I bet does she give it a sniff and go you and just go outside or come back, or what does she do?
Speaker 1:okay a couple times and then maybe chris can chime in. She bolts and then gets stuck in the snow. So he like jumps through the snow and then realizes how horrible she, her life choices have been, and then that's really easy to get her cause. She freezes in place and then other times, when the melt is on, she skirts the snow along the edge of the house where the snow has melted.
Speaker 3:So Well, just wait until she gets older and and you'll open the door and she'll go. No, thank you.
Speaker 1:I hope so.
Speaker 3:I hope so.
Speaker 2:I hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh, and also to everybody on Twitter or X. We've been so busy I haven't had a chance to go through the costume contest. I posted about the costume contest and there's so many awesome pet contest costumes I haven't had a chance to look through it. Friday was insane and then we were shipping calendars till I fell asleep and then we were out in the mountain. So I'll get to that tomorrow and then we'll announce some winners on that to the twitter costume contest. So please don't think that I've abandoned that post. It's just been really busy, so I just thought of that anyways. So thanks, jen, are you? Did you say what you wanted to say, jen?
Speaker 3:yeah, pretty much. I was just wondering about ginger in the snow. I'm sorry again, you had your snow already.
Speaker 1:It's too early I love it, but chris is sad. We got a good question. We'll go to one of the live questions because it's echoed. Actually, how's Norbert doing with the snow that fell for you and also what's up with Norbert's stalker? So this comes from last week where our trail cam got footage of a coyote stalking Norbert. So it'd be like Norbert working and then 20 minutes later, coyote, norbert working. It'd be like Norbert working and then 20 minutes later, coyote, norbert working Coyote.
Speaker 1:And a Friday after school we took the dogs in a walk and I got all the trail cam footage for the last three days and the coyotes missing. So from all the stalking previously I think the snow moved the coyote on. There's easier prey to go after than a 60 pound beaver, so I haven't seen any footage of the coyote and our cameras are strategically placed that a coyote would set it off. Sorry, excuse me. So we're really hopeful that Norbert's just going to have a nice winter and we don't have to worry about the coyote hassling our favorite beaver. So that answers that, chris. Who's our next speaker?
Speaker 2:I don't know you brought them up. I only had brought Jen up.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, so I think we'll go to Lisa, that's Benny and Bowie and then Donna, and then I'll answer some more questions from live. So, hi, lisa.
Speaker 8:Hi, how are you guys we're?
Speaker 1:good.
Speaker 8:Hi, lisa, hi, how are you guys?
Speaker 1:We're good, we're good.
Speaker 8:How are you? I'm good. It's been a while and I apologize for that, but things are moving along smoothly here in Ottawa so I'm getting back on track, dealing with a few family illnesses, but other than that, everybody's recovering nicely, so we are good. I just wanted to come up and say because Holly had actually texted me, because Holly and I are friends outside of Twitter as well as Holly came to stay with us and she met Canadian Penny and Cousin, sully and Evie and, excuse me, benny and Bowie as well Extremely jealous that she has now met Kerr and Bunsen and Bernoulli, because we're practically in-laws and I still haven't met them. So I have to make a trip out, but just wanted to say hello and express how jealous I am. I think Collie we have to come up with a name like a Twitter tourist, pet tourist or something, because she's meeting all the dogs on Twitter.
Speaker 1:She did. She did say she was going down to florida. And was it? What's the dog that?
Speaker 2:moose yeah yeah ah, that's sasha's love yeah, yeah, sasha's boyfriend yes yeah, so anyway, just wanted oh I no, I was just going to say that she was going to go down there and just happened to meet up with Moose and the family and then I know Holly says hi. She said to say hi to you because she knew that. I don't know if she knew that you'd be on tonight, but she said oh yeah, make sure you say hi to Lisa, because we know that you're friends and that you've met and she's totally awesome, because we know that you're friends and that you've met.
Speaker 8:She's totally awesome.
Speaker 2:She's lovely. She talked about her new cat, Toby. Yes, she is very busy and I said oh, we've lost that battle with Ginger.
Speaker 1:Chris say again you broke up completely. Just one more time.
Speaker 2:Oh sorry. I just said that Toby is jumping on the count or doesn't jump on the counter anymore. They were able to stop that from happening, and we have not been successful with Ginger at all.
Speaker 1:No, we've given up. Lisa. Did you hear Chris that time she was breaking up? I did Okay.
Speaker 8:I did. Yeah, no, that's amazing. I just wanted to pop on say hello to everybody. Tracy, congratulations on your new two editions. I was very happy to see them, and Donna, I'm very happy that you're settled in California and so much is going on that I need to catch up with, but anyway, miss you all and I'll try and do better to stay current with everybody. So anyway, take care.
Speaker 2:Thanks, Lisa. Holly also said that she thought that Bowie is very similar to Beaker because Bowie loves people like Beaker does with a force of a thousand hurricanes. And then she said that Benny is super cool and chill, but also a very good dog.
Speaker 8:Thank you, and I have to say I think Bowie is, she emulates Beaker as she wants to be Beaker. She is Beaker and Benny, I'd have to say, is looking very svelte right now. He's he and Benny, I'd have to say, is looking very svelte right now. Beaker would be very impressed and he's wondering if Beaker is going to have a sexy scar from her surgery.
Speaker 1:Oh, she's going to have a little eye scar. In every role-playing game that I ever make, I always make my character have a little scar across her eye. Adds that mystery to the character absolutely.
Speaker 2:Benson says it's going to make her even more beautiful it is, it is and it'll go with her pirate theme when she's Captain Bicosa yeah, captain Bicosa there we go that's funny.
Speaker 1:All right, thanks, lisa. All right, we we'll go to donna and then I'll I see your questions on live the live video watchers. We'll go through some live questions after donna, because hello donna hi y'all, how's it going good, I've missed everybody. We hear tell you survived some earthquakes uh, yeah, a few man.
Speaker 6:there was one that hit like less than five miles from my house and I guess the closer you are the epicenter, the more you feel it. So they say, oh, it's nothing if it's under five. But this was like 4.8 and it shook me. I was getting some messages in the chat. First of all, hi, lisa, I will get to meet Holly, so she has a family member down here. So we have plans when she actually comes down here to hook up. So I'll be excited for that one. I would be remiss if I didn't wish Ella a happy birthday. So Kathy and Ella, oh, my God, that dog so cute and I just love keeping up with everybody. I'm just sorry I haven't been on to listen to the stories, but I did get some messages in the chat to talk about some food safety issues because asking if I could bring some up. So if that's okay, I'm happy to share because there are a crap ton.
Speaker 1:You bet, and just for people watching live. The person speaking is Donna Craig, and Donna is an expert in food safety and food preparation. She's our food safety. We call her food safety Donna Craig for folks that are watching live.
Speaker 6:Which is funny because as a COO I don't have a lot of time, but I've made time lately because a lot of it has been out here. Have a lot of time, but I've made time lately because a lot of it has been out here. But if anybody buys those fresh express salad bowls, like the chicken caesar salad bowls or the little cob salad bowls with chicken, those have all been voluntary recalled due to listeria concerns oh, you cut out again, donna just yeah, it's my phone it I don't have it set to stay on long so I'm going to keep my thumb on it.
Speaker 6:There is some smoked uh salmon and meats that you get at costco or uh kirkland's uh that has been recalled due to the same issue. Almost every single one of these are listeria concerns. There are some frozen waffles that have been recalled. There are if you get the spider web tart from Atwater's. Those have been recalled due to undeclared tree nut allergies. So some people have some nasty nut allergies that could make them really sick. There is some lunch meat Sprouts is recalled. There are taco kits that they have. So the taco kits supplied by Fresh Creative Foods have also all been recalled due to listeria and monocytogenes contamination.
Speaker 6:Food is scary. Y'all Wash it if you can. Listeria is making a massive comeback because that is contaminated water. So, whatever, they're cleaning their equipment with it's contaminated water and hate to bring an election into it, but vote as if your life depends on it, because it does. Food and Drug Administration is doing a heck of a job and the USDA is doing a heck of a job in getting these recall notices out. They're actually about to create an app here in the States that will notify you for food recall. So it'll send it by text or alerts if you sign up for it. So it's not quite ready yet, but it's about to go live by the end of the year.
Speaker 1:Go live by the end of the year Sweet and, if I'm remembering my food microbiology. Listeria. For the average healthy person maybe doesn't pose a threat unless you're unlucky, but for babies and toddlers, immunocompromised, and the elderly it can be deadly right. So it's not nothing to joke about if you've got those people in your family.
Speaker 6:Even with healthy peeps these days you can get lingering. It feels like the stomach bug. It's uncomfortable but, as you said, it can be deadly for anyone else because it dehydrates you massively in a hurry. But Callie's fine. She's not a fan of the earthquake. She just stands up, growls and then lays back down and starts snoring again. So she's figured it out. Nothing has fallen off the walls or off shelves yet, so she's pretty chill. But it's a little disconcerting when you're walking and you're in a restaurant and all of a sudden it shakes. You can feel it. I think the people who live here probably don't, because they've been through it. It would be like being in Texas and hearing a tornado clacks and going off, or any state for that matter that has them. It's a little. It's a little disconcerting. The app, I think, is scarier more than the actual earthquake these days.
Speaker 1:All right, awesome, donna. Thanks, really good to hear from you.
Speaker 6:Yep Missed. Y'all love keeping up with the shenanigans.
Speaker 1:Yes, there are shenanigans like crazy. Okay, I did say we'd go through some of the live comments. The first one's from Karen, who's watching live on Facebook. Loved all the Halloween picks this week. Did you have any any favorites? I think there's like hundreds of comments with photos on twitter and I don't want to pick a favorite because they're all so good, so we'll have a random draw for those. Those are the. That's the halloween cost halloween costume contest that I had on twitter and I've looked through all of them. They're adorable. Of what do you think is your favorite pet costume for our family, chris? Is there one that you like the best?
Speaker 1:is that, when they're like a whole group, or just like the ones that we've had with our family like, so I really loved how excited bernoulli was to become burger newly yeah because the first time we put it on he wasn't too sure.
Speaker 2:But then after, like when we did it a few times with uh in different settings, he was like, oh yeah, and he would just love becoming a hamburger he loved.
Speaker 1:He loves dressing up now because he knows he gets a little bit of food. So yeah he just, he was so excited to become burger newly yeah he's, I will wear the burger costume, no problem no problem yeah, so that's pretty cute.
Speaker 1:I have to say my favorite costume and it's because bunsen and I got to do it together and that was my mandalorian costume and his mandalorian costume, the dogalorian because he looks so majestic in it with his little cape and we should probably do that again. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get into the mandalorian costumes. That's maybe why it's a bit of a thing to put it on. It's a little bit easier to throw a sheet on and be like a ghost and those are always. That's the funny thing is, their dogs are just so cute as a ghost and then it's so simple. It's just like a sheet with eye holes and then I 3d print a replica mandalorian costume and scale it to a dog and people are like, oh, the ghost costume is better. I get it, it's I get it, it's pretty cute.
Speaker 1:Sarah asked how we know the beaver's 60 pounds and it's an estimation. Bernou, norbert is huge. He's as big as Beaker, like when on trail cam we have footage of Norbert, then Beaker in the same spot, and Norbert is as big as Beaker. It's shocking to believe but it's true. Beavers are enormous and they can get huge. So we estimate Norbert size between about what Beaker is like between 50 and 60 pounds. I think that would be a pretty accurate estimation yeah, if beaker had no legs well close to the ground.
Speaker 1:okay, yeah, norbert's built like a giant potato, but I mean they're the same length from snooter to tail, so yeah, and then a couple comments over on instagram. There there was a somebody asked a question mark and there was a bunch of questions. Sorry, I'm just going through. I get notified on Instagram when people join, so I have to go through like a thousand of these so-and-so joined. Yeah, sorry, instagram, I can't see any current comment, but go ahead and talk in. Oh, it looks like we're frozen on Instagram. Oh, no, we're not. Anyways, we'll go to Tracy and then Yeg and then Karen over on Twitter.
Speaker 7:Tracy, hello Hi. Hello Hi how are you guys doing?
Speaker 1:We're good, we're good.
Speaker 7:Not much going on here, just hanging out with these cats.
Speaker 1:That sounds like a fun evening, Tracy, though.
Speaker 7:Yeah, you know, the election's in a couple days, so I'm pretty much avoiding all that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just hanging out with the cats, that's a good plan.
Speaker 7:Yeah, I'm just going to wake up on November 6th, hopefully happy, but we'll see.
Speaker 1:Well, just hang out with the cats still then.
Speaker 7:Yeah, they're still good. They like get real intense about their fighting sometimes and then Amy starts hissing, but then they want to sleep right next to each other. So I'm like you guys have to secretly love each other.
Speaker 1:Sounds like Bernoulli and Ginger Tracy.
Speaker 7:Yeah, they're not so secretive about it. They do like, group each other and everything, but it's just when they like start to play too hard they get intense. But they're actually like in different spots. Right now, holt's in the living room with me and Amy's on my bed and they were like on my clothes last night, which is super cute that they want to be like on my clothes, so I'll take this little bit of shedding for that cuteness ginger likes jason's clothes too, and she just lays down on his clothes yeah, I'm always like I'm iron my clothes, especially like on fridays, because I go to the gym before school.
Speaker 1:So I like I have to iron all my clothes, put them on hangers, get them ready for the day to change in after the gym, lay them down and I look over and ginger's oh, nice, warm clothes, and she's rolling and laying in my clothes and it's like too late to brush them like or whatever, like roller brush them. So then I've got to be like get some sticky tape from school and take all the cat hair off of it, because one time I forgot I didn't do the back and like kids were like because kids are high school kids are like elementary kids, they'll just touch you and it's so just touch you. So kids were like picking cat hair off my back when I was like walking around. They're like oh, you got cat hair on your back, pick. I was like that makes me really uncomfortable anyways, I love
Speaker 2:that tracy, you've been reposting a lot of things. Usually I can find your cat straight away, but you've got a lot of reposts on your thread. But I love the pumpkin. I see you're carving a pumpkin and it's clippy and it's want some help. That was very funny as I went through your videos.
Speaker 7:Yeah, that was like that's not a pumpkin that went through your. Yeah, that was like that's not a pumpkin that I carved. But I just thought that was funny for the old MS word people who grew up with that.
Speaker 1:I had to explain to kids who Clippy was the other day. I was like he was a paper clip that showed up when you were writing a letter and the kids didn't understand. I'm like a letter is something that you type out or write out and you send it to somebody and the kids are like why would you do that?
Speaker 7:I'm like, okay, I didn't get that, like I understand not getting Clippy, but no, I'm being sarcastic.
Speaker 1:I'm being sarcastic.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, I'm just like oh no, I think it's like the early chat GPT.
Speaker 1:Clippy was. Yeah, clippy was early chat gpt, that's right yeah probably. Yeah, I probably didn't steal things from creatives too. Yeah, sorry, is opening listening to us? Are they going to shut us down anyways? Probably. Well, all right, hang out with your cats, tracy, if things get rough, I'm sure they'll love the company too yeah, all right, good talking all right, thanks.
Speaker 1:Amy echoes, clippy is the original ai and heather says burger newly. Lol, I died laughing at those pictures. Yeah, they're pretty cute. Plus, it makes it more fun when you realize Bernoulli was having the time of his life being a burger. One more question from our live viewers and then we'll get to Karen. It looks like Yeg dropped down.
Speaker 1:Heather was asking was there a Fun Facts with Bernoulli on Friday? No, I was exhausted. I've been slacking on content creation for the last two days. Halloween kicked my butt with the kids blowing up pumpkins and doing all that high energy stuff, and then Friday was just like trying to get through the day, and Beaker had to go to the vet and then we had to ship calendars and then we went to the mountains and now we're here. So, yeah, there'll be some more fun facts with Bernoulli coming up.
Speaker 1:We've just been very busy and I love that people are loving fun facts with Bernoulli coming up. We've just been very busy and I love that people are loving fun facts with Bernoulli. Thank you everybody who is interacting with fun facts with Bernoulli. They are so fun to make and they hit the. They so hit what we're trying to do with our accounts. Right, a little bit of like science education and fun education and a whole lot of cuteness, and I think we found the secret sauce with fun facts from Bernoulli. So I just so appreciate everybody liking them because they're really fun to make and Bernoulli loves making fun facts with Bernoulli. So, thank you. Oh, yegg's back. Okay, we'll go to Yegg. Yegg is back and then Karen Go ahead. Yegg, thanks for waiting.
Speaker 4:Hey everybody, big shout out. Yeah, just a kid who grew up in Chatham, ontario, and made my way to Michigan for school, and 21 years ago I came to Edmonton, became a golf pro, had some fun, failed, tried some other things, took a year and a half off and, by the grace of everybody out there and up there, dog sitting literally landed on my lap.
Speaker 4:Ah, I see that on your profile that's uh, you have your dog sitter for five plus years yeah, I started in my condo in toilder and just taking in little dogs and literally was going to get a therapy dog. But then people said, hey, can you take care of our dog for the weekend? And then I saw the writing on the wall during COVID. Then it went from our condo to 13-day requests and 20-day requests while people started vacationing I'm just the vagabond vacation dog specialist and it's been the ups and downs and the ups and downs and now I just settle in and about. I'll be home about 60 nights this year. I just go to owners homes now and take care of their pets and from white out for a month to millet, to barhead, to back to to Williger and right now I'm out in Spruce Grove. But yeah, I'm tuning in to all the hey. Write a book? No, I'm just going to follow people who have already done it and see what I can come up with next year.
Speaker 1:I love it.
Speaker 4:Sorry go ahead.
Speaker 1:No, I was just going to say finding somebody that can watch your pets while you're away, that's trustworthy, is invaluable to pet owners. So, like, the job that you do is like super critical to people that love their pets, right? So, yeah, I'm just so glad you're sharing what your passion there's from yellow knife to my hometown.
Speaker 4:We haven't treated people real good, so it's time for some 100-story buildings to go up, with your best vet techs and your best groomers and your best dog sitters and your best behavioral analysts, and it's time for mental health to be a 200-story building beside it. From Yellowknife down to Chatham, pei is the worst place to be right now. Weightless have got to come down and dogs the wholesomeness we can teach kids and grandpas. Nothing gives me more goosebumps than grandparents and grandkids to laugh together, comedy to sing together. Yesterday I gave out some stuff and I'm going to be back at Candy Cane Lane where my father-in-law in Edmonton was a minister for 20 years. When I came here 10 years later, I was a golf pro.
Speaker 4:I got to say a few children's messages at church because it shouldn't be a bad term. Christmas. It doesn't have the Lord, your God. Hey, we've made religion into sports betting. We've spent more money on pets. Thanks everybody. I never had a pet, never dreamt of dog sitting. We've spent a lot of money on pets and the people who want to lift up and tear down systemic problems. You've blessed me. Everywhere I go, nothing's by accident. You've blessed me I go, nothing's by accident.
Speaker 1:You've blessed me. I so appreciate you sharing that. And take a look. Take a look and make sure you have a. If you have a great dog sitter, give them a big shout out to yegg.
Speaker 4:Thanks for coming yeah, I'm turning away ten thousand dollars of business every six months. I have collaborated with other dog sitters and we're ready for a nice co-op. There's not enough co-ops for people ages 18 to 40. We need co-ops. So, thanks, I'm following you guys and every time I need a little pick me up there. You guys, I don't even look for you, you you are doing amazing work in the next afterlife and the one before and right here. Right now.
Speaker 1:I couldn't say more, thank you oh, thanks, that's sweet, really appreciate it. That was nice. Well, that's something we're gonna have to look for in the future maybe because, uh, like getting a dog sitter for us in our area. We'll have to do our research. So, yeah, it's great to have one that you can trust. They're invaluable. Uh, heather has a really good point. Uh, from watching live, I pet said as well, and it's a great job. Um and as since it's not got another doggy since snicker passed away, so sorry about your, your loss. It's the next best thing. So, yeah, that's really nice and sweet. Okay, so we'll go to karen now. Go ahead, karen.
Speaker 5:Thanks for waiting oh, no worries about that. And actually when I was in between dogs and I was just saying like, all my friends were like, oh, are you gonna get another dog soon? I just would say, the right dog will find me. And in the meantime I was taking care of all of my friends' dogs while they were like anytime they would have to travel or do something, and like when one of my friends ended up needing to go to rehab, I took care of her dog for the two months she was there, which, because so many people can't do something like that when they really need to, because they can't take their dogs with them and they need safe places for that. But yeah, I took care of lots of dogs. My neighbors were all like, wait a minute, you had a different dog last week and this and it was a rotate, revolving door of dogs until the right dog found me and he's the perfect dog for me right now and exactly what I need. Having people who can do that is a wonderful thing that we all need at various points. That's fabulous that you do that. I know I missed the last few weeks and I'm just really glad to see some other people who haven't been around lately joining us tonight, tracy, new kitty cats I'm so happy that you have them now. Um and lisa's joined in and I'm so glad holly got to meet or, okay, jealous that holly got to meet the family.
Speaker 5:Um, but I raise my hand to chime in with and follow on with what donna was saying. Uh, that the usda and and FDA have been doing great and the CDC and the state and local health departments have been doing great. I'm following up on the outbreaks of the late-term wisteria and all the other food recall issues that have been happening, including E coli. That is happening now too. It's not just immediately that people get sick, it's normally several days later. So don't expect like you ate something in two hours, you're going to be sick from it.
Speaker 5:It takes some time, but it's just really important to be aware of all those things. But a lot of hard work going on behind the scenes to try to contain those things that are making a comeback now and we really need to be on top of it. But, most importantly, I'm just really glad that I get to be back and listen and see this great community that you guys have built. We have our emotional support, canadians, and this network all across the world really, that we share in every week. So thank you so much for that.
Speaker 1:Thanks, Karen.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 1:Great kind words. We have a couple of questions from live and then I think we'll start to wrap up because Chris and I have had a crazy long day. So one question, baddiealarudyxoxo have you guys seen Bernice Mountain Dog Rescue? I'm not sure if this is. Do we know of some rescues that are specific for bernice mountain dogs or have we seen it? And I know there are specific bernice mountain dog rescues out there that they that's what their jam is. So I do know they exist. They do not exist in our area, so that's not something that exists there. There's been a, there's a couple, I know, in certain States that I've seen pop up on social media and people have mentioned to us before.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's. I think there's one in Red Deer not in Red Deer, but in.
Speaker 1:Alberta in Alberta, yeah, not really close to us, there's a, there's a club. There's a club that they you can look and see if there's one nearby to you, right, but that's oh, maybe that's what I was looking at, yeah and it's all across canada right, it's not specific to a city or something like that.
Speaker 1:And then, yeah, the rescue network, yeah, you bet. And then we'll touch on this real quick because it's something that we've done some research on and that's. Blondie was asking how to deal with fireworks for your pups, and there's probably four things we can suggest. And, of course, talk to your vet about any kind of calming drugs that you might want to think about. That's a discussion between you and your vet. If you get a dog as a puppy, you can desensitize them to loud sounds. It doesn't mean start yelling and screaming at them, but, like, when a big, loud sound happens, the best thing you can do is to act completely normal, because any loud sound where you act shocked and scared, you can imprint that shock and scare onto a puppy and then, when fireworks happen, it can be like really bad, and you can also like practice loud sounds during the day, like opening and closing cupboards yeah.
Speaker 1:Like big, loud sounds and flashes of light. I know when Bernoulli was in puppy training they do desensitization to like walking over weird things and there's things are in the sky. That was really fun where we just waved kites around, so the puppies were used to things flying over their head. So that's one Number two, if your dog is a rescue or that training wasn't something that worked for you, there are heavy shirts that dogs can wear that can calm them down. And then, of course, find an area in your house that's without light to the outside, that's as soundproof as possible and it's not. That's not easily done, depending on the house. And of course, the last one is get out of the area, especially around. Doesn't really happen in canada because don't have like fireworks are crazy expensive. But the 4th of July in the States is something we always hear. Fireworks go for weeks at a time around New Year's. Sometimes people just leave the area and I know that's not a possibility for everybody. But so there's some advice right there and some people do have some help. Do get some help from pharmaceuticals for their dog to calm them when it's really bad. But of course I would talk to your vet. They might have some other ideas as well.
Speaker 1:All right, thanks for coming to pet chat a bit late to everybody who listened on audio. Hello to the live viewers from facebook and x, who are with us from the start, who thousand over a thousand people have tuned in Chris, 1,500. And sorry Instagram folks, I did something stupid and you guys weren't there from the start, but you're there now, which is great. A couple of things. Oh, quick question when will we get to hear you again? Yeah, every Pet Chat runs every Saturday, normally at 6 pm Mountain Time, 8 pm Eastern. We just were in the mountains today and we had to push it back an hour. This runs every Saturday when we can do it. Anything else to add? Chris?
Speaker 2:Just thank you for coming. We really appreciate you joining our community, sharing your highs with your pets and sharing your lows and sorrows, as well as asking questions, because as a community we can share and grow together that's right.
Speaker 1:Thank you everybody.