The Science Pawdcast
The Science Pawdcast breaks down the latest science happening in the human world AND the pet world.
Each episode will also bring you a guest to enthral you with their area of knowledge.
You'll learn, be captivated, and laugh along with host Jason Zackowski.
Pets and Science, it's the pawfect mix.
You'll also get episodes of PetChat which are the live shows from social audio.
PetChat is a live community gathering updates about the animals in our life, but also the animals in the wonderful community that supports us!
Heart and Hope.
Science and Shenanigans.
The Science Pawdcast
2024 Pet Chat WrapUp: Science-Loving Pets, Winter Fun, and Heartwarming Tales
Get ready for a recap of the year with our science-loving pets: Bunsen, Beaker, Bernoulli, and the fabulous feline Ginger.
With a vibrant community tuning in across various platforms, expect a delightful blend of trivia, personal stories, and maybe even a moose-related surprise or two.
Our journey continues with the inspiring tale of Bernoulli, the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, who’s already a level three obedience champion at just nine months. As the winter chill bites down in Alberta, witness the creativity and resilience of our furry friends, from Beaker’s snow pants escapades captivating social media to our frozen bubble experiments gaining media attention. We also share Bunsen’s health struggles and triumphs, reminding us of the ups and downs of pet parenthood and the heroic protective instincts of Beaker and the quirky costume antics of Bernoulli.
But that's not all! Dive into a treasure trove of stories ranging from nostalgic pandemic reflections with Marvel-inspired cosplay to intriguing goals for 2025, focusing on content creation and community engagement. Whether it's planning heartwarming holiday festivities with our pets or embracing the unpredictability of daily life (and sometimes technology), this episode promises a heartfelt celebration of pets and the joy they bring into our lives. So, grab your favorite beverage, cuddle up with your pet, and join us for a truly memorable episode of Pet Chat.
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Okay, alrighty, here we go. Hello pet enthusiasts, welcome to Pet Chat. My name is Jason Zakowski. I'm the dog dad of Bunsen and Beaker the science dogs and Bernoulli the science dogs. On social media, my co-host with the mostest is hey there, I'm Chris Sikorski.
Speaker 2:I'm the dog mom to Bunsen, beaker and Bernoulli and the cat mom to ginger.
Speaker 1:Every week in pet chat, we share the stories of the week. That happened with the dogs and the cat and all the shenanigans. We're so happy to see everybody. This is a multicast, so we are live on twitter spaces or x spaces, we're live on x video, we're live on instagram and we're live on facebook. So we've got you know right now, hundreds of people tuned in from all the different platforms, um, and we've even on live. We've got the bernoulli camera. He is is working away at a chew, so I might just like reposition the Bernoulli camera a little bit there. So we've got more of Bernoulli, all right. So welcome everybody.
Speaker 1:We're going to start with a game. We didn't play Kahoot last time, so I think we'll start with a game and if you are watching live, you might have to use a second device or a second tab or something to play Kahoot. I know that's what Chris does. Kahoot does nothing for me after setting character and accessory. Oh, I have to start the game. Yeah, you've got to wait for me to start the game before you get to play. I haven't started the game yet. We've got people tuning in from England. We've got people tuning in from england. We've got people tuning in from all over the place, so I'm just showing everybody the waiting room for uh kahoot.
Speaker 2:It's just like see your name on the screen and you're like, yeah, I do and guess who chris is.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna win okay, we're gonna play in a meet.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're gonna play in a few seconds and, um, we're gonna do things a little differently. In pet chat, we have five stories of the year that we're gonna talk about and for the live people, I made a um, a live slideshow that's going to be playing as we talk. That's going to be going in the background, which is is kind of fun. I took some time and I got all of the best videos and clips. So, yeah, and we'll get to some of the comments in a second. I know it's tough to monitor all of the different sites. There's tons of comments flying in from Instagram people wishing us a happy new year. We'll do our best to get to those in a second. All right, chris, I think we're ready to start playing Kahoot, and if you're not playing, you can just follow along and type the answer or just shout it out or play with your family at home, um, but let's go. Time to start playing. Oh, I've got to share my screen One second here. Time to start playing. Oh, I've got to share my screen One second here. Nobody can see what I'm doing. I'm a little rusty here. Here we go. Okay, three, two, one and we're starting. Okay.
Speaker 1:Last week on the science podcast, researchers found out beluga whales communicate with this. That's right. We have a podcast and on our podcast we break down topical science news and pet science. But last week, what were the beluga whales doing? Were they doing jumps? Were they communicating with their head fat? Were they wiggling their eyes or were they blowing bubbles? How were those beluga whales communicating? And it people, uh, thought they were blowing bubbles, but no, they actually changed the shape of their head fat to communicate. They have like this, this mass of like blubber, and they can change the called their melon their melon and they can yes, they can change it to communicate they have like five.
Speaker 2:They've got like the furrowed brow, yeah, and then they've got like the lifted, like with a top hat.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And they narrowed it in, like they were watching them on video and the beluga whales were doing it when other beluga whales were watching, which is indicative that they are socialization or socializing in their groups.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there's one pods. There was one melon shape when they the one beluga whale really liked the other beluga whales, so Well it gets jiggly like jello. Yeah, it gets jiggly when you want to get jiggy, chris.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I knew.
Speaker 1:I knew you were're gonna say that all right. Next question uh, I think only you and one other person, sashi, got it right. So we're off to a great start here where chris is just destroying. But you know you had insider trading in this year's kuno's christmas eve story. What were the dogs doing? So this is maybe unfair to our meta followers on Instagram and Facebook, because you probably, unless you follow Kuno, the service, roddy and his sister Chesney, you don't know. But Marla, their owner, did an amazing story. Was it chasing away wolves, breaking dogs out of the pound, going for a surf party or getting presents to dogs around the world? And it was getting dogs out of the pound. Really great little story. Marla does such a great job with that. I love that. Norbert the beaver had a part in the story.
Speaker 2:On the trail, cams and all that yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was a really great story. Okay, next question All right, and all that. Yeah, yeah, it was a really great story. Okay. Next question, all right, chris is still way out ahead. Question three uh, jason got this christmas surprise. What was my christmas surprise? Was it coal in his bowl, a moose on the a grouse in the house or poop on the stoop? Christmas morning, I got one heck of a surprise. What was the Christmas surprise? Poop on a stoop Grouse in the house? Oh, we're over. It was a moose on the loose. Yeah, yeah, the moose. There's a moose in our front flower bed. I thought I was going to die and Chris is like maybe, maybe, maybe it's on the doorbell camera. And yeah, it was on the doorbell camera, definitely. And I swore um and I thought I bleeped it out. But uh, meta caught that and I got a warning. A cop, I got like a um, a content warning for me. Swearing in the video Chris from Instagram.
Speaker 1:They're like you, violated community standards. And then, of course, Twitter's the Wild West. Nobody's caring what if you swear on Twitter. So we got nothing from that.
Speaker 2:I think there's videos on Meta that are way worse than you saying oh my goodness, there's a moose Moose.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Holy crap.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Laura asks we're in Canada or we were in central Alberta. Okay, next question.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm on fire?
Speaker 1:Hot, you are on fire. Question four oh, I'm on fire hot you are on fire. Question four uh, what was ginger rolling in this week that made everyone have all the feelings at our house? Was it bunsen's baby blanket? Was it bernoulli's baby rip, baby bib? Was it callan's old halloween costume? Were beakers, baby stuffy? What was ginger the cat rolling in? What was she rolling in made everybody feel all the feelings. And you caught this chris callan's halloween costume. Yeah, I got teary-eyed actually about that. It was really sweet just to see a pet that we have that's alive, interacting with you know, the smell of a beloved, lost pet. Very sweet, all right, most people got that, all right. Last question I don't think anybody's going to catch you, chris, I should have had a trick they might.
Speaker 1:I should have had a trick question to trip you up. No, you, chris, I should have had a trip. I should have had a trick question to trip you up this week. This week, in the delayed text from bunsen, how does beaker think bernoulli takes a selfie? Uh, with google earth, with a studio light, he gets ginger to take it or he uses a timer. So this was in text from bunsen this week, which I forgot it was friday, until people reminded me by saying where is text from bunsen, are you okay? And I'm like, oh my god, it's friday and the correct answer is with google earth. Um, I actually stole that from my yo mama joke. I heard a kid say the other day before oh, no yeah, they're yelling yo mama jokes at each other.
Speaker 1:Um, so I just stole that. So there we go. Yep, that's the end. That's the end of the kahoot, and I guess we can do the score. We'll see. So here we are in third place, we got slinky. In second place we have boomer. And in first place, uh, we've got chris one chris, one again chris, one again, okay, all right. Well, that's that. Okay, I'm gonna get rid of that great big kahoot banner. They made the banners bigger. Do you see how big the banner is down there for the?
Speaker 1:I see it's like for the giant seeing impaired, that is, yeah, it's like if you have trouble seeing me, like I do some days or whatever, right, maybe like big font, right? Um, so, anyways, let's get on with the main show, should we? We should do a little quick, little note from our sponsor, okay, well, that's a bark. I pressed the wrong button, oops. Uh, there it is.
Speaker 1:Pet chat is brought to you by one of our sponsors, bark and Beyond Supplycom. Bark and Beyond Supplycom is a small, family owned company. They have great products for your dogs and your cats and even you, with cute merch with cute sayings. Check them out, bark and Beyond Supplycom. Use the code Bunsen, save yourself 10% and help out the little guy. That's right. Skip those big box stores and help out a small business. They got good deals right now. Check them out. All right, I am not sure how this is gonna work, but, chris, maybe, while I'm getting it organized, we we can share one, like one of the big stories that happened today. Um, we haven't been on in a couple weeks to share stories, but I thought we would do a wrap-up.
Speaker 2:But maybe, while I'm organizing the thing, um, chris, you could say the big story about today today was a great day yeah um, because we went to Waggles and Bernoulli was able to show his stuff, because he got his level three in obedience training and that's no small feat because he is only a puppy at nine months old. He is amazing. It was amazing. He did very, very well all of his little tricks and um shuffle and swish and um, my favorite trick that he did today was a complex trick, um, and it's called find your leash.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it was amazing because we put him where we uh a ways where he couldn't see. But really Bernoulli just kind of jumped up, like it's like on the it looks like hockey rink um sides, and he jumped up and he was peeking it's like no, peeking Um, and then we hit his leash and then I had the scent on my hands and then I went over and let him smell my hands and said, hey, bernou, your leash. And he did. It was amazing. His tell is that he lays down and then Jason put it under his coat and he found it again and he just, it's just amazing, and once they have that complex skill, then they can find other things in in the house yeah, you bet and maybe jason in the snow yeah, yeah, that's the idea
Speaker 3:yeah, it was awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we have people awesome we have people requesting video of that trick and like we didn't honest, we were focused on his. It was kind of a test he had already passed, but it was kind of a test.
Speaker 2:Um, so people are requesting us to show that the trick, right, well, I guess we'll have to recreate it at home yeah, I guess, so, I guess so I actually didn't start recording until later on in the test, when he was doing um his figure eight yeah his. Like I, I was just focused in the moment and sometimes we just can't have our cameras on all the time and respectfully respecting Char and the work that she does at waggles, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:All right so.
Speaker 2:Jason's showing some video right now on live and um, it looks a little herky-jerky, but that could be because we're stretching our bandwidth to the end of time.
Speaker 1:I don't yeah, I don't think I'll do the video. You're right, it is slowing everything down. I'll just do the, the pictures, um, I think if I do, if I do the whole slideshow, it's taking away, um, it's taking away from my ability to go back and forth, um, so I'll just have to do it on a smaller screen like that. But I think that's nice. People can see the. The curated photos of the year um yeah, so let's start with our five.
Speaker 1:We have five things we're going to talk about, um, and of course we'll get the community sharing. So we'll try our best to not be too long-winded on the five big events of the year, um, but the first big event maybe I'll talk about and I'll back it up a bit, and that was the cold snap that we had in january. Um, how cold did it get in january, chris, do you remember? Minus 53 yeah, so it got 52.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it feels like minus 50.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:Without the wind. For about three or four days it was minus 40 degrees Celsius and colder, and the one day that it was windy it was minus 52. So that's with wind chill and we do use in Alberta, canada, we do go by windchill, because windchill can make a cold day even colder and if you're not dressed appropriately, it doesn't matter if it's minus 10, if there's lots of wind it could feel like it's minus 20. And that's that could be dangerous. You could get frostbite. So it was incredibly cold and I did my frozen bubble stuff. I froze some noodles, um.
Speaker 1:Ginger was a little bit more cuddly than usual and it was way too cold for beaker. Way, way, way too cold for beaker to go outside. Her feet got frozen immediately, um. So we tried booties, um, and bunsen was okay because he I think even his feet were bothering him, honestly after a little bit. So Beaker was a trooper and then we realized it's unsafe for her and that's where her snow pants came from, which was a huge viral video over on Instagram, and I had just started to try to build the Instagram following and that's kind of a big success this year. We started with about 20,000 followers in January and right now we've got 150,000 followers on Instagram, so our Instagram account has grown quite a bit and this was maybe the big first video that got it going. And she is so happy in her snow pants the big first video that got it going.
Speaker 2:And she is so happy in her snow pants so happy. But, then also in January also, that's when you were on the CBC, cbc Edmonton, with Tanya. She was interviewing you about all your cold weather science.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I froze my lab coat and made it into a sled, right, yeah, so that was cool. That was our first. And then we, of course, were worried about Norbert, but he ate his way out of the ice and he was fine. So there you go. Norbert was fine.
Speaker 2:That's cool. With Norbert, we were stunned that we were doing our regular walk and we came upon a hole chewed out of the ice. We were like what? What? That's insane. It looked like like an ice auger yeah uh and he was doing doing some ice fishing, which is very canadian he did reverse ice fishing.
Speaker 1:He came out of, he did. He came out of the ice to get things on land and tried to bring them down. And I feel crazy yeah, he tried to bring a whole tree down. It got frozen the ice and was stuck sticking out like a a flag. Okay, so that's the main event. Uh, anything else? Cold weather, chris.
Speaker 2:Before we move to event number two well, I just saw that you had, um, yeah, that's so cute. Uh, you had uh kind of highlighted the dogs in their cool lids. There they, yeah, um, got some baseball hats from uh cool lids company. So yeah that was cute, but we can move into uh february so february, big events in february.
Speaker 1:Uh, beaker has a, I guess, a fiancee. Um, yes, benny, and every and every Valentine's day they have a date. It's very sweet.
Speaker 2:It's very cute. One year Bunsen it wasn't that last year, but it was the year before Bunsen puked on the whole little stage I had set up. I had a nice little blanket and I had set up these candles that were like LED candles and Bunsen puked all over the the scene. I was like thanks, buddy yeah, thanks, buddy.
Speaker 1:And then you and I presented dogs in the classroom. I did some presenting around Alberta and we did one together where we presented about the power of pets in the classroom and we had a packed house in calgary like that room was full of teachers. Um, some people some of the teachers were bunsen and beaker fans um, and some people wanted to learn about pets in the classroom. So that's the event from february. Anything else to add about february? Ch?
Speaker 2:No, but I'm just going to run upstairs because Bunsen's barking.
Speaker 1:Okay, we got some more snow, so I guess I'll move ahead and Chris is going to have to come back for this. So this is not dog related, but Chris and I took a couple's vacation to Texas to see the eclipse and we got to see my favorite podcasters doing a live show called skeptics at the SGU the skeptics guide to the universe and we got to meet Donna Craig, who's one of our you know people we met on social media who follows us and she. She took us around in Dallas and showed us a few things. She's so funny. She made Chris laugh so hard the whole trip and then we got to see the eclipse. So that was like the next big event, which was really, really fun and cool. And you know, we didn't. We missed seeing the dogs. Of course it's not pet related, but it was a huge event in our lives Getting to see, you know, getting to see the eclipse and Donna and also the SGU live, which was awesome, okay, so we'll fast forward through this. I'll probably come back to Chris when she's back here.
Speaker 1:I built a Baldur's Gate cosplay, so this is one of my favorite pictures, cause we ran into another Baldur's gate cosplayer doing the illithid. Only nerds get this. That's okay. We, we go to comic cons. That's Chris and I as Minsk and Jahira Chris is so cute as Jahira and then I go as this bald guy named Minsk. He's got a little hamster on his shoulder. It's from a video game, okay, um, not much more than a month after we were back from the eclipse, that's when the solar storm happened, and we were.
Speaker 1:So. We're so far North in Alberta, canada, and we don't have a lot of light pollution because we live on a farm in the middle of nowhere that we got to see incredible northern lights for hours. This is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken. This is Chris and Adam just sitting on our backyard, like on the grass in our backyard, watching the sky, and the greens and purples and reds were dancing everywhere. It was just incredible. It was absolutely incredible. And then I got some shots of the dogs with the Northern lights, like the greens here were flying all the way across the sky. Spoiler alert what's coming up next? Chris, are you back? I'm back, okay, anything else you want to add about anything else you want to? I've talked about the eclipse and then the solar storm. That's what you missed.
Speaker 2:Okay, yeah, so we did go to Dallas for the eclipse, but then also in April. Um, right before we headed down, there was the dog show. Oh right, um, and then, of course, of course, we got to see our favorite Roddy's um, chesney and Kuno.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like that was just amazing to uh be able to hang out with them and with marla and just uh experience the wonderfulness that is the the red deer dog show you bet all right, so the solar storm was amazing, and then really, oh, and then also in april you missed it beaker's birthday yeah, we're just doing the five big events oh, I lied no um. Her birthday is in april.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, yep so the big life-changing event that happened for us, the the fourth big thing we're going to talk about is this little guy joined her. I'm getting all emotional looking at this, this photo of him excuse me, of bernoulli, this little puppy, um, and we never expected. I never expected to have three dogs, but it happened so fast. Uh, the decision to get a dog. You a contact.
Speaker 2:I'll let you tell a story go now I don't know if that's true, Jason, you are making these PowerPoints. Yeah, for a new fee, about to get a new fee and everybody was getting so excited that we were going to. You were going to convince me to get a new fee, which I'm not going to say that they're not great dogs. I'm sure they are, but the drool is something that is a deal breaker for me. I hate it.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So what happened is you had been doing these PowerPoint points for a while let's get a puppy, let's get a puppy, let's get a puppy. And I was at work and my teacher friend, my colleague. She said, hey, did you see these puppies on another colleague's Facebook page page? And I said, well, I don't know if I'm facebook friends with that other person, um, but can you show me? And then, right away I saw the little puppies.
Speaker 2:They were bernie's mountain dog puppies and I contacted her, uh, through text, and I said, hey, can you tell me a little bit more about these puppies? And she said, well, they're my brothers. And I said, oh well, can I have his contact information? I'd love to find out more. And she said they're super cute. She gave me a little bit of information, but then I texted him and I said, hey, I've been talking with your sister and we saw the cute little Bernese Mountain Dog puppies. What can you tell me? Um? And then it was close to may long, weekend and, um, I said I'm not sure if you're going camping, because that's like a typical alberton thing to do, um, on may long. He's like, no, we're, uh, we're here and available on may long. And so we drove 12 hours to go see this puppy, um, and we kind of talked about it like what kind of puppy would we like?
Speaker 2:and you said I want a male yeah there were six males, four females, yeah, um, and so I was like, okay, and then they had sent some pictures and you can't tell the personality by the picture. So, um, we went up and we got, um, they called him big red because he had a red, uh collar he was a big. He was a big boy yeah, and the reason why I loved him like right from the start is that he wasn't biting my face. The other ones were so cute they were.
Speaker 2:Oh, I could have taken all of the puppies, jason, I could have in fact I wanted to take two, maybe three, um, but he, he, he was like an amazing little little puppy and, yeah, we picked them out. Um, oh, what a day. And then when we went to pick, so that was in may, so the end of may, and we didn't pick him up or get him until june 8th that was a bit of a wait because they didn't.
Speaker 2:They didn't want to let him go prior to um like seven or eight weeks, and so we we waited, and then we had to wait till the weekend, because it's a long drive um, but he met us halfway, so it was only um a shorter drive for us yeah and, but still long.
Speaker 1:It was a long drive but I mean, and we from that point, our lives really haven't been the same like they've. No, it's um. Obviously there's challenges with having a puppy and you've got two older dogs, but I have never been happier really in my life than I am right now, like that. That little dog has been so, so joyful and such a cool dynamic. It's been just the best thing for us and he's such a cool. He's such a cool dog.
Speaker 2:We were worried a little bit because beaker can be a little um, because she's a covid puppy. But uh, he was kissing her today, yeah, and she was like, yeah, you can kiss me, it's fine, yeah. So, um, yeah, go back to that one, this one, when they're in there, yeah, that one. So that was uh bernoulli's uh first checkup at the vet. And look at that face, so cute. But I took Bunsen with me because they were both getting their Bordetella, their Bordetella shot, and Bernoulli was getting like his second set of shots and I booked Bunsen in at the same time. And that is the day that I, our vet, said, hey, how's Bunsen doing? And I said I have something to show you and I'm really worried about it. And she's like what, what's going on? I said I need you to feel his head.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And his whole head had caved in on his right side. Yeah, and she's like looked at him and she looked at me and I think she didn't want to be too alarming, but she was definitely alarmed by by that happening. And so she did some um, not necessarily cognitive tests, but she like watched his eyes and like how he was responding and she's like, well, that's checking out, okay, but we should go for some further information about why this is happening. And then she asked if he's chewing on that side, like if we had noticed.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then that kind of led us into the whole um rabbit hole of bunsen's health, which I'm sure we'll talk about yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So I've got a bunch of photos of bernoulli as a puppy. Um, beaker was dock diving man. Every photo bernoulli doubles in size, like look at this he went from. I love that photo where he's so dirty, like he's just a little goober here, and the next one he's like twice the size. Look at this. And you can't really see Bunsen's head in this photo, but like it was just bone right, the one side of his head was very, very bony side of his head was very, very bony. Yeah, so, uh, then here's the big health health thing, not related to his head, um, but the the last thing we'll talk about, because it's been ongoing and he was just on cbc with it is um august fifth. Was it august 15th? Yeah, august august 15th.
Speaker 2:we took him in because we thought he was presenting with bloat, and then his surgery was August 16th.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So August 15th, uh, we, I thought he was going to die. He had symptoms of bloat. We took him in. They're like it's not bloat. Um, we've told the story lots Um, the, the, um, the. The ultrasound showed a mass that nobody had any idea with it. Dr key said we'll go in and try and get it out. We're going in blind, um. So he said you, you should come in to see your dog in case something bad happens. So that's a photo of adam. Like you know, we were wishing him well but also at the same time, wanting to see him in case he died in surgery, and you can see how sick he is here. So this is he's stressed, he's in pain, and then you can see how dented his one side is. So he was not a very healthy guy right now. So yeah, it was emotional and that weight on the 16th was emotional. We've told this story lots and this is what they pulled out of him.
Speaker 2:So I guess Wow, we should get a spoiler alert. Close your eyes if you don't want to see a disgusting volleyball-sized mask, yeah, so that's the cyst.
Speaker 1:I won't hold it on there for too long. He survived. The surgery team did an amazing job. They sent it away. They had no idea what it was. Um and uh. Like that's him when he got came home and he recovered and that was really cool. Ginger went in to see him a couple times and beaker protected him the first couple days. Um, bernoulli beaker was on bernoulli watch to to making sure Bernoulli wasn't screwing with his cage, so that was cool.
Speaker 2:Beaker did not like that. No she was not a fan of Bernoulli being a goober. We actually have a sign that says no, bernoulli is allowed. Yeah, cause he was like oh yeah, I'm going to Kool-Aid man my way in there to see Bunsen.
Speaker 1:He didn't know why he couldn't see Bunsen.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Anyways, the report came back and it was a Conococcus parasite, it was a tapeworm cyst and that's what was on the CBC. So they came and talked to us about how rare it is and then you know Bunsen's been recovering and what happened with his headris. It's grown back his head grew back his head has grown back every day.
Speaker 2:I was like good job, buddy, you're growing your head back. And jason's like, come on, chris, no, he's not. But we just took him to the vet and they're amazed and delighted that his head is like almost back to normal yeah, so he's an old.
Speaker 1:One little bit of health update with him. Um, he's been diagnosed with arthritis. He's an older guy and, who knows, maybe the surgery exasperated that um, but uh, he's on some meds for arthritis. He is older dog like, he's almost eight, um, so he's like in the last two to four years of his life as a bernice mountain dog, um, which is sad, but we want to make sure he's comfortable.
Speaker 2:So, um, yeah, so he's been diagnosed with arthritis and we and having said that, um, I think we knew that was going to be on his radar. Um, because of his broken toe right when he was a puppy, because it could change his gait a little bit, and the vet said like it could lead to early arthritis yeah, from from when he broke his his toe.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because it would change. You're right, I remember that. Um, and then, as we end in the the year, the bunsen and beaker were comic-con guests, which was super cool. Um and uh, they're all. Three of them are a good little team. Uh, our text from bunsen, volume three, came out. I don't know why that's there. That's not, that's not part of anything.
Speaker 2:Uh, autumn became winter oh, that was the comet.
Speaker 1:Go back yeah, that well, we don't have to go through everything, chris but that's a celestial event is pretty cool yeah, we caught the you did a whole fun uh x files theme thing yeah, um, beaker had a growth on her eye that was removed this and she's doing fine. Then we had the bray brothers. That was really cute yeah um, and then halloween was so fun with burger. Newly beaker was the fries yeah but bernoulli loves wearing costumes. He loves wearing costumes. He was so happy to be burger newly um, yeah, he could like.
Speaker 2:Even when you brought it out again, he's like okay, I'll just put that on again yeah, he couldn't wait to wear his burger costume not wait he loved burger, burger, burger newly yeah, um, and then it snowed did you talk about his abscess?
Speaker 1:a newly no, he was abscess a newly for a day yeah, yeah and yeah, and a massive story on social media was the interaction between Bernoulli and Ginger and we had our cartoonist do a cartoon of it. So yeah, it's super sweet their interactions and we went for a hike with them. Bunsen did great, like we were worried about him hiking. I think he can still do like the vet said, he can do walks. Just watch what he does. Um there's bunsen and bernoulli. Um we were interviewed by the cbc and beaker snow pants came back. You did advent advent adventures look how big bernoulli is.
Speaker 1:He is very close to the same size as Bunsen.
Speaker 2:But even from the beginning of Advent to the end of Advent, like that space that we were sitting in was pretty full. Yeah, yeah, he's a large mammal.
Speaker 1:Beaker and Bernoulli came to my school and it was magical for the kids. That was such a cool day. The kids were just so happy there were dogs in my classroom because it was magical for the kids. That was such a cool day. The kids were just so happy there were dogs in my classroom because it was so rare and Bernoulli and Beaker did so good with the kids and that rounds out the year.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're not going to spend time with Ginger in her sweater. Well, I mean, people love this costume. She was in for about a minute.
Speaker 1:That rounds out the year. Oh, you're not gonna spend time with ginger in her sweater. Well, I mean, people love this costume. She was in for about a minute. No, she wore it around the house actually yeah, she did yeah yeah and that's the recap of the five big stories and a bunch of little small stories throughout the year. Um, all in all, it was a great year, very cool, so a couple wins for us. I thought we would celebrate chris, um hey, wins yeah so better.
Speaker 1:better than losses. Yeah, so our our presence on twitter, our account following, hasn't really changed that much in the last couple years, but one of the things that I made a focus for us in January was meta. So that's Instagram and Facebook, and it took me a bit to figure out what worked and what didn't work, and what people wanted to see and what people didn't want to see. But our account on Instagram went from around 20,000 followers to 150,000. I forget exactly what we're at right now on Instagram, 155, maybe 153. And we had no presence on Facebook. Like, we had 900 followers or something like that on Facebook and now we have over 60,000, 60, I think 62,000 as recording. So I think in a year that's been a pretty huge improvement and I want to thank everybody who has started following us on the meta platform. Thank you so much for for following us, so I just thought I would share that. That's a big win for us as creators. Thank you for liking what we do and for our twitter family or x family, we're not going anywhere. Uh, thank you for continuing to support us over there on that platform. Uh, cheryl says I found you with the ginger maulings. Every time this year. Somebody's asking about what bernoulli's he's chewing on this. It's not a rawhide, but it's a. It's a cheek roll or something like that, but he, it's good for dogs for their teeth.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's get to community sharing, cause we were. We ate up a lot of time talking about us and we'll answer questions too. So community sharing works this way If you're on Twitter, you can request the mic to come up and maybe talk about something from your year with your pet, or ask us a question. Um, the floor is yours. Um, chris, do you want to organize that, or do you have your phone for Twitter? Uh, yes, I do, okay, cause I'm going to go. There's a bunch of questions on Instagram. Uh, yes, I do okay, because I'm gonna go. There's a bunch of questions on instagram, sure, yeah, um, oh, somebody wanted to see ginger.
Speaker 2:if possible I brought her downstairs um when I went upstairs to listen to what bunsen was barking at. Ginger was stuck in the turret room yeah um, and so I'm like maybe she was doing a little scramble to try and get out. Yeah, um, but Bunsen is still barking, so clearly that wasn't his issue. He just wants to be barking. But I let Paula first, and then we'll have Holly with Sasha, the Bernadette Right. So hi, paula.
Speaker 1:One second, chris, and just for people watching live. You'll hear a voice, and that voice is paula, who's talking on the twitter platform. Okay, go ahead.
Speaker 5:Yeah, hi paula hi, how's everybody doing? Happy new year and uh, should I say merry christmas, or uh, holy, holy cow. Oh, my gosh, jason, it's like. Did you almost like pee in your pants when you saw that guy?
Speaker 1:how big was he uh, seven feet tall at least, yeah, at least was he as startled to see you? Or it was no. No, he didn't care no he didn't.
Speaker 5:Oh, you're lucky dude.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, he just he started to move and then, with the dog saw him and I saw the silhouette and I was like oh, oh God, moose, and I think that's when I started to say moose. And then he just ambled away Like he. Just, you know, no rush to get out of Dodge.
Speaker 5:I just can't imagine saying something about a high as your doorframe. It's like it must've just been like totally, you know, flabbergasted. I don't know if that's a good word, but I would have swore too. So, you know, take that Instagram. But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to you guys. How lucky we are to all have friends like you and I think you.
Speaker 5:Just watching these slideshows I'm not going to get emotional because I'm trying not to here, but you know me, I'm a sap. So it's like just teaching us to be kinder and all the good that you always do. And we're laughing with the Bernoulli maulings and everything that we've seen you go through this year. And then we were worried with you on punson surgery. It was just it's like tackling life together with you and I think that you know it's small but unforgettable moments and I think you just make it brighter and better all the way, because you guys are always been you do, because it's the stories that we hear and doing everything with Bernoulli. It's just a lot of fun and it's fun to see him grow up and get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, and he must be like almost 90 pounds now, right.
Speaker 1:He is almost 90 pounds.
Speaker 5:Yeah, and did you ever find out what was wrong with bunsen's feet?
Speaker 1:because he was tiptoeing uh that's arthritis, so he was diagnosed yeah, he was diagnosed. Diagnosed with arthritis, so oh, okay, all right.
Speaker 5:Well, that's good, so it's not like bad, bad, okay, good, all right. But I I don't have any new stories. Trixie did pretty good with christmas so she got lots of new toys and she's learning the names of them. So she's like Bernoulli with the leash she's now learning. Her new one is called Gorilla because it looks like a gorilla, so we kind of shortened it. So she's been running after that Go find Gorilla. And she's smart. She can pull all the toys out by name. That's amazing. Yeah, she's really really smart. She toys out by me. That's amazing. Yeah, she's really really smart. She's one step ahead of me, I think. But anyway, but I just want to say Happy New Year, thank you again for all you do and I wish everybody peace and love for the new year. And you know, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you for the wonderful comments. Paula Appreciate that.
Speaker 2:Thanks, paula. Yeah, the vet. When we said that he was on rest for a month with the surgery, the vet said, well, maybe his paws kind of became less weathered due to that, but not really so. The tiptoeing is a result of the arthritis. So we've got him on an anti-inflammatory and like a joint supplement. So if you follow BarkingBeyondSupplycom they have joint supplements for dogs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, chris, can I answer a few questions and then we'll go to Holly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker 1:All right. Lauren Gellhart says how many hours per week do you spend on content creation? Lots, I don't know. I should probably keep track of it.
Speaker 2:Well, it tells you on your phone when you swipe how long you've been on there. And I can tell you when I do the Advent videos. The Advent videos themselves take about five minutes or less to record them. But then what I do is I put them into splice and then I, you know, cut the parts that are not good, which isn't too much because, like, I do kind of roll with it, like it's a very organic event that happens with the dogs and with Ginger, and then I run it through captions to get the captions on there.
Speaker 2:So I have to run that video through that and then I have to add music, so it has to render the music, and then I have to put it on to social media and I tell you, like that is like, at least those like three two minute videos take at least 45 minutes to an hour to me to get from start to the end. And so Jason does those creative videos all the time. Um, every morning he's up. Jason is a morning person, um, I don't know how he loves being up at 6 AM.
Speaker 1:I love it.
Speaker 2:Um, he just is like hello, I'm awake and uh, he's doing content creation, uh, until he gets ready for school, and then, um, he is very creative. So there's nobody who's more creative, um, in our life than Jason, Cause he can think of fun things in five seconds, and it really has been a blessing for his teaching career that, you know, planning is not an issue for him, Like he can do things in a very short period of time, like fun engaging things.
Speaker 1:Short period of time like fun engaging things, and so that ties into what he can do with the Bunsen and Beaker and Bernoulli and Ginger things. Well, thank you, chris. I was just going to say a couple hours a day. One more question then. We'll go to holly. I hear moose legs are good for arthritis, says by you and fred. Yes, are you secretly bunsen? Is that bunsen's burner account or is by you and fred secretly bunsen? And I put a really cool another fred. Fred clings has a really nice message here, so I'll leave that up for people to read who are on live. Uh, we'll go to holly.
Speaker 4:Thanks for waiting no problem, merry christmas to the two of you and happy hanukkah for those who are celebrating um. I am currently in pensacola, florida, visiting my mother and yes, how's that going?
Speaker 2:it's good. I've met her 19 year old dog b.
Speaker 4:Yes, how's that going? It's good. I've met her 19-year-old dog, buster, and let me tell you this little guy does not let age slow him down. I have watched him have zoomies through the house since I've been here and he is just the cutest thing ever. So that has been a lot of fun. And then Monday I'm headed to Jacksonville to spend new years with moose, the Creek dog.
Speaker 1:Oh, boy, yes.
Speaker 2:I'm Jacksonville.
Speaker 4:Florida. Yes, so so yes, and basically at. So Pensacola is the far Western end of the panhandle, next to Alabama, and so I'm headed straight across to Jacksonville, so that is where I will be. That'll be fun, I know, I really, and the weather's supposed to be nice too. I actually packed shorts for this trip because, being a good British Columbian, anything above, like you know, 18 degrees is shorts weather 100% and there's no wind chill and it.
Speaker 4:There's no wind chill and it's. It is just as I, as a canadians, will understand this reference. It's like montreal in the summer here, humidity wise it is.
Speaker 2:It has been a little bit of an adjustment for me, um, but your skin will love you, though it'll just like, like, plump up and be like whoa, it's gonna, it's, you'll be going back home, and well, if I went there and then came back to alberta, it looked like a california raisin because like it's so dry here, but um, I love it that's amazing and I'm so glad for you. Let me just live my skin vicariously through yours dry and cold.
Speaker 1:Dry and cold.
Speaker 4:I'm like a reverse lizard, I'm like a lizard that likes the cold so, um, in pet news for christmas, sasha got a moose antler chew. No way, yes way, colin got it for her and, of course, the first thing I saw I saw moose and I'm like my first time was moose leg and I'm like no, of course it's not moose leg and it's a moose antler like, and she's just loving this thing. Oh yeah, so I thought you guys would really appreciate that that's amazing um, toby's latest thing is hysterical, so so I think I mentioned that.
Speaker 4:You know we're really stubborn and we just are absolutely like not letting him on the kitchen counter. So when I cook he sits on top of the trash can in the kitchen and if I have to throw something out, the motion has gotten to be I pick him up with one arm, use the foot pedal to pop the lid of the trash can, toss out whatever I'm tossing out, let the lid down, put the cat back on top of the trash can, and he's totally fine with this. He's just like yeah, whatever, that's cool. So that that has been our thing. Question for you guys, out of curiosity have you guys met a pair of beagles?
Speaker 1:at waggles named bow and sky. There is a beagle. I don't. What do you know? What's named chris?
Speaker 4:it might be a baby sky, because there's an account that I follow here and on blue sky that I've followed for a long time called beagle bow and baby Sky, and they live in Sylvan Lake and they posted a picture of Baby Sky at what they're calling preschool because she's doing training, and I saw the sign that said Waggles and I'm like, wait, do you go to the Waggles in Red Deer? Because I had no idea Sylvan Lake was close to you guys.
Speaker 1:It's pretty close. It's like 20 minutes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's pretty close, it's like 20 minutes.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and they're like yeah, we go to waggles and, yes, I know bernoulli goes there.
Speaker 1:Oh we're that's cool, but no, I, we haven't seen the puppies since the summer, really.
Speaker 2:So yeah, well, the puppy puppies, yeah, so, but I do see Skye. Maybe if they go to doggy daycare, like there is a Skye because they write all their dogs on it's actually pretty cute where they hang their leash. They have these little dogs that are hooks and then they write their name in crayon. Yeah, and so, depending because I do drop off and pick up most days, um that bernoulli's there, then I get to see all the other dogs that are there, um yes, yeah, she does go to daycare there.
Speaker 4:So, yes, you, if you're not following beagle bow and baby sky, you really should. Uh, they're such a sweet account and their antics are hysterical, so I do not know how they do having two young beagles in the house.
Speaker 1:Where is their account again?
Speaker 4:So on Twitter the handle is Island Kaya that was their former dog but if you do a word search it comes out as Beagle Bow B-E-A-U.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there they are.
Speaker 4:Yeah, wonderful, wonderful people, I just love them to death. They're a very sweet account, so I was just like, oh, I thought that was so awesome. And the only other thing I wanted to mention with Bunsen and his arthritis, I had a greyhound, cherry, who when he was two he stepped in a hole and shattered his lower hock, which for most of his adult life was held together with a metal plate and 10 screws, and you can imagine he got pretty bad arthritis, and water therapy extended his life by over a year and I know Bunsen hates the water, cherry did too but he just genuinely felt better doing the water therapy in the pool and it really, I really think it gave him another year of life.
Speaker 2:Okay, that's good, good advice, Thank you, there's a place by us that's called Lacey and Foxy and they do aqua therapy, so that's something that we can look into. I taught their kids actually during the pandemic. Yeah, so their kids are part of my school division and, because I was online learning, I had kids from across our division come in. So I really loved that because I could teach kids from all sorts of different schools and get to know more of our student base, and actually their daughter is at the school I teach at and, um, we saw her, yeah, so we saw her at comic-con and I'm like, hey, uh, and she was like, oh, she was weirded out for a second, but, um, I see her I see her every other day yeah, because you looked like a half-elf druid yeah, I was, I was jahira
Speaker 2:yeah um, yeah, well, I called her. I'm like, hey, and I just don't want to say it on online. But and then she's like, so, she knew I was talking to her. And then she's like, oh, my God, it's you.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's so awesome. But yeah, with cherry, you know his arthritis was lower in his legs, but it was basically his ankles. But this therapy helped strengthen his hips and his knees so he had more support and it really did help him. We also discovered that, contrary to his not liking the water, he turned out to be a good swimmer, which is very unusual for a greyhound. So he actually knew how to extend his front legs out to really pull the water, which was a shock, to be honest, because he was a very clumsy dog in life. So, and one final thing so Colin and I watched the CBC video and loved it and I made a comment and said you know, Jason's really good on camera. And Colin says, well, of course he's a teacher, they're really good at that. So just wanted to pass that along.
Speaker 1:Oh, thank you.
Speaker 4:Well, Jason has been on.
Speaker 2:TV. He's been on history erased.
Speaker 4:I was going to say, and he's been, you've been on CTV, you've been on global. I mean I think you've hit all the major Canadian networks at this point.
Speaker 1:Maybe yeah.
Speaker 4:Anyway, you've hit all the major canadian networks at this point, maybe. Yeah, anyway, I hope you guys have a great new year and give my love to all your lovely fur animals thank you so much, holly, awesome.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna answer a quick question and we'll go to sarah, who's waiting on twitter. Uh, laura 1978 to ask how did you come up with the name bernoulli? So it's a fun little, quick, little two-minute story. We didn't know what to name bernoulli. We wanted it to be him to have a b name and science related, and we were driving back on the long drive back home okay, that was.
Speaker 2:That was jason's three requirements. One we had to a male pick, a male puppy to his name had to start with B, to go with the Bunsen, beaker, uh theme. And then three it had to be scientific, which goes with the Bunsen and Beaker theme as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we were brainstorming science names all the way back. We had a good six hours to talk about it, um, and where the internet was the wife or the or the, you know, the cellular signal was strong. Chris was able to get a whole bunch of bee science words, and there was bismuth, there was boron, there was barium, there's becquerel, and then eventually, chris, there was burette, burette, and then eventually Chris said what about bernoulli?
Speaker 2:and and it wasn't like. So, like most of the lists that I went on had like the repeats, like how jason said that, like they were all that yeah, um, and then I went to a different one and I said how about bernoulli? And I knew it was a, I knew it was a go, because Jason's breath caught and he's like, and we knew, we knew that it was going to be Bernoulli, and he was going to be our new, and it was cool because lots of different reasons, because we like Bernoulli burner, bunsen, burner, we call him Bernie Bernie the burner and burner, uh, we call him bernie bernie the burner, um, but then also bernoulli um is a swiss mathematician, um, who talked about lift and the idea of flight, um, and how the air pressure and wind speed creates lift on the plane, uh, on the wing of the plane. And that's what our account is about. It's about uplifting content, bringing joy around the world. So it just, it just was perfect.
Speaker 1:All right, so hopefully that answers the question. Okay, we'll go to Sarah. Thanks for waiting, sarah.
Speaker 3:Of course. Hi friends, hello, hello, hello. So back in the day I had a neighbor who had a German Shepherd and a Husky and they had an oops litter and the lady over there was like, do you want a puppy? And I'm like, yeah, sure, I already had a pitbull, now I'm bringing in a puppy. I got him at seven and a half weeks. He's absolutely adorable. Then I got contacted by somebody who pulls dogs from the youth nation list, um, and I ended up getting her, my first female, named Loki. She, I think, is a husky. She's getting DNA tested because she has really short hair and the last thing you want is a German Shepherd husky, long hair that sheds everywhere, and then have another husky that sheds everywhere. But she's really sweet and this is her first week in her new house.
Speaker 3:But she's really sweet and this is her first week in her new house, aw, so I am trying to help dogs from getting killed in the shelter, aw that's wonderful of you. And so I'm really excited about it and I wanted to share it with you guys.
Speaker 1:That's a great share, thank you. So why the name Loki? Did it come with the Loki name? Are you a fan?
Speaker 3:No, because I'm a huge Marvel fan. I really wanted to name Odin when he was a puppy Loki. And my mom's like no, you can't do that. I'm like okay, okay, how about thor? Well, apparently this cop that lived next to them in san francisco had a police dog named thor that bit her brother, my uncle, oh, my goodness so he's like, no, you can't name him thor.
Speaker 3:I'm like, okay, I'll take that a step up. His father odin, and so I named him odin. And so I'm like, okay, I have to get a marvel style name I thought storm, so nickname stormy, um. But mom's like, no, no, no, you can't do that. You can't do that. I'm like, screw it. And she's like I researched loki can be whatever they want, male or female. I'm like, screw it, then we're to name her Loki.
Speaker 1:That's awesome.
Speaker 3:Marvel.
Speaker 1:There you go. Loki is a very cool Marvel character. I could go on and on about. I know right how cool a character Loki is and during the pandemic we all watched the Loki the Marvel show, right, chris? You remember that I think that was on during the pandemic and Adam would watch it with us. It was like a whole family thing. We would watch Loki and I think the Mandalorian was out then or one of the Mandalorian seasons, so that was a cool. You know. It was an awful time for the world, obviously. But one good thing from it is we got some family time watching Loki.
Speaker 2:And then during yeah, and then we went to comic con as the Loki variants.
Speaker 1:That was so fun.
Speaker 2:So fun, Jason went as the dad guy, as the like alligator one the alligator classic, classic classic Loki yeah.
Speaker 1:That was a little out of my comfort zone, cause I was wearing like bright yellow spandex for the entire day. Um, so yeah, anyways, and then go ahead.
Speaker 2:Keep going, chris oh well, and I, um, I went as the girl loki yeah and um you looked really adam yeah, adam was. Um. Well, duncan was president lo Loki and then Adam was.
Speaker 1:He was Loki from Avengers. He was the Avengers. Loki, yeah, like with the great big horns, and then I was carrying around Croco Loki or the alligator Loki from the TV show which people and then there was actual like crocodiles there. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And we got a picture with the actual crocodile. They were like, oh my God, you got to come to our table and uh, get a picture, as like, yeah, it was crazy yeah, we were really popular people nobody else had thought to do.
Speaker 1:Well, I guess you need to like coordinate it all and it was just a bit of 3d printing, like it wasn't hard to put that costume group together. Um, that was fun Because we could act like total a-holes, as Lokis, right, like Adam was really good. Adam and Duncan were really good as being kind of jerks to people when they wanted photos. Like we took photos with them and it was all in good fun. But they were playing the part of being Loki, like, I guess, peasant, and Adam kept trying to give his daggers to little children. It's like, hey, small child, child, do you want to hold my dagger? And they're like, yes, and the parents would like try and get their kids away from the scary this like weird loki guy. It was so fun.
Speaker 3:Um, oh, my god, that would have been so funny to go to.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, and and and our kids are very good at staying in character regardless of whatever uh cosplay they're going as. So, just on the nose, adam is very good.
Speaker 1:And he's quick.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're quick, like uh, and then they can just jump into the character and um, respond as the character. I am don't have that skill, but Jason has that skill.
Speaker 1:Well, it's easy when I'm Groot. I say I am Groot for like the entire day, like that's easy.
Speaker 2:But when you're the Mandalorian, it's amazing and everybody loves it because your voice throws with your voice thrower and they're all like how do you do that?
Speaker 1:I love being like.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna bring them in warm or I can bring them in cold, and it sounds exactly like Pedro Pascal. Yeah, exactly like Pedro. Is that Pedro Pascal under that Mandalorian costume?
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's super fun, super fun oh my gosh, aren't you guys all in love and stuff that's so cute?
Speaker 2:Yeah, jason's my best friend.
Speaker 1:we've been best friends since 1996 yeah, but anyways, it was a very cool share that you had, sarah I yeah, I really appreciate all that you do I would. I would do marvel spaces, but um I think not very many people would come I'm there if you do it cool, cool have a happy new year's.
Speaker 3:You guys try to stay warm, you bet. Thank you love your dogs and cat thank you, sarah.
Speaker 1:We lost half of our instagram viewers. Uh, they're like oh, we're not here for marvel talk, um. So we had a really nice comment from linda, so I'll just highlight that. Linda says your post post on grief helped us so much on christmas day when our 14 year old snails were passed away from cancer. Uh, yeah, I'm so sorry to hear that, linda. Um, we've been through pet grief and I wish maybe there was somebody like me to give advice for how I was feeling, because I didn't know how hard it would hurt to lose a pet, um, and I wasn't prepared for it. And it's totally okay to feel that way, cause they're a massive part of your life. Okay, well, thank you, yeah, so after Callan died.
Speaker 2:Um, I've never seen jason like how he was. Um, because callan was such a large part of our life and a large part of jason's winter um, where they would cross-country ski together and uh run together and just um do things together. And I actually was was spending more time with Callan because when she was a little puppy she ran away from me and we have a property that the dogs can run on, but she would didn't have very good recall.
Speaker 1:And so I was running.
Speaker 2:We were not great dog trainers, as our first dog no no, and so I was by myself and she ran behind the house and she ran behind the creek, in the creek, and then I had to run up and then there's barbed wire fence and I was like I can't catch her, she's not gonna lose this dog. It was traumatic, traumatic for me, um, and so with her recall it wasn't great. But then, uh, I had a best, my best friend Megan. She had Sophie and Athena. Sophie is a retriever and Athena's was a Husky and she's like come on to the dog park, it'll be fine. And I had my 30 foot long leash and she's like you're not using that. And then, no, callan stayed close because she was older probably and had better recall by then, and I was spending like lots of time with her as well. And then we lost her and I just it was a dark, stormy cloud that hovered over Jason for a very long time of grief.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and and the, if anybody listening, the biggest advice I can give with that is, when you're ready, as hard as it might seem, um, welcome another dog into your life. The, the love that you had for your lost pet, it can be poured into a new one, and that's where Bunsen came from. It's just, it's frustrating that dogs just don't live as long as we do. They're just awesome creatures, all right. So thank you so much for that really wonderful comment and, linda, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of your dog. Well, we don't have any more people requesting to speak. Hello, bernoulli, are you done with Bernoulli cam? He is done with Bernoulli cam, so he's going to be on Bernoulli wandering knocking the camera around. Okay, I think we can probably do our wrap-up. Hey, that was our whole. That's what.
Speaker 2:That was our whole show, hey well, maybe I'll try and find ginger, because somebody wanted to see ginger oh, okay, yeah, so chris and I are to do some brainstorming.
Speaker 1:Hi, you're so thirsty from eating. He's just panting right there you do, eating your chew and you're so thirsty from your chew? Hi, buddy, chris and I are going to do some brainstorming about some of the things we want to attempt the next year. You know, I had a big goal to increase our presence on meta and, um, I mean, it was more successful than I ever thought. Um, I would look at accounts with huge followings and be just like in awe, just like, how did you do that? I'm just so impressed.
Speaker 1:And anybody starting out if you're listening, it just takes practice. Like, the big thing on Instagram and Facebook is reels and I was terrible at short form video and it took tons of practice um months of practice to figure out the length and use audio and the right kind of clips and, and I guess, like when I was just, we were just on Twitter alone I got really good at writing and really good at posting video pictures, but not short form video. So, if you're just starting out, it's going to take practice and you just got to keep plugging away at it and you'll get better. Chris has ginger. There you go. Ginger has arrived, arrived. How did you find her?
Speaker 1:I went like this oh, and she came and she, she came. Yeah, she was downstairs yeah, she, she's downstairs when bernoulli's downstairs yeah, I wonder maybe she likes him.
Speaker 1:She does, she really likes. Maybe she likes him, she does, she really likes him. Yes, some other comments about grief coming up here, about planting a tree in memory of her cat, and then somebody followed her advice about a ginormous puppy. He's helping us heal. We love him so much. It's wonderful. And of course, people are so happy to see Ginger, hi, ginger, hi, ginger. But we can probably wrap up, hey.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that sounds great. So Is there a?
Speaker 1:prize? No, no prize today, but we could do a prize.
Speaker 2:Ok, we could do a prize.
Speaker 1:No, no prize today, but we could do a prize. Okay, we could do a prize the post is working right okay, we can send some stickers and stuff. Sure, we can send us some stickers. Let's do that, okay? If you're watching live, chris wants to do a prize drop a comment and we'll put you in the draw. And if you're listening on uh twitter, we know you're there because it's your little profiles there yeah.
Speaker 2:So when you, when you just say hey, I'm here, that's for the listeners on uh insta and uh meta.
Speaker 1:Yeah, because we can see you on x yeah, so say, drop a comment if you're watching live, say here or you know whatever, then we'll see how many people are there to do a random prize draw for some stickers. And I was mentioning you and I are going to do some brainstorming about some of the big things we'll tackle in 2025. But we're we don't know yet. This will continue, pet Chat will continue, but I always take a month off the Science Podcast, so there will be. The last episode for this year came out today and I take a year off from the Science Podcast in January.
Speaker 2:It just frees up a little bit. You don't take a year off, you take a month off. I take a year off from the science podcast in january.
Speaker 1:It just frees up a little year off. I take a month off. It uh lets me rest and recuperate and it frees me up to do some administration stuff and and like reflect, because podcasting is uh, every week I'm always, it's always in the back of my mind and um, having that month is really good for my mental health too and we can do a dream board of what we want to do all right, yeah, okay, a dream board.
Speaker 1:Hey, what is that? You, what is it? What is it? Where you like, you think of the thing and then it comes. It comes to, to fruition, what's that called?
Speaker 2:It's like all your mindset.
Speaker 1:No, it's Well.
Speaker 2:it is like if you go to work and you're like oh, I'm going to have a terrible day, you know what you will. With that mindset, you have to choose joy. You have to choose joy all the time, every time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I guess I did that with Instagram and Meta, like I had a goal and I worked towards it. I just called them goals.
Speaker 2:Goal setting. Yeah, goal setting.
Speaker 1:Manifest there we go. Juanta Stevens, that's the word I was looking for. It was you manifest. But Junita, oh, I'm sorry, sorry.
Speaker 2:It's.
Speaker 1:Juanita, I am keeping Bernoulli from eating things behind me, so I only have one eye on the board. I am sorry, I am sorry about that Manifesting yeah, there we go, all right, so we've got 50 things, 50 things, so random 50.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's 25 people here on.
Speaker 1:X. Yeah, there's 25 comments, 16. Okay, so somebody on people here on X. Yeah, there's 25 comments, we're into 16. Okay, so somebody on X wins the prize. We didn't get off 25. Two, six, 10, 14, 15. Tia Dundon 16. You said 16. Oh, 16? Yeah, sorry, 16. Tia Dundon, you win the prize. Congratulations, tia. So, tia, you are on Twitter Spaces, x Spaces, tia. Give us a DM and then we'll send you out some stickers, so congratulations.
Speaker 2:So you have to DM us your address.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and if you're not comfortable with that, that's okay. We can give you a coupon, a coupon code for the store or something. Get five bucks off something on their store.
Speaker 1:Yeah, congratulations I gave out stickers to people I work with and they love them I gave out stickers to the kids on the last day of school so I brought some of our stickers in and they were went bananas for stickers. They were putting them on their water bottles. And then kids at lunch were like, hey, do you got any little stickers? Like I don't even teach these kids. My goodness, that sounds terrible yeah, these kids were like coming hey, can you hook me up with some stickers?
Speaker 1:yeah, they're like. They're like, hey, do you have some of those stickers? I'm like, no, I only brought enough for my classes. And they're like. I wish I was in your class to get a sticker because they were putting them on their calculators and their water bottles and I'm gonna show this to my family at home, like they were went crazy for bunsen and beaker and bernoulli stickers. So yeah, anyways. Well, 2024 has come into an end. What a great year. Um, it had its ups and downs and we got Bernoulli, which was huge. Bunsen survived a surgery and let's just hope 2025 brings just as amazing stuff as 2024. Thank you everybody who's followed us and interacted with our content and maybe supported us by being part of the pop hack, our paid community, or got something from our store or subscribe to us. All those little things help One second.
Speaker 2:It's got a sneeze or something, but you probably can't hear me talk if he's on on mute I'm so sorry I had to sneeze.
Speaker 1:Uh, anything else you want to say, chris?
Speaker 2:well, I'm excited because 2025 brings our 25th wedding anniversary our, what our 25th?
Speaker 2:wedding anniversary. Yeah, oh yeah, we're to go somewhere special, I think. I think so. I think that would be wonderful and then just spending time with everybody here in our community. We love doing it. Jason, he started us off. He said, hey, I'd like to start a podcast. Can I start a podcast? I said, yeah, absolutely you can. And that led to running Twitter spaces and that led to multicasting and reaching out with our mandate of teaching science through a lens of empathy and cuteness. I always say you get them with the cuteness, with the dogs, and they stay for the science, which is amazing. But we really appreciate everybody who again interacts with our stuff, and we're expanding platforms on threads and on blue sky, so if you're there, you can follow us there and we just really appreciate everybody here and sharing our joys and our sorrows, and then we also love hearing about your joys and also your sorrows, because we are a community that shares together.
Speaker 1:And thank you. I did the math and across our social medias, we have a half a million followers, which is wow, it's amazing, unbelievable, um. So I think our, I think what we're doing is working and and let us know what you like. If you like some of our content that really, really works for you, let us know, um, and yeah, we're gonna keep working on it. We, we love what we do and we love sharing content, and when we get hits, that's great, and when we hear feedback, it's great too, and, especially for things you don't like, we do take constructive criticism, as long as it's constructive everybody likes text from Bunsen because the boy, they were like where's text from Bunsen when it wasn't there?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I forgot and another thing that we brought up back was the pup date. So on Monday morning we do the pup date, and that was something that we kind of veered away from but we've come back to. Yeah, it's good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's an that the pup date video is always about two minutes and it's beyond the algorithm and it does well, even though it's anti-algorithm, on all the platforms. So, yeah, um, have a happy new year everybody. Uh. Paw pack community I think we're meeting sunday for our yeah, so we'll see the any paw pack listeners we'll. We'll see you guys on sunday for our intimate live show. Um, but for everybody else, uh, happy new year and thank you so much for watching and supporting us and if you want to join the paw pack, you absolutely can.
Speaker 2:Um, if you go to the link in bio uh to our website, that's the best place to to find where you can join us yeah, there's a link on our website to join the paw pack.
Speaker 1:Okay, take care everybody. Have a happy new year happy new year I need like new year's music. You know, did I? Did I ever load that on my? I'm gonna go do I have? I've got birthday music. What is new year's music? Like old? What is it called? What is it?
Speaker 2:it's called old a u l d sign it means.
Speaker 5:Like you know, I don't know what it means sorry, old lang sign s-a-n-g isn't it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's what it is, the new year's anthem.
Speaker 2:Well, this one's by mariah carey oh, if you play that, you are going to get it.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, oh yeah, mariah carey does not play, that's right. She copyright strikes everybody, so I'm not gonna play mariah carey. Okay, take care everybody how's bernoulli?
Speaker 2:um, he is exhausted from his chew well, and then also today with his brain games that train the brain games, the train well, yeah, we were, oh, and we went to canadian tire today, um, and we were able to bring dogs in, so bernoulli came in with us and love canadian um, love canadian tire and we actually ran into a couple who were like can we see your dog?
Speaker 2:and bernoulli was like yes, of course you can see me, um, and they want to get a Bernese mountain dog, but they're going to get a house first and they were wondering about his breeder. And then I suggested going to the dog show as well, because there's lots of dog breeders there and they're not looking to get a dog until the fall. We should have said get them in the summer, man, because then you can take them out to pee and it's not freezing and they get the hang of a bathroom. Um, but if they have a house and then a fenced yard, it's a little bit easier, I think, um, but for us, we we don't have a fenced yard, so we don't just let them run. Um, especially because there's moose out there, there's moose on the loose that could be like oh, hello, I'm, I'm here eating your dogwood that you planted, thank you, thank you for planting that dogwood, thank you for getting all that dogwood from the federal government shelter belt program so that we feed the moose.
Speaker 1:Oh whoops, I killed Chris's tab. Sorry, chris, okay, goodbye everybody. Oh whoops, I killed chris's tab. Sorry, chris, okay, goodbye everybody.
Speaker 2:Chris, you'll have to talk, can you talk? Hi, hi, I'm so sorry I was closing windows and I just killed your tab I know, and I was in the middle of talking it's like, oh, I guess I didn't mean here's your coat, what's?
Speaker 1:your hurry? I didn't mean to. Here's your coat. What's your hurry? I didn't mean to. I was closing tabs and I accidentally closed the tab the stream yard tab.
Speaker 2:I know, all of a sudden it's like everybody's gone. I'm like, oh, I'm just hanging out by myself in here, but I was talking about the moose and then, yeah, so for us we had to take. We still do. But it works really well with Bernoulli because he goes to the bathroom very, very quickly, because that's how we've trained him it's awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like you get better training dogs. It seems like the more dogs you have. So we just need one more dog and then that dog will be even better trained Maybe.
Speaker 2:Like a Newfie. Oh no, no, that will not be happening.
Speaker 1:We wouldn't have enough room in this house. Bernoulli is going to be a giant.
Speaker 2:Can you imagine doing Advent with Bunsen, beaker, bernoulli and then a new fee Not going to happen?
Speaker 1:I press the button. Okay, take care everybody. Have a happy new year. Okay, you's go. That was a good show. The slideshow was awesome. I like that. Sorry, I closed your tab. I was just closing tabs on my computer and then the mouse sometimes is a little jumpy and it jumps to the other X. I've done that before. On like important things what do you want for supper? Whatever you want.