The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
Tracking Series 02 – Tracking and Human Wellness
In this second episode of my tracking series I delve more specifically into the ways that tracking contributes to human wellness. I talk about humans’ evolutionary roots within the cradle of the natural world and how this existence predisposes our bodies, minds, and spirits for more natural ways of being. I make the bold statement that it is my belief that tracking, and wildlife tracking specifically, is the most effective activity for reconnecting with the natural world and garnering the health and wellness benefits of such a reconnection. I qualify this statement with some reviews of academic theories such as “attention restoration theory”, the Bar-On model of “emotional-social intelligence”, and the introspective self-analysis that come from inner-tracking, with its resulting life inventory that often causes sometimes painful but necessary life upheavals. I weave a few personal tracking stories into the mix for an episode that is sure to offer some insight into the healing power of tracking.
Metaphyscial Tracking: The Oldest Ecopsychology by: David Kowalewski
Thinking in animal signs: Tracking as a biosemiotics exercise, ecopsychological practice, and a transpersonal path by: Jorge Conesa-Sevilla