The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
This podcast explores outdoor skills and the healing power of the natural world through the eyes of individuals who interact with it, including bushcrafters, naturalists, wildlife trackers, hunters and fishermen, homesteaders, bird enthusiasts, herbalists, indigenous people, academic researchers and more. This podcast is for anyone who has an appreciation for the outdoors, the skills necessary to live and travel in it comfortably and safely, and the ways that the natural world can benefit people who are looking to reconnect with nature, community, and themselves.
The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast
W&W Short #1: Introduction-The Sacred Order of Nature
Ron Waline
In this Wilderness and Wellness “Short”, I introduce the inaugural episode for a new format that I plan to start releasing and delve into a passage from Eckhart Tolle's "Oneness With All Life". Based on Eckhart's teachings in this passage I discuss the way that the thinking mind perceives organic natural spaces as chaos, whereas the quiet mind of "being" perceives a sacred order. I offer commentary on the importance of the "being mind" while in nature to develop a participatory relationship with other living beings and garner the personal and planetary health and wellness benefits that will ensue.