Lady Wave
Lady Wave is for everyone out there making waves for women's rights and equality. We welcome all races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender. We believe the only way to create real change is through conversation and action. And it's ok to have some laughs along the way!
Lady Wave
Getting to know Supreme Court Nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.
Lady Wave
Season 2
Episode 2
Traveling during COVID, first encounters with Trump parades, dealing with friends and family with different political views, Facebook tirades and hovering over the delete button...That's just the intro! This week's Lady Wave is all over the map. We question whether or not we can support women in power positions when we don’t align with their core beliefs. Specifically, we question all things Amy Coney Barrett. Between her politics and her faith, are we regressing hard earned freedoms to the days of yesteryear if she takes a seat as a Supreme Court Justice? There is a lot to unpack, but we are here for it. #Ladywave