Lady Wave
Lady Wave is for everyone out there making waves for women's rights and equality. We welcome all races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender. We believe the only way to create real change is through conversation and action. And it's ok to have some laughs along the way!
Lady Wave
Self Care
Lady Wave
Season 2
Episode 4
So maybe 2020 wasn't our year and perhaps 2021 won't be either, BUT that won't stop us from promoting self care. Now more than ever we need to ditch the notion that self care is a luxury and make it a priority. On this episode we cover the different categories of self care and what we are personally doing to meet those needs. Plus our heat wave is an angel on earth sharing her wealth to help make medical strides so we can kick this pandemic in the ass. And we also give another nod to our favest of fave waves, a non profit that has not only been helping women's bodies but also their minds and spirit. We are all about spreading the love and support #ladywave!