Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
BB260: This Profitability Tactic can also Transform a Community featuring Kelly E Andrew
This Profitability Tactic can also Transform a Community
featuring Kelly E Andrew
It can be painful for a small business owner to decide to pivot out of their business when so much of their identity is tied up in that role. In this episode, Kelly Andrew shares her path from owning a small business to VP of Strategic Partnerships for a non-profit organization, and how "The Inbound Pipeline to Success" served as a pandemic playbook to allow Acts Housing to continue to serve the community using digital tactics.
#1 Bestselling Business Author, Kelly E Andrew, Answers:
- All these years later, what is the #1 insight from your chapter, and why?
- What is the #1 research stat that is still important for business owners to know, and why?
- What are you most interested in these days?
Want more?
Kelly's Special Invitation for You:
You can learn more in Kelly's chapter in "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner - Volume 2". Here's the link to our #1 Bestselling Book series: https://getbook.at/brilliantbizbookseries
* Kelly Authored in Volume 2
Listen to Kelly's previous episodes:
BB59, BB67, BB79, BB87, BB96
***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook
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