Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
Brilliant Breakthroughs Business Podcast
BB263: INTEGRATION is more important than ever with the emerging Metaverse featuring Dr. Dennis Hill
Application and systems INTEGRATION is more important than ever with the emerging Metaverse
featuring Dr. Dennis Hill
In Dr. Dennis Hill's last episode of our podcast, you can hear him share his insights regarding the Metaverse and what we need to pay close attention to and what to let work out over time.
While Dennis retired in 2021 from building companies, teams, and products around integration principles, he spends much of his time assisting businesses and organizations the world over as an advisor, board director, and speaker, especially advocating the need for data privacy of personal information and improved security for digital systems.
#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dr. Dennis Hill, Answers:
- After a couple of years, what is the #1 insight from either one of your chapters, and why?
- What is the #1 quote that's still important for Business Owners to know and why?
- What interests you the most these days? AKA: Insight into the future?
Dennis' Special Invitation For You:
Dennis' latest guide, "Integrating Solutions in the Metaverse", is available at IntegrateForGrowth.com - it's sure to open your eyes to the promises and challenges of this emerging new world.
Link to all the "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner" Books in the Series (Volumes 1- 5): https://getbook.at/brilliantbizbookseries
*Dennis wrote a chapter in Vols. 4 & 5
Listen to Dennis' Previous Episodes:
Productivity Focus: BB155, BB164, BB172, BB179, BB191
Profitability Focus: BB203, BB212, BB220, BB236, BB244, BB253
***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook
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