Books Are My People
Find your next great read. Book recommendations, book news and guests, including top authors and other book enthusiasts who discuss what’s happening in the world of books with a focus on frontlist and backlist fiction including literary fiction, suspense, historical, memoir and nonfiction.
Books Are My People
Changing Legislation through Books with Garrard Conley
On episode #122, author Garrard Conley (Boy Erased) speaks with me about his latest novel, All The World Beside. We talk about the research involved in writing historical fiction, how he helped change legislature, and some scandalous letters he discovered while conducting research. ,
Books Recommended:
All the World Beside by Garrard Conley
The Son of Man by Jean-Baptiste del Amo
The Morningside by Tea Obrecht
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Other Books Mentioned:
Anamalia by Jean-Baptiste del Amo
Ramona Ausebel, author of The Last Animal, recommends Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino
Garrard Conley's Links:
Instagram @gayrodcon
Twitter @gayrodcon
podcast : History Unerased
Giveaway for Amy Lin’s Here After closes on 3/27/24
Open to U.S. mailing addreses only.
My Read With Me series on Substack begins in May. We Will be reading The Book of Ayn by Lexi Freiman
March 27th at 9 am PT Free Book Cover Art Along and Book Discussion. You must be registered here to attend.
April 2: Substack Paying Subscriber Discussion on The Expatriates by Janice Y.K. Lee and the TV series, The Expats time: TBD
Hugo awards Article
Tournament of Books
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I hope you all have a wonderfully bookish week!