Pussy Church
Welcome to 'Pussy Church' - the ultimate guide to unlocking your full sexual potential!
Join erotica writer Lara as she spins new tales of sexual exploration with leading experts, in her all-new series. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of cultivating deep, intimate connections with insights like unlocking the secrets of lasting love and channeling your inner dominatrix.
New episodes every Sunday, go to @talesoflara on Instagram to keep up-to-date
Pussy Church
The Celibacy Trap
Happy Sunday, and welcome back to Pussy Church!
Get ready for my first solo episode. We’re talking about the celibacy trend—why more and more women are saying no to sex, and whether that’s really the way to reclaim our power. From #Boysober to Korea’s 4B movement, celibacy is being framed as a feminist protest. But is it actually a revolution, or just another kind of trap?
Let’s get into it.
Check out Tales of Lara’s latest Substack article here