Kart Class

How to Avoid Accidents

Kart Class
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00:00 | 07:22

With more than 30 drivers on a race track that is less than one kilometer long, no matter how much we prepare there will always be a tussle or two in the opening corners. Sadly it may be the end of your race if you are directly caught up in this.


It’s super important to be looking as far ahead as you can to see what is happening. If you’re starting in the mid-pack, look towards the front row. If there’s a skirmish there, it gives you time to take evasive action. Are karts starting to spin or lose control? Anticipate in which direction these karts are going and drive the opposite way.


Too many drivers focus on the front of their kart, not 2-3 rows in front. So when an accident occurs in front of them, they don’t have enough time to process where to go, and they drive straight into the incident.


Despite looking easy after it has been broken down for you in this article, the conditions on track are far different. There you will find only a few seconds to make such a crucial decision. These reflexes are what makes drivers almost superhuman and is something that can be trained and practiced.


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