Casement's Leftovers
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Casement's Leftovers
The Good NATO (w/ CATU)
On reclaiming the history of the 1970s rent strikes
We were delighted to be joined by Fiadh Tubridy & Aisling Hedderman from CATU to discuss the latest CATU publication Rent Strike, which tells the untold story of one of the great Irish tenants' struggles. We discuss the details of NATO (National Association of Tenants Organisations) and the success of the rent strikes themselves, but also we try to apply the learnings to the modern day: what can we learn from the rent strikers of the 70s? What's different now? And what's the most disgusting but legal thing you are allowed to throw at the Gardaí?
This was a really insightful and enjoyable conversation about housing and organising but also about community, history and connection. Hope you enjoy x
Buy Rent Strike at Connolly Books
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