SELF Care 101

S4 EP 12 Your Next Level Of Success

Puja K McClymont Season 4 Episode 12

This one isn't for the faint-hearted. It's bold and unapologetically direct. 

Coming up to the end of 2022. What an intense couple of years we’ve had. How has it been for you? Are you stronger or weaker? Are you more resilient? Have your ambitions changed? Have your values changed? What will you do in 2023?

If you want your life to be different, you have to build resilience. You have to build self-belief. You have to remain focussed on your mission and most importantly, you have to be accountable. Without any of these, you will become a victim to the turmoil of our current world.

It starts with you making the choice to do it differently. It starts with you committing to yourself for the greater good.

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