Departed in Pennsyltucky
Andrea Dudeck is a native of Pennsylvania who takes a deep dive on all true crime events happening in the keystone state. True crime talk without the valley girl squawk.
Departed in Pennsyltucky
Playing both Sides: The Case of Jennifer Snyder
Jennifer Snyder was an avid animal lover and dedicated veterinary assistant. She was overjoyed when she and her longtime boyfriend were expecting their first child together. When she failed to show up to her first ultrasound appointment, everyone was determined to find her. Where was Jennifer Snyder, and who was responsible for her disappearance?
They say, you can tell a lot about a person and how one treats animals, even Gandhi was quoted as saying the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated, being passionate about animals. Isn't just limited to domesticated ones, such as dogs and cats. It's caring enough to make sure your bird feeders are filled or putting peanuts out for the squirrels that visit your yard. These indeed are true tale, tale signs of a true animal lover. When an animal lover seeks out a partner, it's no surprise. We look for someone who loves animals as much as us, usually both people's mutual love for animals will usually overlap with other interests. And after all one's relationship with animals is a good prediction in determining one's ability to love. So it was no surprise that Jennifer Snyder a 27 year old veterinary technician fell for David Adam. Rapaport the head veterinarian where they both worked. Typically veterinarians possess empathy, sympathy, and compassion. For those who cannot speak for themselves, all characteristics we look for in a mate, but sometimes the outside appearance of good is massed by evil. And it's usually done by someone close to us, a person we least likely would suspect the devil who disguises themselves is charming, but secretly lives a double life using many along the way and plotting evil for a long time undetected. You're listening to departed in Penn, Kentucky, episode three, playing both sides. The case of Jennifer Snyder, 27 year old Jennifer Snyder was described by family and friends as intelligent kind, loving giving. And most of all, a very peaceful person. Jennifer's mother Patricia describes Jennifer as somewhat of an animal whisperer and her main purpose in life was caring and saving animals, especially ones that had very little time left Jennifer's passion crossed over to her career where she went to school, became a full-time veterinary technician, her life revolved around the veterinary practice she worked at and the animals she saved, including her dog, Arthur and her horse Margie. And when she wasn't riding or taking care of Margie, she loved showing other horses and competed with them as well. So when Jennifer failed to check in with her roommate and close friend, Hillary Shavan, it was no surprise that Hillary became alarmed. Not only were Hillary and Jennifer roommates, they were close friends and coworkers, both working as veterinary technicians at maple hill veterinary hospital in Mckenjie Pennsylvania for the past few months or so they shared the two bedroom apartment that was adjacent to the building that housed the animal hospital. Since the girls were close, it was not unusual for both girls to check in with each other on their days off. The Dayton question was Wednesday, March 16th, 2011. It was Jennifer's day off. And she had left the apartment around 11:00 AM to go to lunch with her boyfriend, David, Adam Rapaport. Jennifer had been looking forward to this day for quite some time. She and David were expecting their first child together. And the following day, March 18th, 2011, the couple planned to attend Jennifer's first ultrasound appointment together. Then afterwards David was gonna spend the night at Jennifer and Hillary's apartment. Initially Justine Jennifer's sister was to go to her appointment with her, but Jennifer said David was gonna come. So there was no need for Justine to attend to celebrate. David had planned a special surprise for Jennifer, somewhat of a Ron Nevo. He told her throughout the day, Hillary continually texted and called Jennifer to see where she was. And if she was okay, Jennifer had never responded. And that struck Hillary as odd, Jennifer was known to be extremely responsible and courteous. Hillary always got a response. When Hillary reached out to Jennifer, even Arthur Jennifer's dog had been acting anxious, pacing back and forth all day, waiting for her to come back a self-described warrior. Hillary had a funny feeling, something wasn't right with Jennifer and her whereabouts the following morning, Thursday, March 17th at 8:00 AM a scheduled ultrasound appointment for Jennifer came and went. There were no calls to the office to cancel or reschedule. It was simply a nohow, completely odd for someone like Jennifer who had been very excited about her first pregnancy. She had dreamed about becoming a mother since she was a little girl and missing a crucial appointment regarding this new and exciting chapter was outta character for her that same day. About an hour after Jennifer's missed ultrasound appointment employees at a local dental practice noticed an abandoned vehicle that was parked suspiciously in the back of their parking lot. The dental office was located at 4,100 independent strive located in north white hall township, Pennsylvania. The employee reported the abandoned vehicle to the local police department. And within a few minutes after the call was made, local police arrived on the scene to check out the abandoned vehicle. As police walked around the car, they noticed the rear passenger window was smashed, but yet there was no shattered glass on the ground by the car wanting to know who the rightful owner of the car was. They ran the license plate. The vehicle came back registered to Jennifer Snyder. The same Jennifer whose roommate was concerned about her. Whereabouts the same Jennifer who missed her first ultrasound appointment, where was Jennifer Snyder and who was responsible for her disappearance with Jennifer's name and address in hand, police made their way over to Jennifer's apartment located on Cresler road in upper McKenzie township. When state troopers knocked on the door, they were greeted by Hillary Jennifer's roommate. One of the first questions they asked Hillary was if she considered Jennifer missing and Hillary responded, yes in her interview with Pennsylvania state troopers. Hillary explained that the day prior Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 was Jennifer's day off. And she was going out to lunch with her boyfriend of three years. David, Adam Rapaport. And he was gonna come back to their apartment and spend the night with her as explain earlier, David was the head veterinarian at maple Hills veterinary hospital. The same vet practice that Jennifer and Hillary both worked at as veterinary technicians. David's been described as quiet and somewhat introverted, but still very well liked by the clients of the practice. Long time child, childhood friends of David described him as the kind of kid who walked the line of the law and would never do anything to embarrass his family. His classmates at Penn veterinary school, where he graduated from in 2008, described him as quiet and serious and not wrapped up in the school's social scene. Jennifer and David were first introduced to each other. When Jennifer worked with David at the veterinary practice, David was one of the attending veterinarians at the time. And Jennifer often worked side by side with David as his veterinary assistant, after working together late one night, a kiss between the two started their romance. Jennifer described David to her family as someone who had a similar passion regarding animals, he was witty and charming and he often would leave her love notes and her lunch bag or on her phone. Sometimes he would leave daily affirmations of love that would make Jennifer smile. Initially, Jennifer was not looking for an office romance, but eventually David's wi charm won her over. Jennifer was head over heels in love with David and gave him her all. But there was one catch. David was married with the location of Jennifer's apartment being next to the building that housed the veterinary practice. It became convenient for Jennifer and David to carry on their affair. After spending intimate time together, David would then make the 50 minute drive back to his home that he shared with his wife, Elizabeth, who at the time was a seventh grade teacher at east Northington middle school in Norristown, Pennsylvania, over the course of their relationship. Jennifer's mother, Patricia and sister Justine stated that David made false promises to Jennifer regarding if and when he was going to leave Elizabeth, his wife of six years, according to Jennifer, David had told her he was leaving Elizabeth, but her mental health issues held up the separation as the years went on, both Patricia and Justine became increasingly concerned that the relationship wasn't as positive as Jennifer made it out to be both Patricia and Justine felt that David was using Jennifer. And eventually he would go back to his wife, Elizabeth, but Jennifer assured them that she was mentally strong and was able to handle the relationship she had with David. Jennifer stuck it out with David because in her heart, she would never be responsible for breaking up a marriage unless there was some sort of promise from David to prove his loyalty to Jennifer. David attended a family wedding with her back in 2009, it was a relative of Jennifer's and according to Jennifer's family and other people who had attended the wedding, David seemed happy to be there and acted if he did not have a wife at home. But David charade was slowly unraveling, nearly two years into their relationship. Elizabeth had suspected David was having an affair when she confronted him about it. David had assured Elizabeth that he had ended their relationship with Jennifer, but she began to have doubts on October 14th, 2009. One of Elizabeth's friends had tipped her off that they had seen David and Jennifer together at the marital home. As Elizabeth was driving into their development. She spotted David leaving their neighborhood with another woman in his minivan about two in the morning and followed them. Elizabeth was enraged that David had lied about ending his relationship with Jennifer Elizabeth finally caught up with them less than a mile away in the parking lot of a we supermarket near Landsdale, Pennsylvania, Elizabeth got out of her car, walked up to the van and hit David several times. She then grabbed Jennifer by the arm and both fell to the blacktop. As a result of the assault. Elizabeth was charged with harassment. Eventually Elizabeth pled guilty later that month in district court. After that incident, David and Elizabeth spent some time apart, but eventually got back together after they both agreed to work on their six year marriage, Elizabeth herself was very open to friends and family about the marital difficulties, citing reasons of knowing each other since they were children and supporting David while he attended veterinary school, the couple decided to give it another try. They even went as far as planning a party to celebrate their new beginning. But even though David had promised Elizabeth that the affair with Jennifer was over, he never stopped having an affair with her. And as a result, he began to make false promises of the future to Jennifer. He even went to go as far as to predict how many children he and Jennifer would have together. It was these promises that Jennifer took signs of David. Finally leaving Elizabeth to start a new life with her because of this. Jennifer started to share their relationship on social media and updated their relationship status on Facebook to quote in a relationship. Some of the people close to Jennifer, including her mother, Patricia and sister Justine were stunned to see that she would make this announcement, but Jennifer's family and friends also took this as a move that David was finally going to divorce Elizabeth and eventually end up with her during the last year of their affair and for reasons that are still unknown. David left his position at maple Hills veterinary hospital and began working at Harleysville veterinary hospital, which was closer to his home in upper Gwen wood, Pennsylvania, shortly after David's departure from maple Hills veterinary hospital, Jennifer found out she was about eight weeks pregnant. When David found out about the pregnancy, he flipped out and insisted that Jennifer should have an abortion, which she flat out refused for about a week. He ignored Jennifer's messages. Then about a week later, David contacted Jennifer and said he had a change of heart and was excited about the pregnancy. David told Jennifer he wanted to work it out with her and he was gonna get his own place so that they could live together with the new baby. On the morning of March 16th, 2011, David sent a text message to Jennifer stating they should go to lunch together. And that he was planning a secret Renez VU and had a surprise for her. Afterwards. David was to spend the night at her apartment because of their argument about the pregnancy. Jennifer was looking forward to spending time with David and thought the surprise could have been something like an actual engagement ring. As Hillary's interview went on with the state troopers. She actually got a text message from Jennifer saying she was staying over with her mother, not David as originally planned the text message read Dr. has to work tonight. So I'm going to my mom's. Thanks. Hi, shortly after getting that text from Jennifer, Hillary got another text message. This text message was from David Rapaport himself asking, will you ask Jen to call me later? I don't think her cell is on or working Hillary message back. I will do that. When did you last talk to her? There was nothing else from David. According to Hillary, David had texted Jennifer once he was on the Pennsylvania turnpike, the route he took when he worked at maple Hills veterinary hospital. But other than that, Hillary told state troopers during David and Jennifer's entire three year relationship. He had never texted Hillary before and she felt it was odd that he texted her. After talking with Hillary police returned to the parking lot behind the dental office to officially search Jennifer's car upon inspecting the interior of the car. Police were shocked to discover a great amount of blood in the passenger seat, brain tissue and a skull fragment in the vehicle. The entire car smelled like bleach and two nine millimeter bullet casings were found on the back seat. Later that day after their interview with Hillary authorities went to David and Elizabeth's home in upper Gwen would PA and spoke to the couple. Initially David told police he hadn't had any recent contact with Jennifer later on in the interview. David admitted he had a relationship with Jennifer, but didn't want his wife Elizabeth to know during the investigation at his home police asked for David's permission to search his car. And he consented while a state trooper was with David at the rear of his 2005 Toyota Solera. They asked him where the gun was. David then pointed to the trunk while David was being questioned about the contents of his car. He asked detectives to ask his wife Elizabeth, to leave. While David opened the trunk of the car, a detective asked Elizabeth to leave, but she told him she wanted to see what was inside the trunk. When police searched the trunk, they found a black gun case with the Glock model, 17 nine millimeter handgun inside at the time of the discovery of the handgun. David voluntarily handed over the nine millimeter bullets also in the car where baby wipes would smeared blood on the lid of the box. Police asked him if there was anything in his car, belonging to Jennifer and David said, he didn't know. David told police, he bought the wipes at target, and then he forgot to use them to clean the dashboard of his car in David's car. Police also found a backpack which contained a roll of duct tape with what appeared to be blood on it. Police immediately returned all the items to the car till they could get an actual search warrant. Detectives asked David to continue the interview at the state police barracks that David ended the interview by asking for his lawyer with the information from Hillary interviews, with David himself and the evidence from Jennifer's abandoned car authorities officially declared Jennifer missing on the evening of March 17th, 2011, immediately local state police began to ask for the public's help and finding Jennifer and stated she may be endangered on Friday, March 18th, 2011. Police used helicopters to search the area surrounding Jennifer's car at 9:45 AM a trooper in the helicopter spotted a large black object on the ground. The object was located in a wooded Meine and the Drexler nature preserve in north white hall township, Pennsylvania. It turned out it was Jennifer's body. Her body was wrapped in a Philadelphia Eagles fleece blanket soaked in bleach. She was then wrapped in black garbage bags, secured with duct tape near her body was shattered glass consistent with her rear passenger's car window being shattered also found on the ground was one nine millimeter bullet casing on Saturday, March 20th, 2011. Just one day after finding Jennifer's body, an autopsy was performed on Jennifer Jennifer's autopsy showed she died of multiple gunshot wounds and her death was ruled. A homicide. Jennifer had been shot three times. Two wounds showed that the gun was put directly in her mouth. When the trigger was pulled, the third wound showed she was shot in the middle of her back with the bullet exiting through her abdomen. Sadly, the autopsy showed she was two months pregnant with a boy later that afternoon, after Jennifer's autopsy was complete. Police obtained a search warrant on David's car, inside his car. They found Jennifer's cell phone underneath the passenger seat, as well as a box of black garbage bags, consistent with what was wrapped around her body. Ballistic tests showed that the nine millimeter handgun and bullets recovered from David's car proved to be the murder weapon and bullets used to kill Jennifer. When police reviewed video surveillance tapes, they learned Jennifer's vehicle was parked behind the dental office at 1:19 PM on Wednesday. And they saw a man fitting David's description. Get out of the driver's side of the car. The man then walked to a nearby dumpster and placed some items inside before running from the area. When police went to the dumpster in person, they found an empty bottle of bleach with blood on it, a bleach soaked towel and a plastic bag with documents from Jennifer's OB GYN with the help of David's credit card records and surveillance video from target that was located in north Wales. Pennsylvania police said that on Wednesday, March 16th, 2011, the morning of Jennifer's murder. David had visited target at purchase bleach, baby wipes, duct tape, and a towel on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011, six days after cowardly murdering Jennifer and her unborn son, David was arrested outside his parents' idyllic home located in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. He was held without bail and was charged with the homicide of Jennifer Snyder and the homicide of her unborn son, former colleagues and classmates of David's were shocked to learn of his involvement in the brutal murder of Jennifer neighbors and the upper Gwen wood neighborhood, where he and Elizabeth resided said David was seen walking the couple's beagles throughout the neighborhood, but rarely said more than hello. Fellow colleagues who worked with David described him as very nice and easy to work with. At the end of the day, he seemed like an obedient husband who went home to his wife, Elizabeth each day. Not at any time, did anyone get a bad vibe from him? David was also serious about his roots and Judaism, and he was remembered as a quiet sweet guy by other people at his synagogue on a trip to Israel members of his synagogue. Remember the trip as being extremely emotional and David showed concern about everyone's wellbeing on the trip on December 8th, 2011 after months of delays, and six months after Elizabeth Rappaport filed for divorce. David Rapaport pled guilty to two counts of first degree murder in the deaths of Jennifer and their unborn son. In addition to pleading guilty, David also agreed to waive all of his appeal rights. His guilty plea allowed him to avoid the death penalty. His attorney stated that the guilty plea was in David's best interest after months of research and consultation with various experts on the case, in their case against David prosecutors claim that David was livid that Jennifer was pregnant with his child and immediately began to plot Jennifer's murder at least a month before the event actually took place a month prior, David had purchased a brand new Glock nine millimeter handgun. The morning of Lisa's murder. David went to a shooting range near his home and practiced with his new Glock nine millimeter pistol. He purchased earlier that month. He also bought bleach and a towel and baby wipes at a local target store. He then texted Jennifer and told her he wanted to spend the day with her and had a special surprise for her. After they had lunch. David drove Jennifer and her car to Drexler game preserve a county owned park that is home to hikers, mountain bikers, hunters, and fisherman given the day of the week, time of the day and time of the year, the road and area that the game preserve is on is less traveled, which made it the perfect place for David to murder Jennifer and dump her body in a ravine all the while going unnoticed, unknown to prosecutors and everyone else is how David was able to put a pistol in Jennifer's mouth and succeeded in shooting her twice in the mouth. If that wasn't enough, he shot her a third time through the middle of her back. The autopsy showed that Jennifer was eight to 12 weeks pregnant with a boy. She planned on naming Ethan DNA testing proved that David was the father of Jennifer's unborn son. After David was done killing Jennifer, he removed her body from her car, wrapped her body in a bleach soaked Philadelphia Eagles, fleece blanket, and dumped her body along game preserve road in north white hall township, Pennsylvania police said David then drove to the independent drive location and left Jennifer's car parked in the rear of the dental office parking lot. He then tossed a bottle of bleach and her OB GYN paperwork in a dumpster located in the rear of the building, near her car in the same parking lot. He then made the 50 minute trip back to his marital home that he shared with his wife, Elizabeth, an upper Gwen would Pennsylvania and carried on as normal. When police went to his home to question him about Jennifer and her whereabouts, he initially denied having any contact with her. But when he was confronted with what detectives knew from talking with Jennifer's roommate, Hillary, he admitted he denied having contact with her because he was hiding the affair from his wife. Elizabeth. When Patricia Jennifer's mother was able to address David in court, she outed him as a spineless human and a murderer who had destroyed her life. She ended her statement by letting the court and judge know that her wounds may never heal. Jennifer's godmother. Paula Siller called David a coward and Hillary Jennifer's former roommate said she never believed David's lies. And she hated how Jennifer led him into her life. Before his sentencing, David apologized to Jennifer's family, as well as his wife, David said he would regret killing Jennifer for the rest of his life. David then told the court, he wasn't the cold hearted, emotional creep who committed such an act of madness describing himself as hardworking, compassionate, and smart. He told the court, he was willing to pay for his crime unimpressed. With David's words. The judge stated that David met every definition of malice and said his actions were cruel and inhumane. He was sentenced to two terms of life in prison. One life sentence for Jennifer and one life sentence for their unborn son, both sentences are with no chance of parole. Although Jennifer's family were relieved that David took responsibility and accountability for the death of Jennifer and her unborn son, Jennifer's family and friends were still visibly shaken with anger and pain at David's sentencing. If one were to take a good hard look at David Rapaport's life, we would say he appeared. He wanted to make his family happy by relying heavily on his faith, exceeding the expectations of him by being a successful veterinarian and marrying a certain person such as Elizabeth. Having an unsuccessful marriage that resulted in divorce would have been a big disappointment to his family. So David took the cowardly way out. He played both his wife, Elizabeth and Jennifer David took advantage of Jennifer's openness and vulnerability. And most of all, he took advantage of her open heart and willingness to love Jennifer's apartment adjacent to the veterinary practice was the cherry on top for David. He was able to conveniently have an illicit affair without having any immediate suspicion from his wife, Elizabeth, if it wasn't Jennifer, it would be someone else. Jennifer was simply upon in David Rapaport's evil game in December, 2012, David Rapaport filed a post-conviction relief appeal on his own. And a hearing was held July 30th, 2013. After which Lehigh county judge Steinberg denied David's request to appeal his conviction. David then appealed that decision to the state superior court, arguing he did not give a verbal on the record waiver of his appeal rights in an opinion written by judge Steinberg. He stated that David Rappaport's only claimed to appeal his case was that he did not give the verbal waiver. David Rapaport completed the written form, waving his rights and was asked on the record by judge Steinberg. If he reviewed the form, understood it. And if he had any questions about it, according to the court transcript, David Rapaport said he reviewed the waiver. Understood it. It did not have any questions about it. David Rapaport said he reviewed the waiver, understood it and did not have any questions about it. The court agreed with judge Steinberg's opinion and denied David Rapaport's appeal. The court felt throughout the proceedings. It was evident to David that he would be spending the rest of his life in jail without further review by any court. David Rapaport is currently serving his two life sentences at Hanoi state prison in Chu hill, county, Pennsylvania. This concludes this week's episode and thank you so much for tuning in and listening and remember to tune in next week for more true crime talk without the valley girl squa.