Spartan History Podcast

022. Raising Spartans

Steven Season 1 Episode 22

Hello again dear listeners, this month we're back with episode 22, Raising Spartans.

The treatment of Spartan children by their society has often been sensationalised by modern depiction, but these conceptions started in the ancient world where the Sparta of peoples imaginations, the mirage, was the predominant view point.

This episode takes an in depth look at how children of both sexes were raised in Sparta's state sponsored and compulsory education system. From the cradle these children were set apart from those of other city-states, raised to become the most fierce warriors and the most capable mother's of warriors the ancient Greek world knew.

I'll set their upbringing not only against that of their Athenian rivals but also take a look at the prevailing external views of the time to see what other Greeks made of this unique civilisation that took root along the banks of the Eurotas river.

A warning of sorts, this episode deals with topics that may be unsavoury to people, pederasty, misogyny and child abuse are all covered with little regard for sensibilities. History must be viewed warts and all lest we commit the same mistakes as the ancients.

I hope you all enjoy what is one of my favourite episodes to date. Take good care.

*No article this week but I have updated some photos on the website.