Full-Time Black Woman
Join Aleese Real and Esha Belle as they create a safe space for professional black women and entrepreneurs. Aleese and Esha will have your back from coffee to wine while teaching you how to play your power perfectly. Check them out on Facebook and Instagram @fulltimeblackwoman or on Twitter @FTBlackWoman. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe! They see you because they are you.
Full-Time Black Woman
183: How Project 2025 Could Affect Black Women, Pt.2
In this episode, we explore Project 2025 and how it could affect us FTBWs. If you are not aware, Project 2025 is a comprehensive conservative initiative, which aims to reshape federal government policies and structures in alignment with conservative values. The potential impact on Black women—one of the most marginalized and historically underrepresented groups—could be profound across multiple areas of life.
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