The Metro Classic Japanese Podcast
The Metro-classic Japanese is your perfect guide to learning about Japanese culture. Kyota Ko, the writer of the blog "The Metro-classic Japanese" explains Japan and Japanese culture from perspectives of history, geography, food, art, business, politics, philosophy and entertainment, always with a dab of humor. | Blog: https://www.metro-classic-japanese.net | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metroclassicjapanese/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themetroclassic/
The Metro Classic Japanese Podcast
Average stay: 12 years. Hidden secrets of employee retention & job security of Japanese businesses
Kyota Ko
Episode 20
Job retention in Japan is second highest in the world - employees stay at an organization for an average of 12 years. Employees just almost never get fired or laid off. Show host Kyota Ko explains the 400-year old reason behind the peculiar business culture.
More discussion on this topic in his blog The Metro-classic Japanese. https://www.metro-classic-japanese.net