The Metro Classic Japanese Podcast
The Metro-classic Japanese is your perfect guide to learning about Japanese culture. Kyota Ko, the writer of the blog "The Metro-classic Japanese" explains Japan and Japanese culture from perspectives of history, geography, food, art, business, politics, philosophy and entertainment, always with a dab of humor. | Blog: https://www.metro-classic-japanese.net | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/metroclassicjapanese/ | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themetroclassic/
The Metro Classic Japanese Podcast
How the world's most populated city, Tokyo, got itself to the top
Kyota Ko
Episode 23
Metro-Tokyo houses the world's biggest population at 37 million people, having gone through rapid growth at an unprecedented pace since the 17th century. As strange as it sounds, the driver of its population growth was in "disastrous losses."
Show host Kyota Ko explains the secrets behind Tokyo's immense success as a megacity.
Check out The Metro-classic Japanese Blog and Instagram for more fun content on Japanese culture.