The Next Trip - An Aviation and Travel Podcast
The Next Trip is a weekly, internationally acclaimed podcast with aviation insiders Doug and Drew, who together bring more than 40 years of industry experience as a professional pilot and a hub operations manager at a major airline. Join them, and their frequent guests, as they create a network for other AvGeeks and travel enthusiasts to obsess about all things aviation. Doug and Drew discuss today’s aviation news, share personal operational stories, regale listeners with trip reviews, and engage in friendly AvGeek banter. All thoughts and opinions are their own. Visit us at www.nexttripnetwork.com
The Next Trip - An Aviation and Travel Podcast
Boarding Pass 253: KC10 Extender Farewell
Doug has an emotional send off to the last KC10 in service. We remember the KC10 and its predecessor, the DC10, with stories about our most memorable flights. Doug also talks about his trip to NYC, cough, Newark, and Drew recaps his Winter Kickoff meeting and short(er) field landings on the Cessna 172. We also discuss: Southwest Airlines operational changes.. Hurricane Helene and how airlines are affected. Safety advances in aviation