Grant County Extension Connection

Episode 3: Dr. Steve Beck, NMSU 4-H Department Head

Jessica Swapp, Dr. Steve Beck Season 1 Episode 3
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00:00 | 15:06

Dr. Steve Beck visits with me during the 2019 4-H Agent In-Service about his background in 4-H as well as what he does in the 4-H program. We visit about his role in the NM 4-H Youth Development program and what the benefits of the 4-H program are to the youth and their families in New Mexico. We talk about 4-H Agent In-Service as well as Dr. Beck's goals and vision for the NM 4-H Program.

Hooky with Sloane by Bird Creek
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by FreeMusic109