Trauma ICU Rounds
Medical education podcast dedicated to providing high-quality, concise, and clinically relevant multimedia content spanning the spectrum of surgical critical care, emergency general & trauma surgery
Trauma ICU Rounds
Episode 31 - Who Should Manage Vascular Trauma?
Season 2
Who should be primarily responsible for managing vascular injuries? Trauma surgery? Vascular surgery? BOTH?! In this episode, we join the teams from the highly successful Behind the Knife and Audible Bleeding Podcasts to discuss the importance of a collaborative approach to the management of vascular trauma in an era marked by a decrease in general surgery resident experience with operative vascular trauma cases, together with an increase in the number of programs offering an integrated vascular surgery residency. Drs. Tanya Zakrison and Matt Martin (Team Trauma) debate Drs. Benjamin Starnes and Wesley Ohman (Team Vascular) on a topic that has brought about some "heated" exchanges on social media platforms such as Twitter.