Thank You Heartbreak with Chelsea Leigh Trescott
When it comes to heartbreak, most people fear it. But not Chelsea, who believes in feeling and appreciating it all. On this podcast, Breakup Coach Chelsea Leigh Trescott explores the upside of heartbreak, shedding light on how breaking points are our greatest opportunity to become meaningful, relatable human beings who are stronger in love, life, and character.
Thank You Heartbreak with Chelsea Leigh Trescott
257: The Wonder Mindset with Monica Parker
Thought leader and author of The Power of Wonder: The Extraordinary Emotion That Will Change the Way You Live, Learn, and Lead Monica Parker shines a spotlight on the magical yet little-understood human emotion that is wonder, making a case for how cultivating openness, curiosity, and absorption in the midst of everyday setbacks, disappointments, and heartbreaks can help us breathe, believe, and breakupward.
Monica Parker:
Website: https://www.monica-parker.com
The Book: https://www.monica-parker.com/the-book
The Power of Wonder via Amazon
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicacparker
Twitter: https://twitter.com/monicacparker
Chelsea Leigh Trescott:
Website: https://breakupward.com
Email: chelsea@breakupward.com
Advice Column: https://www.huffpost.com
Writing: https://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-leigh-trescott
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thankyouheartbreak
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/musings